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Imran Khan Campaignign for a Jewish Candidate

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What the heck is wrong with Imran compiagning for a Jewish Candidate in another country. Dont muslim in US, UK and Canada compaign for Christian candidates. People in Pakistani have totally screwed up priorities, they are willing to bring up someone else's religion in to their politics. Just keep focus to yourself and your country, see how good a muslim you are!!
What the heck is wrong with Imran compiagning for a Jewish Candidate in another country. Dont muslim in US, UK and Canada compaign for Christian candidates. People in Pakistani have totally screwed up priorities, they are willing to bring up someone else's religion in to their politics. Just keep focus to yourself and your country, see how good a muslim you are!!
its an old thread.
Why We Don't Stop,Cause Of It.that's going be big trouble.Between parties PTI MQM.
26 Sep 2014 : Column 1255

House of Commons
Friday 26 September 2014
The House met at half-past Ten o’clock

[Mr Speaker in the Chair]

That, at this day’s sitting, the Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on the Motion in the name of the Prime Minister relating to Iraq: Coalition against ISIL not later than 5.00pm; such Questions shall include the Questions on any Amendments selected by the Speaker which may then be moved; proceedings may continue, though opposed, after the moment of interruption; and Standing Order No. 41A (Deferred divisions) shall not apply.—(Harriett Baldwin.)

Iraq: Coalition Against ISIL

10.35 am
The Prime Minister (Mr David Cameron):
I beg to move,

That this House condemns the barbaric acts of ISIL against the peoples of Iraq including the Sunni, Shia, Kurds, Christians and Yazidi and the humanitarian crisis this is causing; recognises the clear threat ISIL poses to the territorial integrity of Iraq and the request from the Government of Iraq for military support from the international community and the specific request to the UK Government for such support; further recognises the threat ISIL poses to wider international security and the UK directly through its sponsorship of terrorist attacks and its murder of a British hostage; acknowledges the broad coalition contributing to military support of the Government of Iraq including countries throughout the Middle East; further acknowledges the request of the Government of Iraq for international support to defend itself against the threat ISIL poses to Iraq and its citizens and the clear legal basis that this provides for action in Iraq; notes that this motion does not endorse UK air strikes in Syria as part of this campaign and any proposal to do so would be subject to a separate vote in Parliament; accordingly supports Her Majesty’s Government, working with allies, in supporting the Government of Iraq in protecting civilians and restoring its territorial integrity, including the use of UK air strikes to support Iraqi, including Kurdish, security forces’ efforts against ISIL in Iraq; notes that Her Majesty’s Government will not deploy UK troops in ground combat operations; and offers its wholehearted support to the men and women of Her Majesty’s armed forces.

The question before the House today is how we keep the British people safe from the threat posed by ISIL and, in particular, what role our armed forces should play in the international coalition to dismantle and ultimately destroy what President Obama has rightly called “this network of death”.
When a fox preaches, take care of your geese. The famous saying indicates a person pretending to be what he is actually not. If talking about politics and particularly Pakistan politics, we have such various misleading personalities who falsely imitate to be loyal, honest, steady, patriotic and faithful. One of them is Mr. Imran Khan, the leader of an unvalued party (as far as Parliament is concerned) Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf. We have seen numerous times, Mr. Imran khan taking a U-turn, his ON and OFF caprice for the former President Musharraf, JI, PML-N, MQM and other political forces are quite habitual now. This jerked behavior is one if his attributes.

Mr Khan can talk against any government for hours and hours, whether talk to him on Democracy, dictatorship, policies, ministries, Army, Judiciary or anything, Imran is never happy at all. On many occasions Mr. Khan had gave statements opposing the army operation against Extremist talibans, one important thing which we should recall is, Taliban consider Imran khan as a true Pakistani and a good Muslim bypassing the fact that Imran Khan had a love-child with Sita White and such act has a punishment of Death according to Islamic Sharia.
The soft corner of Imran Khan, in the hearts of Taliban was enough to prove Imran khan a traitor and most of the citizens realized that Imran is an Anti-Pakistan element. But now the chief Imran Khan has thrown himself full-time into the election campaign of Conservative Jewish candidate “Zac Goldsmith”, the younger brother of his ex-wife Jemima Khan. One should not forget that Mr. Zac is a Jewish conservative candidate, and running a campaign for such a person requires a lot of clarification. The party Mr. Zac belongs to, also have some close contacts with Israeli elements through a Parliamentary group which is well known as “Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI)”.
Now a question arise, is it appropriate to run a campaign for Zac Goldsmith at the same time when your own country is in a great trouble, and having threats not only from across the borders but inside too. When Pakistan needs a political stabilized democracy, Mr Khan plays his vital role to destabilize the current system, not only by his words, but by his actions too. Or is it a payback time, for the benefits and favors which Imran have received in past from Jewish lobby. It is quite obvious that Imran’s current activities are redeems for the charities and the premium support of his Jewish friends.
Since last few years, Imran Khan had tried his best to misguide the youth of the country. But as his actual agendas are apparent now and his current huge margin defeats in Bi-elections have proved Imran as a failure and Pakistan Nation as the winner for eliminating a Jewish element.

:what: damn “Zac Goldsmith is contetsing local bodies elections in Pakistan? or he is contesting by-election on karachi Seat?
So? What an idiotic post.

What point are you trying to make here? How petty and how irrelevant you are.

Should I tell your MQM crime? He wrote a letter to PM of Britain to help international establishment to dismantle ISI. That letter is genuine you fu*ktard!

That is a crime against Pakistan. I dont know how a country is letting him to do this.

If I m the PM, I would have ensured Altaf is pulled by his neck.
So? What an idiotic post. How are Jews enemies? And are you from a Fazlu party?

What point are you trying to make here? How petty and how irrelevant you are.

But why are we fighting in a thread that is nearly 5 years old...................... :unsure:
24 Nov 2014 : Column 668

offered today. People who are interested in politics already know that this Bill is a sham and a stitch-up. The rest—those who are perhaps not paying attention today—will discover that fact for themselves at the very first scandal. Let us walk away from this disgraceful piece of legislation and wait until the House grows some collective proverbials and does the right thing.

Thomas Docherty rose—

Zac Goldsmith: I was about to finish, but I will give way to the hon. Gentleman.

Thomas Docherty: Notwithstanding the hon. Gentleman’s acceptance of the vote last time, will he clarify whether it is his intention to oppose amendment 24, which deals with MPs who fiddle their expenses, if there is a Division on it?

Zac Goldsmith: I am happy to answer that question. I do not want to sound self-important, but it is my intention not to vote one way or the other on the amendments or the Bill, because I do not want to give the Bill any credibility at all. It is a sham, a shambles, a farce, an insult and a disgrace and I do not want to have anything to do with it. When we come back to the House with a proper proposal, I will engage again, but for now I would advise all those Members who believe in democracy, in reform and in genuine recall to walk away and wait for another time.

:what: damn “Zac Goldsmith is contetsing local bodies elections in Pakistan? or he is contesting by-election on karachi Seat?
Yes You're Right,Nothing Else Happening.
:what: damn “Zac Goldsmith is contetsing local bodies elections in Pakistan? or he is contesting by-election on karachi Seat?

What That's Happening Here! What Did You Say.....:raise:.

The couple did not enjoy a successful marriage and called it off. However, both Imran and Jemima are still well wishers of each other. Both are living their lives independently, but are still equally concerned about each other. Jemima Khan’s brother Zac Goldsmith, is a Conservative Jewish candidate and in his election campaign, Imran Khan had immersed himself completely. Now, this has raised a lot of questions regarding as to why Imran is supporting a Jewish candidate, and that at a time when his own country needs his sole attention? Many consider this as a ‘favor’ which Imran owes to the Jews for all that they have done for him. Critics believe Imran Khan to be a ‘Jewish element’ of sorts who is only there to misguide the Youth.Same As mqm rolling Now.
Nobody Knows,
:pakistan:Then find out why Imran was going to London,News report today.:closed:
Just follow up direction on line.:undecided:

:what: damn “Zac Goldsmith is contetsing local bodies elections in Pakistan? or he is contesting by-election on karachi Seat?

24 Nov 2014 : Column 668

offered today. People who are interested in politics already know that this Bill is a sham and a stitch-up. The rest—those who are perhaps not paying attention today—will discover that fact for themselves at the very first scandal. Let us walk away from this disgraceful piece of legislation and wait until the House grows some collective proverbials and does the right thing.

Thomas Docherty rose—

Zac Goldsmith: I was about to finish, but I will give way to the hon. Gentleman.

Thomas Docherty: Notwithstanding the hon. Gentleman’s acceptance of the vote last time, will he clarify whether it is his intention to oppose amendment 24, which deals with MPs who fiddle their expenses, if there is a Division on it?

Zac Goldsmith: I am happy to answer that question. I do not want to sound self-important, but it is my intention not to vote one way or the other on the amendments or the Bill, because I do not want to give the Bill any credibility at all. It is a sham, a shambles, a farce, an insult and a disgrace and I do not want to have anything to do with it. When we come back to the House with a proper proposal, I will engage again, but for now I would advise all those Members who believe in democracy, in reform and in genuine recall to walk away and wait for another time.

Yes You're Right,Nothing Else Happening.

What That's Happening Here! What Did You Say.....:raise:.

The couple did not enjoy a successful marriage and called it off. However, both Imran and Jemima are still well wishers of each other. Both are living their lives independently, but are still equally concerned about each other. Jemima Khan’s brother Zac Goldsmith, is a Conservative Jewish candidate and in his election campaign, Imran Khan had immersed himself completely. Now, this has raised a lot of questions regarding as to why Imran is supporting a Jewish candidate, and that at a time when his own country needs his sole attention? Many consider this as a ‘favor’ which Imran owes to the Jews for all that they have done for him. Critics believe Imran Khan to be a ‘Jewish element’ of sorts who is only there to misguide the Youth.Same As mqm rolling Now.
Nobody Knows,
:pakistan:Then find out why Imran was going to London,News report today.:closed:
Just follow up direction on line.:undecided:
So? What an idiotic post.

What point are you trying to make here? How petty and how irrelevant you are.

Should I tell your MQM crime? He wrote a letter to PM of Britain to help international establishment to dismantle ISI. That letter is genuine you fu*ktard!

That is a crime against Pakistan. I dont know how a country is letting him to do this.

If I m the PM, I would have ensured Altaf is pulled by his neck.
Too Many Parties Crowd,But what ever Zia Or Musharraf Done.Just Big Hand Toward Zionists Powerful Stronger.
We know that Pakistani politics is a dirty game. Pak politicians never get hung up on ethics and know how to cut corners. But even from the Pakistani standard, there's one oldie out there who takes the cake in hypocrisy and he's done it again. That's Mr. Imran Khan 'yahudi,' the Jew and Hindu lover! This man couldn't care a crap for anything other than his own interest. So, what is he doing now? He has hopped onto England and is campaigning for his Jewish ex-wife's Jewish brother, Zac Goldsmith, who belongs to the Conservative Party of UK (a hardline rightist party). Khan claims that he is supporting Zac Goldsmith not because he's his ex-brother-in-law but because "he knows his views" and according to Khan, Goldsmith is "anti-war." My question is, if he's genuinely anti-war, why is he with the conservatives? Man I tell you, this guy Khan is a shameless and treacherous f***** hypocrite. He cares nothing for human suffering. With him it's all about money.

Zac Goldsmith
I thank the Prime Minister for giving way. Does he agree that if we are serious about tackling jihadi terrorism in the middle east, we must take a much tougher line with some key allies, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait, which have been fuelling and funding terrorism for decades and, if reports are accurate, continue to do so?

Nice try, bumping a 5 years old thread just to bash Imran Khan. Can't you find anything new for that purpose?

You deserve a prize, for bringing IK hatred to whole new level. :lol:
Yes You're Right,Nothing Else Happening.

What That's Happening Here! What Did You Say.....:raise:.

The couple did not enjoy a successful marriage and called it off. However, both Imran and Jemima are still well wishers of each other. Both are living their lives independently, but are still equally concerned about each other. Jemima Khan’s brother Zac Goldsmith, is a Conservative Jewish candidate and in his election campaign, Imran Khan had immersed himself completely. Now, this has raised a lot of questions regarding as to why Imran is supporting a Jewish candidate, and that at a time when his own country needs his sole attention? Many consider this as a ‘favor’ which Imran owes to the Jews for all that they have done for him. Critics believe Imran Khan to be a ‘Jewish element’ of sorts who is only there to misguide the Youth.Same As mqm rolling Now.
Nobody Knows,
:pakistan:Then find out why Imran was going to London,News report today.:closed:
Just follow up direction on line.:undecided:

Your post makes no sense.

for a minute lets assume he supported him so ???
Nice try, bumping a 5 years old thread just to bash Imran Khan. Can't you find anything new for that purpose?

You deserve a prize, for bringing IK hatred to whole new level. :lol:
Not deserving,think Good,clean hands.ALLAH Always Love's You.:flame:
So what if Imran Khan is Campaigning for Right Wing Jewish Brethren????I dont seem to have Problem unless he got Anti Palestine POV. That Jewish guy is British Politician and he is Contesting on the basis of British Issues not on Pakistani or Israeli Issues and if people dont like him they shouldnt Vote no matter if Imran Khan is supporting him. In the end of the day that guy is Right Wing Brethren of Imran Khan from some other Country.
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