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Imran Khan Campaignign for a Jewish Candidate

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My only question would be, seeing Imran is incredible well known and liked for his charity work and cricket yet when it comes to getting votes ends up with pityfull numbers. Why one earth ywould you ask him to help with a campaign?
My only question would be, seeing Imran is incredible well known and liked for his charity work and cricket yet when it comes to getting votes ends up with pityfull numbers. Why one earth ywould you ask him to help with a campaign?

I would say he lacks political maturity or he is too honest for politics in this country, He needs time and some learning.

On a sider note, his party stood second in 2 out of 5 constituencies where they participated in recent by-elections.
thats your ideology not ours.

We should stick to our religion. Our holy book has given us clear instruction regarding jews so we will follow them. As our Quaid said that

"In an Islamic State neither its head nor any institution or any parliament or individual can act absolutely. Only Islamic injunctions control our behavior in the society."

Well do one thing then.. go around and kill all jews.. and inturn get killed..!!! :D either ways at the end of the day i am sure only some sane people will remain.. That will also be a lesson to future generations that love of humanity is the first step towards god..!!! Coz if you dont learn to love the simple thing around you called human life then how in the world are you going to be any where near god..!!!!
Imran khan himself uses religion to play politics

And hey.. the change has to start from ourselves na..!!! Its hard.. but yes its always helps if we are aware of an alternate perspective in back of our mind..!!!
Well do one thing then.. go around and kill all jews.. and inturn get killed..!!! :D

Funny ________ comment. Thats all I want to say.

either ways at the end of the day i am sure only some sane people will remain.. That will also be a lesson to future generations that love of humanity is the first step towards god..!!! Coz if you dont learn to love the simple thing around you called human life then how in the world are you going to be any where near god..!!!!

Do not teach me. Muslims already have the instructions regarding such affairs. I will consult Quran for direction.
Well do one thing then.. go around and kill all jews.. and inturn get killed..!!! :D either ways at the end of the day i am sure only some sane people will remain.. That will also be a lesson to future generations that love of humanity is the first step towards god..!!! Coz if you dont learn to love the simple thing around you called human life then how in the world are you going to be any where near god..!!!!

your Comment at first line shows your know nothing about Islam.

I know People are busy these days but to study basics of Islam would do good and will be worth the time.

And one thing i haven't been able to understand .Why do People take Actions of Muslims as teaching of Islam.

If Some Taliban kills people why do you think that Islam teaches so.

I mean if somebody murders someone and says he did it for his religion than would you accept his claim without any background search and blaim his religion.

Islam is the religion of Peace and values both Muslims and Non-Muslims life EQUALLYand by some Media Propaganda this will not change.
your Comment at first line shows your know nothing about Islam.

I know People are busy these days but to study basics of Islam would do good and will be worth the time.

And one thing i haven't been able to understand .Why do People take Actions of Muslims as teaching of Islam.

If Some Taliban kills people why do you think that Islam teaches so.

I mean if somebody murders someone and says he did it for his religion than would you accept his claim without any background search and blaim his religion.

Islam is the religion of Peace and values both Muslims and Non-Muslims life EQUALLYand by some Media Propaganda this will not change.

Aye aye sir..!! I have nothing against islam and i have never said anything against or about it..!!! I am too just talking about people who uses religion as a bench mark and judge people..!!! Lets not do that..!!! It can be muslims hindus or any other people..!!!

Thats why i said being secular gives you more freedom than a believer..!!! And i am happy to be a secular guy.. but i go to all religious places where ever i get peace..!!!! :)

And tiger awan whatever is good for you..do that..!!! :)
Discussion here clearly shows that Pakistan and India has got really different Ideology.

Indian constitution says that it is a secular state.

Pakistan's Constitution says that Islam is the STATE RELIGION OF THIS COUNTRY.

So plz stick to your and do not say that other is wrong. We are happy with our Ideology.
God people are some time so stupid and narrow minded in there hate filled minds that dont even care that what they are saying make them look less smarter and reasonable then a Dung beetle , i mean common , this article it self is !! its just amazing that what is being allowed to be published in Pakistan .
The man should not be judged on his faith but rather on his character and habits............
I am not a PTI supporter..............We Pakistanis are against Israel's treatment of Palestine, which is absolutely correct and justified however, hating all Jews is not a viable option..............
Though Imran Khan is a hypocrite, I will agree to that.....................
and the news channel is indian!
indians campaining against jewish candidate!!!! why...just because he is against the war.

Indian news channel is just report the news.

And for your kind information the news channels you or many pakistani member calls "Indian" are forign funded.

Times Now : Reuters Group, UK



Star News: Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, USA


etc. etc.

plz update ur knowledge.
I do not mind Imran Khan Campaigning for Gold Smith but I have always felt that he is only a loud Mouth. He promised that he will bring Altaf to Court in London but never did. He criticizes every body but has never presented a program. I mean Practical. Now he is again misleading the emotional crowd of Pakistan who are always looking for a Miracle leader to make Pakistan USA> But those emotional Duffers do not understand that for economic growth a country need continuity, Consistency and most important of all a nation which is ready to sacrifice and educated. When 18 crore people are having 18 crore opinions then May God help that nation which is Pakistan and people like Imran Khan are making the frustrated nation more frustrated.
The bottom line is ... Imran has his mistakes but who doesn't? , but he has a track record of success , a feat nowhere to be found in the present Zardaris, Bhuttos, Gilanis, Chaudhry's ,Sharifs and Altaf Hussains. Nation trusts him that's y his taget of 35 crores got the response of 2and a quarter billion rupees in flood aid.
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