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Indian Navy lieutenant's wife 'forced into wife-swapping parties'

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Mar 30, 2010
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Up to eight officers, including a commodore, and their wives have been accused and are now under police investigation.

According to the woman, her husband had taken her to a number of naval social functions where he had forced her to have sex with his fellow officers. She alleges that some of the officers and their wives had also put pressure on her and later tried to stop her complaining to police.

The Indian Navy has denied her claims but the investigation is the latest in a series of scandals to embarrass its senior officers. In 2005, three commanders were sacked for leaking defence procurement secrets from its war room and a commodore involved in a £1.5 billion deal to buy a Russian aircraft carrier was sacked in 2011 after pictures of him in bed with a suspected 'honeytrap' were sent to Indian defence headquarters.

In this latest controversy, the lieutenant's wife complained to both the police and the Naval Chief of Staff that her husband and senior officers had sexually abused her. She said the pressure to have sex with fellow officers began after her husband and his family started to harass her to pay them more money in dowry.

Navy spokesman Commander P.V.S Satish denied the allegations and said they were unfair. The victim had been involved in a series of domestic rows with her husband and had later extended her allegations to a number of officers and their wives who had simply sought to mediate between them, he alleged. :lol:

"We function as a community in the armed forces. There was some interaction and attempts to mediate the domestic discord. Unfortunately the individual has gone ahead and implicated everybody who has tried to mediate between her and husband, not only the men but all the ladies. Wife swapping is a bit of an extrapolation."

Indian Navy lieutenant's wife 'forced into wife-swapping parties' - Telegraph
I think this happened in cochin......Idiots are there everywhere (even in navy).......
This is a very serious breach of discipline if true...a Lieutenant involved in an act like this, it could also be a major PR disaster...doesn't give out the impression of a disciplined force.
This is the other incident mentioned in the article, one wonders how stupid was he to let some one take pictures of him in such a compromising state.
The Indian Navy has denied her claims but the investigation is the latest in a series of scandals to embarrass its senior officers. In 2005, three commanders were sacked for leaking defence procurement secrets from its war room and a commodore involved in a £1.5 billion deal to buy a Russian aircraft carrier was sacked in 2011 after pictures of him in bed with a suspected 'honeytrap' were sent to Indian defence headquarters.

Her story sounds a bit too fishy for me. Either she gets convicted for perjury or they get convicted for rape. Wait for the investigation to be completed
Domestic issues turn ugly. At this stage a rather incredible allegation by one person, under investigation. If found guilty they will be punished.

Armed forces people are humans too. Remember the Samia Sarwar case, where the army officer was sacked but Samia's murderers were never punished. This is a law and order issue, nothing to do with armed forces.
Domestic issues turn ugly. At this stage a rather incredible allegation by one person, under investigation. If found guilty they will be punished.

I saw this news in the morning and was wondering how long it will take to reach PDF.... I had a fair idea who the OP going to be... but i was wrong in that guess....

I saw a news report (i dont have the link) which sounded like a domestic issue.... we never know till the probe is over.... but what ever said n done.... This is a very sad thing to happen if it is true....
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