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Imran has faults but greed is not one of them, Jemima

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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LONDON: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan’s ex-wife Jemima Khan recently took to twitter about how she’s still perceived as the ex-cricketer and politician’s weak point, even though the couple is long divorced.

“Can’t believe we’re divorced and I’m still Imran’s Achilles heel,” Jemima said in a tweet. She also spoke in support of her ex-husband claiming, “He has faults but greed is not one of them, unlike many in Pak politics.”

Jemima also clarified the controversy around Imran Khan not paying for the couple’s home in 2003, saying “This is my last clarification – Imran did not lie. I initially paid the money for our home till he sold his flat and then paid me back.”

She furthered added, “I loaned him money in 2003 but he gave it all back to me when he sold his London flat, in order to pay for his house outside Islamabad.”
Just a power hungry not a money hungry. His ego is more important then Pakistan, man have lost the plot.
Just a power hungry not a money hungry. His ego is more important then Pakistan, man have lost the plot.

What has Imran Khan done that makes him power hungry. Below are the 2 things he had done dharna for

1. He wants to have fair and transparent elections
2. He wants to have people in top posts accountable for their actions, which includes corruption

So tell me how are the above 2 things bad for Pakistan and makes him power hungry
Imran is a good man but not a good politician
Also not good husband. He is emotional in nature

Just a power hungry not a money hungry. His ego is more important then Pakistan, man have lost the plot.
I still believe strong opposition is in the interest of of Pakistan with such 2/3rd majority government. It keeps check on government, and it forces government to work fast .
Imran is a good man but not a good politician

If the barometer of good politician is Sharif or Zardari then I m with a bad politician like Imran. He is truthful and honest. We need these traits to get us out of this corruption quagmire. Or else there will be more such tragedies like PIA flight.
What a great character Imran Khan has that even his divorced wife says positive things about him while in most cases divorced people abuse each other publicly.

Just a power hungry not a money hungry. His ego is more important then Pakistan, man have lost the plot.
It is his sincere efforts and struggle that we see that these patwaris (corrupt traitors) have been kept in check. These ugly creatures and their uglier supporters are the filth for our country and the biggest challenge the nation faces.
I still believe strong opposition is in the interest of of Pakistan with such 2/3rd majority government. It keeps check on government, and it forces government to work fast .

Yes sir. Absolutely. And with PPP reluctant to be of any real opposition--probably to save their own corruption charges--it is vital that Imran Khan keeps strong pressure.

But no toppling of this govt through mass agitations. Wait till the 2018 elections. A lot of major projects are supposed to be completed by then and they must not be affected. Plus, the third time peaceful transition of power (2008, 2013, and 2018) will set a great foundation for smoother economic progress of Pakistan despite the usual 3rd world style corruption.
What has Imran Khan done that makes him power hungry. Below are the 2 things he had done dharna for

1. He wants to have fair and transparent elections
2. He wants to have people in top posts accountable for their actions, which includes corruption

So tell me how are the above 2 things bad for Pakistan and makes him power hungry

Do you really believe that after what he did with the Ehtisab Commission of KPK. Come out of this emotional belief on him. His every action speak otherwise.

What a great character Imran Khan has that even his divorced wife says positive things about him while in most cases divorced people abuse each other publicly.

It is his sincere efforts and struggle that we see that these patwaris (corrupt traitors) have been kept in check. These ugly creatures and their uglier supporters are the filth for our country and the biggest challenge the nation faces.

The biggest challenge this nation faces is the Language and decency. Which it is totally lacking.
Yes sir. Absolutely. And with PPP reluctant to be of any real opposition--probably to save their own corruption charges--it is vital that Imran Khan keeps strong pressure.

But no toppling of this govt through mass agitations. Wait till the 2018 elections. A lot of major projects are supposed to be completed by then and they must not be affected. Plus, the third time peaceful transition of power (2008, 2013, and 2018) will set a great foundation for smoother economic progress of Pakistan despite the usual 3rd world style corruption.
Mate, we can't take away credit from zardari for work of democracy , even he gave all power to parliament, this is one Of the sacrifice which we should appreciate. I feel pity on nation, they vote and then blame on every new Ruler of Pakistan and they forget history. We have no option other than democracy, it should continue tradition started by PPPP, and peaceful transition of Power to others.
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