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India left "disappointed" as US goes ahead with F-16 sale to Pakistan.

WASHINGTON: The US government said on Friday it had approved the sale to Pakistan of up to eight F-16 fighter jets built by Lockheed Martin Corp, radar and other equipment in a deal valued at $699 million.

The Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which oversees foreign arms sales, said it had notified lawmakers about the possible deal.

The agency said the F-16s would allow Pakistan’s Air Force to operate in all-weather environments and at night, while improving its self-defense capability and bolstering its ability to conduct counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations.

Lawmakers have 30 days to block the sale, although such action is rare since deals are well-vetted before any formal notification.

India said it was disappointed with the US decision. “We disagree with their rationale that such arms transfers help to combat terrorism,” Vikas Swarup, a spokesperson for India’s Foreign Ministry, said on Twitter.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker notified the Obama administration that he would not approve using US funds to pay for the planes through the foreign military financing (FMF) program. That means Pakistan must fund the purchase itself, instead of relying on US funds to cover about 46 per cent of the cost.

Given the funds it has available, Pakistan may be able to buy only four of the F-16 Block 52 models, and the associated radar and electronic warfare equipment, said one US source familiar with the situation.

Corker told Secretary of State John Kerry in a letter that he was concerned about Pakistan’s ties to the Haqqani network, a militant group that US officials have said is behind attacks in Afghanistan.

“I may reconsider my blanket hold on US FMF assistance should the Pakistanis make progress on addressing my significant concerns about their support for the Haqqani network, but for now, if they wish to purchase this military equipment, they will do so without a subsidy from the American taxpayer,” he wrote.

One US official said the administration was convinced that F-16s were the right platform to support Pakistan’s counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations.

“These operations reduce the ability of militants to use Pakistani territory as a safe haven for terrorism and a base of support for the insurgency in Afghanistan, which is in the national interests of both Pakistan and the United States, and in the interest of the region more broadly,” the official said.

Lockheed referred questions about the deal to the US government.

US selling F-16s to Pakistan

My input:

As far as Sen. Corker is concerned, he doesn't want US to subsidize the F-16 sale using FMF. I presume this is his only objection. Article also says Pakistan only has funds for purchasing four F-16s outright and FMF will pay for the other four.

Of course, this doesn't mean other Congressmen are not blocking the sale for other reasons.
WASHINGTON: The US government said on Friday it had approved the sale to Pakistan of up to eight F-16 fighter jets built by Lockheed Martin Corp, radar and other equipment in a deal valued at $699 million.

The Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which oversees foreign arms sales, said it had notified lawmakers about the possible deal.

The agency said the F-16s would allow Pakistan’s Air Force to operate in all-weather environments and at night, while improving its self-defense capability and bolstering its ability to conduct counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations.

Lawmakers have 30 days to block the sale, although such action is rare since deals are well-vetted before any formal notification.

India said it was disappointed with the US decision. “We disagree with their rationale that such arms transfers help to combat terrorism,” Vikas Swarup, a spokesperson for India’s Foreign Ministry, said on Twitter.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker notified the Obama administration that he would not approve using US funds to pay for the planes through the foreign military financing (FMF) program. That means Pakistan must fund the purchase itself, instead of relying on US funds to cover about 46 per cent of the cost.

Given the funds it has available, Pakistan may be able to buy only four of the F-16 Block 52 models, and the associated radar and electronic warfare equipment, said one US source familiar with the situation.

Corker told Secretary of State John Kerry in a letter that he was concerned about Pakistan’s ties to the Haqqani network, a militant group that US officials have said is behind attacks in Afghanistan.

“I may reconsider my blanket hold on US FMF assistance should the Pakistanis make progress on addressing my significant concerns about their support for the Haqqani network, but for now, if they wish to purchase this military equipment, they will do so without a subsidy from the American taxpayer,” he wrote.

One US official said the administration was convinced that F-16s were the right platform to support Pakistan’s counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations.

“These operations reduce the ability of militants to use Pakistani territory as a safe haven for terrorism and a base of support for the insurgency in Afghanistan, which is in the national interests of both Pakistan and the United States, and in the interest of the region more broadly,” the official said.

Lockheed referred questions about the deal to the US government.

US selling F-16s to Pakistan

My input:

As far as Sen. Corker is concerned, he doesn't want US to subsidize the F-16 sale using FMF. I presume this is his only objection. Article also says Pakistan only has funds for purchasing four F-16s outright and FMF will pay for the other four.

Of course, this doesn't mean other Congressmen are not blocking the sale for other reasons.
exactly so, remember the 200 million ish will be for "defence spending" once the money goes through the usa cant do much after that. as far as the usa is concerned the deal is done and congress will give the nod and happy day's. next year is when they get them. quiet quick if i must say so myself
exactly so, remember the 200 million ish will be for "defence spending" once the money goes through the usa cant do much after that. as far as the usa is concerned the deal is done and congress will give the nod and happy day's. next year is when they get them. quiet quick if i must say so myself

To be honest, I find the whole process confusing. Missing details, erroneous reporting, it's all a bit much.
indians can keep on crying :blah::blah::blah: , we will get what we want in one way or the other , :usflag::pakistan::smitten:
ARY is breaking with the news love is in the air happy Valentine's day

I Think That This Is Block-60.........
exactly so, remember the 200 million ish will be for "defence spending" once the money goes through the usa cant do much after that. as far as the usa is concerned the deal is done and congress will give the nod and happy day's. next year is when they get them. quiet quick if i must say so myself
You want to say after taking money US will not provide the jets...good for Indian members to make their pain little less but facts are different...
We are not going to pay a single penny for the jets because coalition support fund (which also provided by US) will use to purchase the jets....now tell me why the hell US first give jets free but will later run away from the deal..to steel his own money...:rofl:
The truth is PAF has never ending love for F-16 and USA knows that and often uses them as a bait against Pakistan so that Pakistan don't falls completely in China's lap. So far they have been successful but lets see how long this goes.

As far as India is concerned how much more damage 8 jets can do? Their objection is solely based on the sentiment that they find it their national duty to object anything and every thing Pakistan goes ahead with whether it be Gawadar Port, 8 submarines and now F-16.
To be honest, I find the whole process confusing. Missing details, erroneous reporting, it's all a bit much.
well it s quiet easy.this deal is a g2g deal which means the pakistani government is buying jets from the americain government just like indian and the 36 rafales. the pakistan acm asked for these jets in advanced. and when the pakistan pm came to the usa they were offered to him and taken. now the obama administration as well as the the pentagon "strongly Supported" the sale of the jets. but congress had not been notified "formally" now they have been notified and have 30 days to either pass or block the deal. now congress would let the deal go through as the pentagon supports the deal and congress rarely blocks them. also they will be getting 860 million now there no doubt this money would be used to buy the jets. and well as possibly using their own money.
well it s quiet easy.this deal is a g2g deal which means the pakistani government is buying jets from the americain government just like indian and the 36 rafales. the pakistan acm asked for these jets in advanced. and when the pakistan pm came to the usa they were offered to him and taken. now the obama administration as well as the the pentagon "strongly Supported" the sale of the jets. but congress had not been notified "formally" now they have been notified and have 30 days to either pass or block the deal. now congress would let the deal go through as the pentagon supports the deal and congress rarely blocks them. also they will be getting 860 million now there no doubt this money would be used to buy the jets. and well as possibly using their own money.

Only 300 Million out of 860 is for Military aid provided Congress signs off. Some of the money if not all has to come out of Pakistani pocket.
You want to say after taking money US will not provide the jets...good for Indian members to make their pain little less but facts are different...
We are not going to pay a single penny for the jets because coalition support fund (which also provided by US) will use to purchase the jets....now tell me why the hell US first give jets free but will later run away from the deal..to steel his own money...:rofl:
well i know your not paying for them but have you ever wondered why its free in the first place and what price will you have to pay later on. anyway i was told its a split the csf will help buy 4 and the other 4 will be used to buy the other 4 . the 18 block 52's were paid for in hard cash back in 2005.
And you bharatis are so dumb morons that you can't understand the pattern. Whining like jokers on 8 aircraft. :lol:

Its called diplomacy.
If you are in an advantageous position and are not making apt use of it to defame your opposition then you are just stupid.

You should be more worried about the fact that pakistan can't "whine" even if it wanted to.:coffee:
I guess that's the crux of all the butthurt in this thread.
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