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Indian bluster yet again: 'to act decisively if another attack happens'

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Dude, Saeed is in Pakistan, and Pakistan will be the one interogatting Saeed, its remarks like this that fuels hate.

You do realize that curt dismissal of evidence, blunt refusal to act and trying to act victim, even when politely requested, leads one to look for alternative options - such comments being only a part of 'diplomatic niceties'. On would then wonder what real actions would entail.
i think the most cheap comments i see on the forum is someone taunting other on english. Its not their native language.

Its not english, its the intention behind to hate and spread hateful comment misguiding people about the reality by twisting the facts.

English is my 3rd language. And hence whenever in doubt I keep my mouth shut, clear my doubts and then speak. Look above how the statement has been twisted, just like the Kapoor statement. And then you'll start teasing us with a statement which was never made in the first place.
You give us access to Ajmal Kassab First.......................

Then we might THINK about you allowing to meed hafiz saeed.

Lol, really, you want access to him? Please do come and talk to him. IIRC, that fellow contacted the Pakistani commission and your govt flatly refused to talk to him. He even requested consular access and legal representation from Pakistan, but was flatly refused. Is that some kind of policy or what - refusing to accept.
India to act decisively if another attack happens: Chidambaram - GEO.tv

NEW DELHI: India will act "swiftly and decisively" if another terrorist attack emanates from Pakistani soil, Indian Home Minister P. Chidambaram said on Friday, urging Pakistan to "reinvent itself" as a genuine democracy and a responsible neighbour.

"If we are able to establish with a reasonable degree of certainty that another attack on India emanated from Pakistani soil, we will respond swiftly and decisively," the Indian home minister said while addressing an event.

"It suffices to say our response will be swift and decisive," he added, in response to a a query if this also meant military action.

Referring to Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafeez Saeed, Chidambaram said, "Investigations around the world are carried out in a certain way. If Pakistan does not know how to interrogate Saeed, then they should allow my agents to go in there and do the job. I am willing to get this done."

"If Pakistan wants to bury its head ostrich-like, then what can we say. I'd like to believe that Pakistan has stepped back from sponsoring non-state actors, but there is no proof of that yet," Chidambaram said.

Pakistan could make a start towards convincing India of its sincerity by providing voice samples of those suspected of guiding the 26/11 terrorists from Pakistan, said Chidambaram.

But in the same breath he indicated that Pakistan had simply refused to act even though India had sent in a list of suspects.

Arguing that Pakistan had proved to be a "difficult neighbour" ever since partition and independence in 1947, Chidambaram said India's main hope was for a political transformation in Islamabad.

"It must reinvent itself to become a truly democratic country where real power lies in democratically elected leaders' hands," he said.

"The two nations are nuclear powers, and war is not an option, so we must talk," the home minister said. "At other times, we must remain vigilant." :victory:

"We tried to make a beginning with the foreign secretary talks, but nothing came out of it, I'm afraid," Chidambaram said. "But I am told we are still open to another round of talks between the foreign secretaries.":taz:

if OUR PAKISTANI leaders have even an annouce of self respect remaining they should

1) reply by saying if india cannot handle its ministers & keep them on a tight leash infront of the camera WE can send our agents to go do it for them!! reply to : If Pakistan does not know how to interrogate Saeed, then they should allow my agents to go in there and do the job. I am willing to get this done."

2) HOW DARE the indians EVEN speak to us like this! Pakistan should reply by giving a stern warning to india about disconnecting all economic ties as well as all kinds of ties with india!

3) Pakistan should by diplomatic means tell the world that firstly no one should sell ARMS to india after such threats & secondly make it VERY CLEAR to the WORLD that if india even THINKS!!! let me repeat THINKS of an attack PAKISTAN WON'T STOP UNTIL EVERY INDIAN IS MADE TO PAY FOR THE ACTIONS OF THEIR GOVERNMENT!!!


the problem is our leaders are spineless corrupt thugs!!!! that need to be shot all of them simultaneously! :sniper: i bet on a diplomatic as well as media terms we will fail miserably as usual:angry:!
he alive give up more space in international arena for us with his hate speeches which our media portrays internationaly creating more pressure on the image of pakistan. Else we should learn from munich incident.
I think swift response without war means surgical strikes.The recent air to ground attack exercises and the baglihar dam shows there are other ways to tame
if OUR PAKISTANI leaders have even an annouce of self respect remaining they should

1) reply by saying if india cannot handle its ministers & keep them on a tight leash infront of the camera WE can send our agents to go do it for them!! reply to : If Pakistan does not know how to interrogate Saeed, then they should allow my agents to go in there and do the job. I am willing to get this done."
Yes, you can. No one stopping you
2) HOW DARE the indians EVEN speak to us like this! Pakistan should reply by giving a stern warning to india about disconnecting all economic ties as well as all kinds of ties with india!
That would be a loss to Pakistan, not a big loss though.
3) Pakistan should by diplomatic means tell the world that firstly no one should sell ARMS to india after such threats & secondly make it VERY CLEAR to the WORLD that if india even THINKS!!! let me repeat THINKS of an attack PAKISTAN WON'T STOP UNTIL EVERY INDIAN IS MADE TO PAY FOR THE ACTIONS OF THEIR GOVERNMENT!!!
You are overexcited here. Nothing of that sort can happen. The whole world is interested in selling to India. No one listens to Pakistan these days. About the last line, I can't think but just :rofl:

India already did. The result: Your so called institutions got BANNED. The listed people are supposed to be arrested. But your govt loves to be at the other side of law.
the problem is our leaders are spineless corrupt thugs!!!! that need to be shot all of them simultaneously! :sniper: i bet on a diplomatic as well as media terms we will fail miserably as usual:angry:!
Your leaders are not spineless, they are brainless. Being a leader, you are responsible for a lot more than one can handle. A leader like you would just attack India for a minor issue. Your country won't get support from anywhere, sanction in place, India with support of the rest of the world will economy kill Pakistan. That is not what you want. Do you?

Responsibility cripples everybody.
Nah Our Dear Friend India and it's threats.lol

Indians are just great People keeping us on the toes ready to defend.Indians also seem to love war.

Seem after Israel,Second country to believe in Nuclear War is India.

Gosh that's why Indians should avoid those Zionists.Indians should avoid these types of friends.
Lol, really, you want access to him? Please do come and talk to him. IIRC, that fellow contacted the Pakistani commission and your govt flatly refused to talk to him. He even requested consular access and legal representation from Pakistan, but was flatly refused. Is that some kind of policy or what - refusing to accept.

NOPE the only reason INDIAN GOVERNMENT made him ask for legal help from pakistan is because INDIA wanted to somehow get the pakistani government involved & caught up in the whole fiasco!!! after trying for months to somehow put it ALL on the pakistani government & ending up embarrasing itself the only plan the indian government can come up with was to somehow make the pakistanis come & speak to him but BY LUCK OR BY TACTICAL GENIUS we alluded the indian cheap tactics again!!! :coffee:
he alive give up more space in international arena for us with his hate speeches which our media portrays internationaly creating more pressure on the image of pakistan. Else we should learn from munich incident.
A leader of 2 banned organizations getting space in media and spreading hatred for a nation which withdrew close to wars for peace. Happens only in pakistan. Let this message reach the world.
Wao.. India thinks it is that easy? We would not want a war but if imposed, expect the same with yourself. We wont spare any aggressor bird coming towards us.
I think swift response without war means surgical strikes.The recent air to ground attack exercises and the baglihar dam shows there are other ways to tame

Surgical strikes may be an option, but not the be all and end all. Indian politicians are known to repeatedly fool a billion people, many of them educated. So I wonder what kind of tricks they have up their sleeve when it comes to hoodwinking a mere 170 mil people and their 'capable' leaders. I have utmost faith in our politicians in such matters.

I like the option of "Hot Pursuit" and 'kidnapping' of wanted personnel and whisking them out of their sanctuaries. That would be interesting, because any kind response, apart from lodging a 'strong protest', would be disastrous for the other party.
if OUR PAKISTANI leaders have even an annouce of self respect remaining they should

1) reply by saying if india cannot handle its ministers & keep them on a tight leash infront of the camera WE can send our agents to go do it for them!! reply to : If Pakistan does not know how to interrogate Saeed, then they should allow my agents to go in there and do the job. I am willing to get this done."

Well you are not able to keep a foreign minister , who has to be a person with great integrity as he represents the nation on a Diplomatic occasions.... Mr Shah mehmood qureshi Is talking so aggressively And you people were laughing and clapping all over

2) HOW DARE the indians EVEN speak to us like this! Pakistan should reply by giving a stern warning to india about disconnecting all economic ties as well as all kinds of ties with india!

My dear, breaking economic ties with India will Only affect pakistan, its economy is already not in good condition, and breaking will further decrease your chances...

3) Pakistan should by diplomatic means tell the world that firstly no one should sell ARMS to india after such threats & secondly make it VERY CLEAR to the WORLD that if india even THINKS!!! let me repeat THINKS of an attack PAKISTAN WON'T STOP UNTIL EVERY INDIAN IS MADE TO PAY FOR THE ACTIONS OF THEIR GOVERNMENT!!!

Did you have a sweet dream... Because what You Just wrote, when implemented, will turn out to be your worst Nightmare.


Ahmn, we have convinced the world about your involvement in terror attacks...

the problem is our leaders are spineless corrupt thugs!!!! that need to be shot all of them simultaneously! :sniper: i bet on a diplomatic as well as media terms we will fail miserably as usual:angry:!

You got it.... congratz
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Wao.. India thinks it is that easy? We would not want a war but if imposed, expect the same with yourself. We wont spare any aggressor bird coming towards us.

Seriously, who is imposing a war on you? You want one? Well then, you ain't getting one!
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