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‘In defence of the army’


Apr 24, 2007
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‘In defence of the army’

Friday, 07 May, 2010 Mr Kamran Shafi implies that I wrote my letter ‘In defence of the army’ ( May 3) at the behest of the establishment. Let me make this clear.

Mr Shafi’s repeated tirades against the army leadership (and, therefore, the army) are bound to upset any conscientious citizen — and we are all ‘conscientious’ citizens — of this country.

His articles may be eagerly awaited on the other side of the border and may make good, gleeful reading over there, but not here. I had two childhood friends at Lawrence College, Ghora Gali, and who later joined the army — Reza Shah ‘Shaheed’ who embraced ‘shahadat’ in the 1965 war, and Sabir Meyer ‘Shaheed’ who embraced ‘shahadat’ in the 1971 war.

(I myself could not join the army because of compulsions at home, a fact that I will regret to my last day because had I been in the army and embraced ‘shahadat’ like my friends, I would have done my dead parents proud).

But no one in the army has ever asked me to write on their behalf. As regards Sheikh Rashid, although he and I have never met, I do watch TV shows now and then and I, and many others like me, admire Sheikh Rashid’s unique style, his up-to-the-point answers, his sincerity for his country and his presence of mind.

Most admirable is the fact that he single-handedly took on the full might of the Punjab government in the recent elections and gave them a ‘hell of a time’.

Mr Shafi’s article, ‘A committee and a half’, is again full of venom and insinuations. The Prime Minister recently stated at the Saarc conference that the government and the establishment are one.

The major concern of the people of Pakistan right now is the unbearable cost of living, unbearable petrol, diesel, kerosene prices, high electricity bills, food, water, shelter, clothing, medical care, loadshedding, jobs, education for the children — you name it.

We re happy that the establishment and the government are one. This should now enable the government to concentrate fully on the problems of the common man.

As regards Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, it was very, very tragic indeed. We all feel for her and are indeed saddened and feel deprived of a great human being, a good sister to her countrymen, a good mother to her children, and a good leader. Till this whole picture becomes clear we cannot accuse anyone.

As regards the TV show between him and Sheikh Rashid, we can always ask the TV channel for a ‘re-run’.

As regards our army generals’ subsequently meeting Gen Petraeus and asking for military aid for the country, I see nothing wrong with that. The aid is for the country, not for their own selves. In this context, our political leaders also seek aid for the country from Washington.

Besides, America and the West owe us a lot for their ‘war on terror’. (Indian leaders and their army brass also visit Washington to obtain aid for their country(?)).

This letter is not meant to create new controversies but to emphasise the fact that constantly maligning the army not only pleases readers across the borders on the one hand, but also has a negative impact on the morale of the lower cadres of our army on the other, and that certainly is detrimental to our national interests.

Mr Shaukat ,

I am daughter of Col. Jameel -ur- Rahman and Sitara Meyer, neice of your friend Maj. Sabir Kamal Meyer, Shaheed. Having said that I think you know my next querry. I would like to know all you can tell me about Maj. Sabir, I am in the process of writing a book about him , as they say "A man lives only uptil there are people who take his name" . My email is samarbabar@gmail.com I would appreciate any stories or anecdotes that you may remember about him.

Thanking you in anticipation, Best Regards
Samar J. Babar

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