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Indian Navy lieutenant's wife 'forced into wife-swapping parties'

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Mate : they dont want to wait for that.... because they may not be able to troll if the prob says nothing happened like that... so let them have a day on PDF :)
well if int. media is reporting it then it really has happened.
Hard to say because such brazen things don't happen

Rapes or gang rapes - happen. But officers don't request their counterparts at elaborate functions to bang their wives. You know, kinda taboo.

If some guy is gonna degrade his wifes honour in public like that, I wouldn't mind him being stoned

trust me these things do happen everywhere including pak, but its not brought out in the open because, like you said, this is taboo and brings shame
That is disgusting!! ergghhh!!!
trust me these things do happen everywhere including pak, but its not brought out in the open because, like you said, this is taboo and brings shame

Such a thing has never happened in Pakistan

It's not in our ethos to do such things - especially not in military where such a behaviour would turn you into an outcast and probably win you a court martial for conduct unbecoming
is this is professional navy or some kotha bazaar?
trust me these things do happen everywhere including pak, but its not brought out in the open because, like you said, this is taboo and brings shame

Looks like you have seen our army inside out...?
This news, i am afraid is true. My cousin, officer in Navy, refused to take his newly married wife(love marriage) to Cochin, saying life is not good out there.
But when he got transferred to Vizag, he took her along with him. I think Cochin have become very spoilt. Time to clean up the mess and maintain the discipline.
Of course not. That was for some relative perspective. Hope it worked.

I didn't think it worked as you still didn't show me any proof or a article or anything to show that such unprofessional and immoral stuff goes on in Pak army.
I didn't think it worked as you still didn't show me any proof or a article or anything to show that such unprofessional and immoral stuff goes on in Pak army.
Ahem!!! Yahya Khan? .. so lets not get into professionalism and morality of pak army!
if pat on the back means jail, then yes.
by the way it doesnt work like that in pak. if a women is raped in pak, 4 muslim men need to be witness, otherwise the women gets stoned to death for adultry. thats why 99.9% rapes in pakistan are not reported

99.9 percent of the rapes in pakistan unreported?
says who? lol

every case in india reported right? wrong
most of them are not reported even then you have one case every 20 minutes.
well , It's allegations and investigation is necessary .

False Sexual harassment allegations from Wives on husband are very common in India if married life not working out or it's in crises.
I didn't think it worked as you still didn't show me any proof or a article or anything to show that such unprofessional and immoral stuff goes on in Pak army.

Unprofessional and immoral conduct in the entire Pakistani Army? Would you like an alphabetized list? :lol:

Let's narrow the talk down to the Navy. The Indian Navy, despite all allegations, has never faced a successful attack on its installations or destruction of assets running into millions. That is what professionalism is, not what some random navy wife alleges.
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