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Imran Khan Campaignign for a Jewish Candidate

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Imran Khan is also building Cancer Hospital in Karachi. It is OK if Imran supported Zac.
Hold up, I know Goldsmith is a conservative, but what are his views, exactly?
People who oppose this guy just because he is Jewish are no better than people who opposed Obama because they thought he was Muslim.
Imran Khan Campaignign for a Jewish Candidate

Is this a joke or what. I won't have any problem in supporting a jew if he isn't doing any harm to anyone.

Wonder some people are too pathetic.:disagree:
Considering this is the same Imran Khan who gave a fiery speech in my University a few years ago about how Musharraf tried to sell out Pakistan to the Jewish congress.. and how we all should wear the Islamic dress of Shalwar Kameez.. I am not surprised.. once a hypocrite.. always a hypocrite.
Considering this is the same Imran Khan who gave a fiery speech in my University a few years ago about how Musharraf tried to sell out Pakistan to the Jewish congress.. and how we all should wear the Islamic dress of Shalwar Kameez.. I am not surprised.. once a hypocrite.. always a hypocrite.

I liked Imran Khan a lot but his hypocrisy has over time really put me off. Our leaders play to the gallery in our country and have a different approach outside altogether.

This fake show of religiosity and using religion as a political tool has really hurt Pakistan over the last few decades.

Lest we and the leaders change our ways, we will always be hypocrites but not to ourselves only to others.
People who oppose this guy just because he is Jewish are no better than people who opposed Obama because they thought he was Muslim.

i agree - but what exactly is he doing spending so much time for a cause that will not help pakistani's?

secondly david cameron recently insulted pakistan on his trip to india - and zac goldsmith is conservative - again how is this a "fit" and why is he "helping"?
i agree - but what exactly is he doing spending so much time for a cause that will not help pakistani's?

secondly david cameron recently insulted pakistan on his trip to india - and zac goldsmith is conservative - again how is this a "fit" and why is he "helping"?

It's his ex-brother in law and is supposedly anti-war, so nothing wrong.
IMRAN is only hope for Muslims and Pakistan
One thing I like about Gen Musharraf and Imran Khan is that both criticize each other polices but never did personal and private life attacks.
If he is supporting relative of his sons is now no one’s concern.
Totally Agree....

While some others so called educated people went so cheap no one can even think of.
The reason why Imran Khan is popular (specially with the youth) is because he says a lot of credible things which ring true with many sentiments of the younger generation...

but then... many dont know the things about Imran that i do... ;)

If only Imran would correct his personal life and stop giving speeches like wear only shalwar kameez nonsense... and stop saying that we should cut the military budget... he could prove to be a successful politician after all...
What else i have to read now??!!.....Imran khan is backed by Israel....he's a Mossad agent!!:lol:

Tell me only one name, one politician or leader worth to be the President or Prime Minister of Pakistan? i don't know any.....we need new leaders, new faces, new persons with new thoughts, ideas and ideologies who are loyal to Pakistan.

I personally liked Imran Khan for his views and ideologies but he's also a politician, a young politician and he isn't perfect. i think if he became a bit mature he could turn to be a good leader. He have to be loyal to Pakistan. Anyway for sure he's better then that As**le of Altaf Hussain and those idoits of MQM!:agree:
We know that Pakistani politics is a dirty game. Pak politicians never get hung up on ethics and know how to cut corners. But even from the Pakistani standard, there's one oldie out there who takes the cake in hypocrisy and he's done it again. That's Mr. Imran Khan 'yahudi,' the Jew and Hindu lover! This man couldn't care a crap for anything other than his own interest. So, what is he doing now? He has hopped onto England and is campaigning for his Jewish ex-wife's Jewish brother, Zac Goldsmith, who belongs to the Conservative Party of UK (a hardline rightist party). Khan claims that he is supporting Zac Goldsmith not because he's his ex-brother-in-law but because "he knows his views" and according to Khan, Goldsmith is "anti-war." My question is, if he's genuinely anti-war, why is he with the conservatives? Man I tell you, this guy Khan is a shameless and treacherous f***** hypocrite. He cares nothing for human suffering. With him it's all about money.

Zac Goldsmith
I thank the Prime Minister for giving way. Does he agree that if we are serious about tackling jihadi terrorism in the middle east, we must take a much tougher line with some key allies, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait, which have been fuelling and funding terrorism for decades and, if reports are accurate, continue to do so?
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