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IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

Some here think that Iran owes it to them to show them all aspects about these strikes! Iran does not owe you anything. Iran has shown everything it needs to and the fact that they actually did show the drone footage of point of impact is good enough to shut up the Israeli media's claim that most of the missiles fell in the desert. Even if Iran was to show the bodies of dead daesh members as some here have demanded I'm sure the enemies of Iran will not hesitate to call them "innocent Sunni children". The bottom line is that this strike was not a message for some geeks on a defence forum, it was aimed at the U.S,Israel, Saudi Arabia and so far their silence has been deafening!
At least one Qiam was launched too.

Almost certainly 4 Zolfaghars and 2 Qiams were fired.

Without steerable RV, the Qiam has a CEP of 500-250m and is only useful against area targets. However with a cluster warhead a smaller area e.g of troop concentration could be engaged, more so if two are launched against the same target,

The Zolfaghar as said should be capabel of <50m with jam-proof INS-only guidance and could get a 20-10m precision with GLONASS/GPS assistance. From the video it looks like the latter was used.

It looks to me that this was a genuine operation, not just a PR stunt. With the displayed precision they could have targeted a large structure like a large warehouse, it would have resulted in a more direct looking hit.
They could also shoot 2-4 missiles simultaneously at the same target to demonstrate destructiveness and ensure a full hit.

The two hits shown leave room for speculation about the accuracy and effectiveness. Hence the whole operation looks like they knew the accuracy and kill area of their missiles, otherwise there are much better targets and ways of usage to demonstrate pure PR-effective firepower. Even possible that the impact of a mach 3 projectile and its over-pressure area ensure the death of humans for the max. possible CEP.
we don't hate Arabs, but we do hate Wahhabi takfirism. any human being should.[/QUOTE]
Amazing ! read the comment section. It is Zios that need diapers. even when the drone is flying on top of the target, zooming in before the strike, they say the missile missed their target.
Top Daesh Commander Killed in Iran’s Missile Attack (+Videos)

News ID: 1440893 Service: Defense
June, 19, 2017 - 15:21

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A high-ranking Daesh commander was among the terrorists killed in Deir ez-Zor after Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched missiles at the Takfiri group’s headquarters in the eastern Syrian city.

According to local reports, missiles fired from Iran’s soil at Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) command centers in Deir ez-Zor killed the deputy ringleader of the Takfiri terrorist group late on Sunday.

Identified as Sa’ad al-Husseini, better known by the nom de guerre Abu Sa’ad, the Daesh commander was a Saudi national, the reports added.

Last night, six missiles were fired from the IRGC aerospace force’s bases in Iran’s western provinces of Kermanshah and Kurdistan.

The missile raid was in retaliation for a recent terrorist attack in Tehran claimed by Daesh.

Videos of the missiles being launched from Iran’s western province of Kermanshah show the roaring projectiles until the moment of impact.

During the operation codenamed ‘Laylat al-Qadr’, the IRGC fired six missiles, including Zolfaqar, a mid-range high-precision ballistic missile, at various targets in Deir ez-Zor within a range of 650 to 700

Any final head count on the side of ISIS and names of the ISIS leaders that were killed?

Interesting! Since IRCG strikes are not to the advantage of World order, major news outlets are hush about them. I just came across a bullshit story that the Saudi now have captured Elite Iranian forces off their coast .

They can not beat sandal wearing Hooties but they managed to capture IRCG.
Conflicting reports seem to be popping up on the amount if missiles that hit their intended target.

If I'm not mistaken, doesn't the drone footage show different strikes? Not just one from different angles?

(I know it's an Israeli source but just keep an open mind).
Conflicting reports seem to be popping up on the amount if missiles that hit their intended target.

If I'm not mistaken, doesn't the drone footage show different strikes? Not just one from different angles?

(I know it's an Israeli source but just keep an open mind).
Israelis are really scared of the attacks ... Regime publishing false news to ease the pain a little !

Not surprised ... Expected !
Syria is bleeding badly.May Allah have mercy on its people.

Do not waste your time replying to the trolls. The message was loud and clear
Syria is bleeding badly.May Allah have mercy on its people.
Syria is bleeding badly.May Allah have mercy on its people.
Syria is bleeding badly.May Allah have mercy on its people.

we don't hate Arabs, but we do hate Wahhabi takfirism. any human being should.
Amazing ! read the comment section. It is Zios that need diapers. even when the drone is flying on top of the target, zooming in before the strike, they say the missile missed their target.[/QUOTE]

I said 10 pages back before the video of the strikes appeared that Fake News was going to be spread.

The fact that MSM has been silent speaks volume. Avoid responding to these childish remarks in this thread. Let them state their ridiculous comments. You have to F..king blind to say that there was not a precision strike .

BTW,I think there were only three missiles fired and not six. IRCG is f..king with their heads by misleading them .
Some here think that Iran owes it to them to show them all aspects about these strikes! Iran does not owe you anything. Iran has shown everything it needs to and the fact that they actually did show the drone footage of point of impact is good enough to shut up the Israeli media's claim that most of the missiles fell in the desert. Even if Iran was to show the bodies of dead daesh members as some here have demanded I'm sure the enemies of Iran will not hesitate to call them "innocent Sunni children". The bottom line is that this strike was not a message for some geeks on a defence forum, it was aimed at the U.S,Israel, Saudi Arabia and so far their silence has been deafening!
It's not about "owing" anyone anything. IRI's display of power should be followed up by display of technological advancement. The point IRI is trying to make is "if you kill Iranians there is price to be paid", but let's put that price in daylight so everyone can see. IRI is derided daily for making bogus claims about their technical advancements and this strike could have been a proof that in fact advancements are being made.

BTW, I read on this thread that some people are suggesting that Israeli newspapers/sources claiming the missiles missed their target is psychological warfare and Israel wants to make its enemies look weak. But wouldn't it be more beneficial to claim the opposite?! This way there will be more calls in Israel to spend more on defense.
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What this strike shows is that Iran will bust down all U.S. and toady bases in the region, if it came down to it.

Launching only 6 missiles achieved this feat.........lol

It's only a matter of time before the Russo-Iranian axis steam rolls the hapless remnants of ISIS and other rapidly dwindling hillbilly paid mercenaries. Same story in the Donbas, Georgia/ Abkhazia, Chechnya, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.

The resistance noose is tightening in Syria.

In this picture released on June 19, 2017, a missile is seen after being fired from western Iran against the Daesh terrorist group in eastern Syria. (Photo by IRIB)

At least 65 Daesh terrorists, including several high-ranking intelligence commanders, were killed in Iran's recent missile attack against the Takfiri group’s targets in eastern Syria, according to a statement by Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

Four Daesh positions were struck in the missile attack, according to the statement sent to PressTV on Tuesday.

The IRGC fired six medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles into Daesh bases in Syria’s Dayr al-Zawr on Sunday in retaliation for twin terrorist attacks in the Iranian capital Tehran, which killed 17 people and injured over 50 others.

A Daesh weapons and munitions cache in northern Dayr al-Zawr was "precisely struck and completely annihilated," the statement said, adding that several tanks, military vehicles and suicide cars and a huge number of long-range missiles were destroyed. It added that six Daesh Takfiris were killed and 10 injured in the attack.

Meanwhile, a Daesh command and operation center in the eastern Syrian city of al-Muhassan was also targeted, which the IRGC described as "one of the key and crucial Daesh centers in the region." In the missile strike, more than 15 Kazakh, Saudi and Afghan terrorists were killed, including senior Saudi Daesh commander, Sa’ad al-Qosaibi, the statement said.


In a strike on a Daesh gathering center in the city of al-Mayadin, east of Dayr al-Zawr, 27 terrorists were killed, including three Libyans, and a number of others injured.

Some 17 terrorists were killed and a number of others severely injured in an attack on a military hospital in al-Mayadin. The casualties included Tunisians, Iraqi and Chinese nationals.

Earlier reports said on Tuesday that six Libyan Daesh commanders were killed in the IRGC attack on al-Mayadin; two of whom have been identified as Abu Asim al-Libyai and Abdel Kader al-frani, better known as Abu Harith.

On June 7, gunmen mounted almost simultaneous assaults on Iran’s Parliament and the Mausoleum of the late Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini. The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group claimed responsibility for the assaults.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said on Tuesday the IRGC’s missile strike on Daesh was just a small part of the Islamic Republic’s reaction to the “indiscriminate” attacks by the terror group on the Iranian soil.

“Iran’s defense doctrine is based on the principle of active and effective deterrence and responds to any possible regional and trans-regional threats in the strongest way,” Dehqan said.

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri on Monday hailed the Islamic Republic’s great missile capabilities, saying Iran is currently among the major missile powers in the world.

“In many areas, including underground, marine, air, space and intelligence and…technologies, we are competing with the arrogant system,” Baqeri said.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also on Monday defended the country’s right to develop it missile program, saying it is aimed at uprooting terrorism and extremism.

Zarif said, “Iran’s missile capability protects its citizens in lawful self-defense.”


In this picture released on June 19, 2017, a missile is seen after being fired from western Iran against the Daesh terrorist group in eastern Syria. (Photo by IRIB)

At least 65 Daesh terrorists, including several high-ranking intelligence commanders, were killed in Iran's recent missile attack against the Takfiri group’s targets in eastern Syria, according to a statement by Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

Four Daesh positions were struck in the missile attack, according to the statement sent to PressTV on Tuesday.

The IRGC fired six medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles into Daesh bases in Syria’s Dayr al-Zawr on Sunday in retaliation for twin terrorist attacks in the Iranian capital Tehran, which killed 17 people and injured over 50 others.

A Daesh weapons and munitions cache in northern Dayr al-Zawr was "precisely struck and completely annihilated," the statement said, adding that several tanks, military vehicles and suicide cars and a huge number of long-range missiles were destroyed. It added that six Daesh Takfiris were killed and 10 injured in the attack.

Meanwhile, a Daesh command and operation center in the eastern Syrian city of al-Muhassan was also targeted, which the IRGC described as "one of the key and crucial Daesh centers in the region." In the missile strike, more than 15 Kazakh, Saudi and Afghan terrorists were killed, including senior Saudi Daesh commander, Sa’ad al-Qosaibi, the statement said.

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In a strike on a Daesh gathering center in the city of al-Mayadin, east of Dayr al-Zawr, 27 terrorists were killed, including three Libyans, and a number of others injured.

Some 17 terrorists were killed and a number of others severely injured in an attack on a military hospital in al-Mayadin. The casualties included Tunisians, Iraqi and Chinese nationals.

Earlier reports said on Tuesday that six Libyan Daesh commanders were killed in the IRGC attack on al-Mayadin; two of whom have been identified as Abu Asim al-Libyai and Abdel Kader al-frani, better known as Abu Harith.

On June 7, gunmen mounted almost simultaneous assaults on Iran’s Parliament and the Mausoleum of the late Founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini. The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group claimed responsibility for the assaults.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said on Tuesday the IRGC’s missile strike on Daesh was just a small part of the Islamic Republic’s reaction to the “indiscriminate” attacks by the terror group on the Iranian soil.

“Iran’s defense doctrine is based on the principle of active and effective deterrence and responds to any possible regional and trans-regional threats in the strongest way,” Dehqan said.

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri on Monday hailed the Islamic Republic’s great missile capabilities, saying Iran is currently among the major missile powers in the world.

“In many areas, including underground, marine, air, space and intelligence and…technologies, we are competing with the arrogant system,” Baqeri said.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also on Monday defended the country’s right to develop it missile program, saying it is aimed at uprooting terrorism and extremism.

Zarif said, “Iran’s missile capability protects its citizens in lawful self-defense.”


Can we assume that there was a follow up by IRGC ground forces in the area or any allied troops on the ground? Those numbers are very accurate and precise ( saying 3 Libyans got killed is specific).
Can we assume that there was a follow up by IRGC ground forces in the area or any allied troops on the ground? Those numbers are very accurate and precise ( saying 3 Libyans got killed is specific).
When Iran arrested Abdolmalek Rigi back in 2010 released surveillance footage of him showed him in American basis in Afghanistan .. no wonder if Iran intelligent services have agents on the ground in Dayr al-Zawr for before and after strike intelligence ..
Is thier any group thats conducting analysis from a neutral points of view. I'd like to see satellite photos of the strike points, and post damage assessment.
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