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Indian ethnic cleansing of Bengali speaking Muslims

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No Indian welcomes illegal BD immigrants. These illegal immigrants obtain ration cards (a sign of citizenship) from corrupt politician, which in turn serves their personal and political purpose.

But yes. Fault lies with us as well.
By definition of the word 'Citizen', an Indian citizen cannot be regarded as BD illegal resident. First check into the legality of attributing the word 'Illegal' to your own citizens. Because that citizen is a Muslim, you cannot disown your own citizen. Please refrain from calling them BD citizens only because they speak Bangla.

India is not Dubai, rather the living conditions are worse there than it is in BD. So, do not say BD people are rushing to India to live a life of a Maharaja. Don't you see you have the worst living conditions in the whole world? This is all because of your caste system. Get rid of that, you will have a better standard of living, just like BD.
By definition of the word 'Citizen', an Indian citizen cannot be regarded as BD illegal resident. First check into the legality of attributing the word 'Illegal' to your own citizens. Because that citizen is a Muslim, you cannot disown your own citizen. Please refrain from calling them BD citizens only because they speak Bangla.

India is not Dubai, rather the living conditions are worse there than it is in BD. So, do not say BD people are rushing to India to live a life of a Maharaja. Don't you see you have the worst living conditions in the whole world? This is all because of your caste system. Get rid of that, you will have a better standard of living, just like BD.

Actually, the per capita income and HDI of India is higher than Bangladesh, but its nothing to brag about. Although its ironic how millions of your people are willing to risk death to enter India, and here you are pointing fingers at our poverty. Your defensiveness only makes you look helpless, envious and frustrated.

India's economy is growing, there's no denying it, no matter how much you hate it, we have jobs, there's money to be made. And where there's money, there's an economic migrant.

There are a lot of illegal Bangladeshis in India, pointing at our poverty doesn't change anything, this is a well known fact.

India is not responsible for your citizens. Not only are they in the country illegally, India doesn't have the resources to feed your people. illegal immigrants will be deported, then what you do with them is your problem.
India's economy is growing, there's no denying it, no matter how much you hate it, we have jobs, there's money to be made. And where there's money, there's an economic migrant.

DO you think Bangladesh economoy was standing still?? Such ignorant indians....First india to be economic migration destination there has to be markedly different economic benefit for Bangladeshis or anyone else for that matter. By indians own admission india can not feed its own 500 million people being a economic honey pot is light years away. Bangladeshis goes ME and Malaysia for economic migration. If they can not go to ME or Malaysia Bangladesh is far better place than competing with 500 million ultra poor in india. This is as simple as that.

But this thread is not about india as "hell" migration destination but about indian ethnic cleansing.
Ethnic cleansing by India's nationalists

Special to The Japan Times

MADRAS, India -- A homicide is the murder of an individual. A genocide is the murder of an ethnicity. The purpose of a genocide is beyond doubt: cleansing society of what the powers that be consider undesirable. History's most famous -- or infamous -- purge was carried out in Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler sent 6 million Jews to the
gas chamber in the evil hope of ridding his nation of an "inferior race." He believed in Aryan supremacy.

There have been many other brutal attempts at annihilation. In the closing years of the 1800s, Armenians carried out mass killings in
eastern Turkey. This was followed by a tit-for-tat attempt at wiping out Armenians in Ottoman Turkey around 1915.

Cambodian dictator Pol Pot butchered nearly 2 million people between 1975 and 1979. The victims were thought to be ideologically "incompatible" (read: intellectuals) with the savage regime.

Ethnic cleansing can take many forms. We know what happened in former Yugoslavia, and are fully aware of what has been going on in Tibet, where a crude method to alter the demographic ratio continues. Earlier, China's notorious relocation of the learned -- "banishment" to a life of rural hardship -- during Mao Zedong's terrifying Cultural Revolution has been well documented.

But there are some cases of ethnic washing that are either not known or undertaken in a seemingly oblique manner. In India, there is understandable concern over the treatment of its 140 million Muslims, the largest number in one country after Indonesia. There has been -- under the present Hindu nationalistic Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP - - a systematic, but subtle kind of cleansing. The worst sufferers have been Muslims followed by Christians.

Besides the Australian Christian missionary and his two very young sons who were torched alive in the eastern Indian state of Orissa some years ago, there have been cases of nuns being assaulted, even raped, and churches being desecrated.

Muslims have had to face far greater wrath. The historic Bhabri Mosque was pulled down, stone by stone, by a fanatical Hindu mob in 1992. The carnage early last year in the western Indian state of Gujarat, where nearly 1,000 Muslims were killed and their property destroyed by Hindu rioters in a campaign clearly led by the state administration headed by the BJP, will remain as a terrible blot on
India's image.

In other incidents that have been both overt and covert, important Hindu leaders belonging to quasipolitical organizations such as the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS (the BJP owes its origins to this body), and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad have been "commanding" India's Muslims to either fall into line with the wishes of the majority Hindu community or get out.

The BJP has also been guilty of trying to erase history and, in the process, reducing eminent, world class writers -- such as D.D. Kosambi, Romila Thapar and Irfan Habib -- to leftwing ideologues. Their work is not only recognized by leading European historians, but has also enriched India's knowledge of its fascinating past.

Two examples illuminate how the research of Indian historians has been distorted only to suit the BJP's line of thinking. Some school books have completely omitted even a cursory reference to Mahatma Gandhi's assassination soon after India's 1947 Independence. Why? Because the assassin was a staunch Hindu and RSS member. What is more, some textbooks have tried to mess around with proven facts about the ancient Indus Valley civilization.

The BJP has been claiming that another community was living on the Indian subcontinent long before the Aryans (foreigners) came in via the northern mountain passes to set up home in Harappa and Mohenjodaro, considered the cradles of the Indus civilization.

What alarms rationalists and moderates today is the tendency of the Westernized and upwardly mobile classes in India to buy the BJP's
arguments, to blindly believe the fallacious and pernicious theories peddled by rabid Hindu outfits. These groups of men and women uphold what they term Hindu majoritarianism. A case in point is the
overwhelming victory for the BJP in the Gujarat Assembly elections following the mayhem of early last year.

Sadly, these hawkish Hindus are bent on defying the forces of history. They have utter disregard for the process of evolution that ultimately saw the emergence of the modern Indian society. Hindu and Muslim rulers may have fought over temples and mosques, but their conflicts were often political rather than religious. The places of worship were mere symbols of state power and authority -- not
instruments of individual or community faith and beliefs.

Thus, Akbar, one of the more renowned Mogul kings in India, felt proud of his Hindu advisers, and even founded a new religion that borrowed liberally from Hinduism. Ordinary Muslims and Hindus
coexisted for centuries in this country with little rancor toward the other's way of life. Together with Buddhists and Christians, they built the social and cultural landscape of India beginning as early
as the 13th century.

Today, the BJP and its band of loyal followers are in a mood to negate all this by suggesting that religious minorities are but guests who reside in India at the will and pleasure of the majority
Hindus. There is also an underlying move to delink Muslims and Christians from India's national identity. If this is not ethnic cleansing, albeit at an intellectual and ideological level, then what is?

It is tragic that a nation of a billion people, set to achieve great economic prosperity through globalization and liberalization, ought to be pushing minorities to the margins of a society that the
minorities also helped to create. Surely, this will cause greater discord and rifts ahead.

(B. Gautam writes for a leading Indian newspaper.)

IMC India - Ethnic cleansing by India's nationalists
Actually, the per capita income and HDI of India is higher than Bangladesh, but its nothing to brag about. Although its ironic how millions of your people are willing to risk death to enter India, and here you are pointing fingers at our poverty. Your defensiveness only makes you look helpless, envious and frustrated.

India's economy is growing, there's no denying it, no matter how much you hate it, we have jobs, there's money to be made. And where there's money, there's an economic migrant.

There are a lot of illegal Bangladeshis in India, pointing at our poverty doesn't change anything, this is a well known fact.

India is not responsible for your citizens. Not only are they in the country illegally, India doesn't have the resources to feed your people. illegal immigrants will be deported, then what you do with them is your problem.
The kind of bitterness I see here for India is appalling. I can understand the Pakistanis and Chinese having some grudge against us but I am clueless on what is Bangladesh's beef with us.

For our own sake, we should just try to fortify our borders and immigration. ISRO and Israel have recently launched several all weather spy satellites to monitor the region and the results are already showing up in the foiled infiltrations in j&k. Technology and culture are our riches and we shall move forward regardless of the mess around and within.
You have not get anything straight, you got it twisted.

You would not understand social injustice hindu religion imposes becuse you are one of them who imposing. So live with the truth. We do not commit genocide against our minorities. We do treat them as same respect like all citizens.
Vested Property Act is indeed a nice way to treat the minority Hindus with 'same respect like all citizens'.

You guys are again getting your panties in a Gordian knot. But thats business as usual for you guys.

Since, independence Bangladesh minority had not been reduced but steady. On the other hand Muslim population grown faster rate than hindus. At any case india and indians manufacture stats for propaganda and to justify ethnic cleansing only. Unless and until hindu dominance is established indians will keep on their propaganda trail.
Your frustration is our entertainment. But I do like your line of thinking - if the facts (e.g. statistics) are coming in the way of theory (i.e. rabid India baiting), simply deny the facts.

You guys really live in an enchanted world.

Since then, the Hindu population hasn't grown as much as the Muslim population, partly due to many converting to Islam in some areas.

Demographics of Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note to self: When Hindus in India convert to Islam, it is because of Hindu oppression. When Hindus in BD convert to Islam, it is because of sheer love for Islam.
By definition of the word 'Citizen', an Indian citizen cannot be regarded as BD illegal resident. First check into the legality of attributing the word 'Illegal' to your own citizens.
What a eastwatch-esque strawman. There are certain conditions that are required to be fulfilled and certain modalities that have to be gone through, before an immigrant can call him/herself a 'citizen' (or for that matter 'resident') of a country. In absence of all of these, s/he is an 'illegal' immigrant.
Because that citizen is a Muslim, you cannot disown your own citizen. Please refrain from calling them BD citizens only because they speak Bangla.
We don't disown someone on the basis of his religious disposition but on the basis of lack of legal papers declaring him/her to be a Indian citizen. Since your countrymen monkey hop into India, they invariably don't possess any such documents.

As with your accusation, that we call Indian citizens as BD just because they speak Bengali, you can shove it up yours. Every bengali can tell a Bangladeshi from a West Bengali, just from the diction. Its as easy as ABC. Bangladeshis speak in a very specific diction which is very different from West Bengali ones. For example, you keep saying 'MAGZ' (brains). That is typical of Bangladeshi diction. We say 'MOGOJ'. Additionally, Bangladeshis use more Urdu in their Bengali than a muslim Bengali in India. This has resulted in a slight change in syntax and any Bengali, can identify this.

You better find someone else to BS.
India is not Dubai, rather the living conditions are worse there than it is in BD. So, do not say BD people are rushing to India to live a life of a Maharaja. Don't you see you have the worst living conditions in the whole world? This is all because of your caste system. Get rid of that, you will have a better standard of living, just like BD.
Keep saying that to yourself.
When Hindus in BD convert to Islam, it is because of sheer love for Islam.

No its because oppressive practice of hindu religion. Bottom line is until hindu supremacy is established indian propaganda stats and deception will go on, so is indian ethnic cleansing.
Vested Property Act is indeed a nice way to treat the minority Hindus with 'same respect like all citizens'.

You have no clue about vested property act, it was for protection not for abuse. But here is the real face of indian ethnic cleansing.

Muslim families forced out of Gujarat village


PALANPUR: At least 100 members of the minority community - including women and children - have been allegedly forced to move out of Kharvada village in Mehsana district's Visnagar taluka by the Chaudharis, the predominant community there, over the issue of land for a graveyard. They have been living with their relatives at Badarpur, Kesimpa and Vadnagar within a 10-km radius from their homes and farms since last Monday.

Four of them - Momin Mehboob Habibbhai, Momin Haidarali Habibbhai, Momin Ahamdbhai Valibhai and Momin Mohamad Husain Rahimbhai - wrote a letter to President of India Pratibha Patil on August 28 detailing the circumstances under which they were forced to leave their village. Copies of the letter have also been marked to the National Human Rights Commission of India, Director General of Police, Gujarat, DIG, Gandhinagar Range, Mehsana district collector and Minority Commission of India.

The letter seeking justice says that ever since they asked for a piece of land from the state government for a graveyard, they were ostracised by the Chaudharis in the village. "At present, we are living with our relatives at Badarpur, Kesimpa and Vadangar," says 70-year-old Rahim Chacha.

"No sooner was the request for the graveyard approved in principle by the state government, a restriction was put on all our religious activities by the villagers. We were stopped from offering prayers and teaching Muslim history at the madrassa. The Momin Shiya Jamat members were threatened of dire consequences if they persisted to live in Kharvada village. Finally, we left on last Monday leaving behind our homes, farmland and other properties," says Haidarali Habibbhai.

Mehsana district collector Ajay Bhadu says the community's demand for a graveyard was under process of the village panchayat. Efforts are on to persuade the panchayat to take a decision in the matter and sort out the differences between the two communities.

TNN 31 August 2009,

Muslim families forced out of Gujarat village
You have no clue about vested property act, it was for protection not for abuse. But here is the real face of indian ethnic cleansing.

The greatest appropriation of Hindu property took place immediately after independence during the first Awami League government (1972-75) and during the first period of rule of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (1976-1980). Dr Barkat's work also showed that since 1948, 75% of the land of religious minorities in East Pakistan and subsequent Bangladesh had been confiscated through provisions of the act.

Dr Barkat also emphasized that less than 0.4% of the population of Bangladesh has benefited from the Enemy Property Act, demonstrating that this law has been abused by those in power through corruption, with no demonstrated sanction by the population at large.
Dr Barkat also emphasized that less than 0.4% of the population of Bangladesh has benefited from the Enemy Property Act, demonstrating that this law has been abused by those in power through corruption, with no demonstrated sanction by the population at large.

Corruption, every Bangladeshi citizens one way or another suffer from corruption. Bottom line is until hindu supremacy is established indian propaganda stats and deception will go on, so is indian ethnic cleansing. Stick to the topic on indian ethnic cleansing.
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No its because oppressive practice of hindu religion. Bottom line is until hindu supremacy is established indian propaganda stats and deception will go on, so is indian ethnic cleansing.

I don't what exactly you know about hindu religion, but from your posts, you seems to believe that bangladesh is the best country in the world free from religious persecution, and india is where all the religious tensions exists because we have a large hindu majority.

Your posts only give out one thing, your hate against hindu religion.

Ethnic cleansing is not a state policy in india, but yes we did have bad apples in our society which have resulted in some unfortunate incidents.

Before googling for india's ethinic cleansing, please do google to understand the status of minorities in your country too, i am sure you will gain a better perspective. Then you will present facts in a more acceptable manner to the majority indians without prejudice. But if you say BS like all hindus oppress muslims, india practises ethinc cleansing, then your posts will be just treated as a joke.
Corruption, every Bangladeshi citizens one way or another suffer from corruption. Stick to the topic on indian ethnic cleansing.

You Brought Gujarat into matter. :smitten:
Elderly pastor in Jammu prison for false charges of religious conversion

NEW DELHI, INDIA (BosNewsLife)-- An elderly Indian pastor was beaten and abused by local olice while serving 20 days in prison on "false" charges of "bribing Hindus to convert,"
according to Christian rights investigators. The respected advocacy group International Christian Concern (ICC) said Pastor Captain Samuel, 70, was detained last month in the village of Bashi Nagar in Jammu, a region in India's northernmost state of Jammu and Kashmir, following complaints from "Hindu radicals."

After briefly detaining him April 2, police returned six days later to his hom where they arrested him" before dragging the pastor through the street to the local court, saying "he
was a terrorist", ICC told BosNewsLife in a statement monitored Friday, May 15.

"Three false witnesses testified [in court] that they were paid money to become Christians. The court remanded Samuel's case to the local police, who put him in prison for 20 days,"
added the US-based group, which investigates cases of religious persecution.


ICC linked the court ruling to Hindu anger over his 350-member church, which he has led or some 20 years. In prison police allegedly tortured the elderly pastor. "His head was completely shaved; he was kept in a dirty cell without a toilet; and he was forced to wash all the bathrooms and sweep all the rooms in the prison. In addition, police officers beat him repeatedly," ICC said.

Samuel was reportedly released from after posting bail of 20,000 Rupees, some $420, but must be present in court on May 25, according to trial observers. Local police reportedly also ordered him to stop all his mission work in Jammu. Police officials could not immediately be reached to confirm these reports.

ICC said tensions began four months ago when, in two separate instances, a group of 'radical Hindus" apparently attacked him. The Hindu mob allegedly hit him "more than 15 times
on the head" and threatened the pastor "with a knife and gun."


Unsatisfied with the results of their attacks, "the radical Hindus started pressuring local police" which eventually led to his arrest, ICC said.

The latest incident comes amid concerns among international human rights groups and diplomats over a reported increase in attacks against Christians, who comprise just over two percent of India's mainly Hindu population of over one billion people.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is expected to be re-elected following the outcome of India's month-long mammoth general election, is under pressure to further
improve religious rights for minorities.

Elderly pastor in Jammu prison for false charges of religious conversion
The kind of bitterness I see here for India is appalling. I can understand the Pakistanis and Chinese having some grudge against us but I am clueless on what is Bangladesh's beef with us.

For our own sake, we should just try to fortify our borders and immigration. ISRO and Israel have recently launched several all weather spy satellites to monitor the region and the results are already showing up in the foiled infiltrations in j&k. Technology and culture are our riches and we shall move forward regardless of the mess around and within.
Yes, but the bitterness is initiated by the Indian politicians in India and by the Indian posters in this Forum. Indians are such a mean bunch of idiots that they would distort facts to score a point.

If the Hindus think there are illegal migrants from BD, then let the GoI catch and send them to where they belong. Problem is gone. But, here people with mean intentions are coming one after another to do some bickerings without any substance. Muslims of India are not going to rule over you again, then why are you bickering about us?

Technology and culture are not some country's exclusive property. When the Hindus did not know how to wear even a stitched clothing, we the Muslims taught them how to stitch. We Muslims taught you how to cook delicious foods, which you are selling now throughout the world. We built Taj Mahal. You are earning money by showing it to the visiting foreigners. You do not have any gratefulness. You are talking of your cultural supeririority over us only because we remain still poor.

When we Muslims built an empire in the entire Hindustan and ruled over the Hindus for more than 800 years, the Hindus could not resist it with their Artha Shastra culture. Our religion unites us and your religion divides you to Brahmin, Sudra and Dalits. If it is so, then what cultural superiority you are talking about here?
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