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India bars Sikh pilgrims from visiting Pakistan

security and corona is 1 million times better in pakistan then in india :lol: how many sikhs farmers killed in delhi last two months ?and which country is world corona hub ?
The Indian State - a delusional, paranoid, greedy and Pakistan obsessed entity.

Any Sikh opening his or her mouth against Pakistan, after everything India has done to Sikhs, deserves nothing less than being slapped around and spit on.
There is another aspect.

Modi may b heading for another showdown with pakistan especially after settling in ladakh on Chinese terms....continuous farmer protest is a thorn in his side.

B ready and lock shud mean kill this time.. No letting go or seeking approvals
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There is another aspect.

Modi may b heading for another showdown with pakistan especially after settling in ladakh on Chinese terms....continuous farmer protest is a thorn in his side.

He ready and lock shud mean kill this time.. No letting go or seeking approvals

I honestly hope this is true. I cannot wait for round two.
pilgrimage in the middle of COVID. Why would Pak want to risk having such large gatherings?
I hope the condition of PCR test is in place for all travelers alike.
pilgrimage in the middle of COVID. Why would Pak want to risk having such large gatherings?
At present, numbers are actually falling substantially in Pakistan.

Meanwhile India allowed this during the peak of the current wave:


and this:

Wait, there's more:



It's all okay though, because the solution to Covid was always this:

“Traffic on India-Pakistan international border remains suspended since March 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic,” the ministry was quoted as saying. “Pakistan has so far recorded over half a million cases with 10,000 deaths due to COVID-19.
Considering the capacity of the health infrastructure, it is not advisable for a large group of our citizens to visit Pakistan for a week during the pandemic,” it added.

SURELY, Indian establishment, out of all people know the situation in India. I mean, you lot are the epicenter of covid19, second most infected nation in the world!!

Its not even audacity, its beyond being dumb. Are there any sane Indians left to challenge the stupidity at display here by Indian establishment? It should be Pakistan having issues people coming from the 2nd most infected nation, not other way around! :D
those Sikh pilgrims would have been safer from corona in Pakistan than India.

you guys don't understand. they have stopped them to protect Pakistanis from Indian virus. :chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli:
they are solely responsible, for mass killing off east Punjab Muslims peoples in 1947 !!!

what modi or India had plans for them, pak republic will except there fate

I’m really hoping , our Punjabi brothers don’t give none of these sikhs any hospitable welcome to our republic.

what ever there reason for coming here
they are solely responsible, for mass killing off east Punjab Muslims peoples in 1947 !!!

what modi or India had plans for them, pak republic will except there fate

I’m really hoping , our Punjabi brothers don’t give none of these sikhs any hospitable welcome to our republic.

what ever there reason for coming here

99% of the Sikh wern't even born then and a few that were alive that time would have been too young to have taken part in that massacre. So its unfair to blame them for the massacre of their forefathers.
they are solely responsible, for mass killing off east Punjab Muslims peoples in 1947 !!!

what modi or India had plans for them, pak republic will except there fate

I’m really hoping , our Punjabi brothers don’t give none of these sikhs any hospitable welcome to our republic.

what ever there reason for coming here

After what the sikhs did to 1 million innocent Pakistanis in August 1947, I support ANYONE or ANYTHING that genocides sikhs. I have NO sympathy or empathy for that particular group of people. They are the BIGGEST enemies of the Pakistani people and nation.
I stand with the Sikh friends, they should be allowed to visit their holy shrines. Shame on you India

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