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Indian Navy lieutenant's wife 'forced into wife-swapping parties'

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I saw this story (can't really call it news) at least 24 hours back. Like you, I was expecting a certain PDF member to pounce on it and post it on PDF. I wonder why he didn't.

Anyway, a similar allegation was made by a woman in the naval base at Kochi recently, and was found to be baseless upon investigation. So let us wait for further news on this one, before casting aspersions on the navy or its officers. (By "us", I mean Indians. For neighbours, it is a golden opportunity to vent their frustrations against India and its armed forces, and it would be unfair to deny them the pleasure. It would also be too much to ask them to wait for the investigation to be completed, for evidence to turn up or to assume innocent until proven guilty and so on. Why should they curb their glee for such sordid things like evidence or confirmation?)
Well its hard to prove when all minus one person are complicit. Not proved does not equal to not happened. There are limitations in investigation.
If true, a sad reflection of discipline in the indian armed forces - what happened to "brothers in arms" and that a fellow soldiers women folk were off limits.

This is being taken advantage of - by "others" - about that have no doubt, an angry spouse - or officer can be a gold mine - for collection of information.
Babu Khan from Ranchi gets emotional at this debauchery :pop:

Babu Khan (Ranchi)
4 hrs ago
ye hamaray desh k jawan hain, aao Pak hamary g mar lo!

You have been quite persistent on this thread, quite a stamina you got to spend all day on this thread.

I can only tell which one is the dude because of the beard.
Mate : they dont want to wait for that.... because they may not be able to troll if the prob says nothing happened like that... so let them have a day on PDF :)

The mental masturbation is sure eye catching but lacks stuff
Adalit shares an eye opener true story from 1959, there is a culture of Hedonism in Indian Navy . Thats why I love such stories they bring all the dirty linen in front of the world :pop:

Adalit Speaks (NCR)
1 hr ago
There seems something seriously wrong with the Indian Navy. The wife swiping reported from Trivandram will revive the memories of Nanawati-Sylvia-Prem Ahuja trial and consequent tragedy in April 1959. Kawas Manekshaw Nanawati was a Navy Commander of Southern Command stationed at Bombay. He was required to go on duty out of Bombay for long periods. During his absence, his friend Prem Bhagwandas Ahuja fell in love with Nanawati's British wife Sylvia. When Sylvia confessed her extra marital affairs to her husband, Nanawati took arms from the Navy arsenal and went to Ahuja's home. He wanted to know from Ahuja whether he would marry Sylvia. Prem's reply was of characteristically that of a womanizer. “Do I marry all the women I sleep with?” The Navy Commander instantly shot dead Ahuja in his own home. The killer was a Parsi and victim, a Sindhi. Both the influential communities stood firmly to defend their community honour and prestige. The case was tried by Bombay High Court, on a reference by the Sessions Court. A green horn of legal fraternity Ram Jethmalani then represented Ahuja and succeeded in conviction of the Navy Commander for 10 years imprisonment. An extremely handsome and charming Nanawati was seen in the public as a poor husband betrayed by his unfaithful wife Sylvia. Hundreds of women and college girls would send letters with impassioned pleas for marriage to him. They would also throw at him currency notes embossed with lipstick marks to the accused at the time of his entry or exit of the court. As a consequence of the case, Jury trial was abolished by the Government. Films were made and books written on this episode.

Sri Lanka should be careful to hide their embarrassment Indian Navy might shoot some fishing boats :pop:
Well If this news has some weight then it is a serious very serious Issue. Because this has defamed Navy and high order of Discipline. The youngsters who have dream to be a Sailor in IN, will think twice to join this Noble duty. Plus such kinds of acts show that our sailors are easy going people and can also be honey trapped if their mentality towards a woman is such. Not a very good development.
Ah! These Navy guys! Sexy fellas, what? :kiss3:

Seriously, this sucks! However, the truth will come out only after a court of inquiry. Let's not jump to conclusions. These are allegation by just one lady who has accused all and sundry. So let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill just because the story seems sexy enough to raise some people's libidos...

Sensationalism at its best.

Generosity and pleasure over morality and discipline!
Right! Like this?


Tianya, a popular Internet forum, revealed that the man above was Gu Jixiang, a lieutenant colonel in the People’s Liberation Army, and the woman, a 38-year-old named Zhang Lixia, was a third grade teacher at a primary school. Both were married, but not to each other.

The lieutenant colonel was killed by carbon monoxide gas while committing adultery with the married woman in a car!! Damn! That sucks! Blame a leak in the car air conditioning! :undecided: :omghaha:

So, you're spot on. Like you mentioned, 'unbelievable! Generosity and pleasure over morality and discipline'! Happens in Han Land too! Lots of it. :P
Right! Like this?


Tianya, a popular Internet forum, revealed that the man above was Gu Jixiang, a lieutenant colonel in the People’s Liberation Army, and the woman, a 38-year-old named Zhang Lixia, was a third grade teacher at a primary school. Both were married, but not to each other.

The lieutenant colonel was killed by carbon monoxide gas while committing adultery with the married woman in a car!! Damn! That sucks! Blame a leak in the car air conditioning! :undecided: :omghaha:

So, you're spot on. Like you mentioned, 'unbelievable! Generosity and pleasure over morality and discipline'! Happens in Han Land too! Lots of it. :P

you are involving group sex and selling their wives to satisfy a group of men, indiscriminately. I guess you people are so down towards a level you dont know the difference!

That case happened in China was a triangular affair which is more common around the world and there should be a lot more of these (triangular) cases in india!
Sh!t happens - and happens everywhere - just move on folks.

A few certain members are acting like village idiots.
Ah! These Navy guys! Sexy fellas, what? :kiss3:

Seriously, this sucks! However, the truth will come out only after a court of inquiry. Let's not jump to conclusions. These are allegation by just one lady who has accused all and sundry. So let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill just because the story seems sexy enough to raise some people's libidos...

Sensationalism at its best.

an indian woman is normally not immoral & corrupt in terms of sexual activities and husband-wife relationship , so the question arises here is why would a lady who is educated & a wife of an indian naval officer accuses her own very husband of deliberately making her please other naval guys sexually ... ?? :meeting:

as such i'm taking her alleged accusations to be true as charged (or atleast it seems to be factually true considering the past trend in the indian military) ... :coffee:
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