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I Stand With Imran Khan - please Share!!


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
All patriots please keep sharing. Do not break the chain.

An Open Letter To Honorable
General Qamar Jawaid Bajwa,
The Chief of Army Staff,
🇵🇰 Pakistan.

Dear Sir,

Having no direct way to reach you, we are putting down the feelings of all patriotic Pakistanis here. Hope this reaches you and you understand what we Pakistanis, the true patriots want. Sir, we have suffered the biased and selfish attitude of the U.S, IMF, EU, FATF, India and Israel for decades. PM Imran Khan is our last hope. A true patriot and an honest leader. For the sake of a respectful and free life, pls🙏 do not get soft with these western powers. We the patriots living in Pakistan 🇵🇰 and overseas stand with our PM. Yes! we all do not want US bases here, we don't want anymore dictations from the U.S. Yes! we are in favor of taking no more dictations from the U.S or EU. Yes! we want strengthened relations with our neighbors, which PM Imran Khan is making efforts towards.

Sir, the country cannot afford any single politician from this old lot of corrupt criminals and scoundrels, who have had enough chances and they have always let down Pakistan. We are putting down the real feelings of the supporters of Khan Khan sb and all patriotic Pakistanis around the globe, who don't sell their votes for few rupees or a plate of biryani, we keep true feelings for our country like our leader. Once PM Imran Khan comes out of this western backed paid opposition created situation victoriously, In Shaa Allah, we want introduction of the Chinese model of government here so as to eliminate all traitors, the corrupts, and mafias. Let's leave a cleaner, progressive, corruption free, safe and peaceful Pakistan 🇵🇰 for our children.

A concerned citizen ♥️ 🇵🇰

Well your other choice is the likes of Zardari and Patwari clans who will ask Dangar Diesel to deliver this letter to US Embassy.

If our current PM and government has the evidence that suggests that another country's diplomat(s) is involved in anti Pakistan and anti government activities then may be they should choose proper diplomatic means and send them back.

Plus if the diplomats want to meet these opposition people then those meetings can happen outside in the political offices and not inside the diplomatic compounds.
Why are people asking a grade 22 sarkari mulazim to interfere in political matters of Pakistan?

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May be the problem is "we" have to ask all this from "our" army chief.

I.k and the ruling cult plays mummy daddy, by the book , rules of business as long as the country and masses are being subjected to tyranny ------

A single foot on their tail and they go all guns blazing shaking the foundations of entire country.
Islami Sadarti Nizaam is the only solution. Imran Khan should get a Presidential Ordinance today for sadarti nizaam for 90 days and validate it later by the Supreme Court. He should also give extension to COAS Bajwa today and proclaim Governor Rule in Sindh. Later on Referendum should be held. Buzdar should be replaced with Aleem Khan.

I.k and the ruling cult plays mummy daddy, by the book , rules of business as long as the country and masses are being subjected to tyranny ------

A single foot on their tail and they go all guns blazing shaking the foundations of entire country.

Now is not the right time to destabilize the government and spread confusion.

Plus personally don't want these zardaris and sharifs to be the ones....
Why are people asking a grade 22 sarkari mulazim to interfere in political matters of Pakistan?

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Seems you are either too ignorant or totally oblivious to your history, Ayub Khan, Yayha, Zia, Musharaf were all so called sarkari mulazim, I didn't see anyone coming out and stop the army vehicles rolling into Islamabad, in fact I recall people distributing Ladoos when NS was kicked out by General Musharaf.
I.k and the ruling cult plays mummy daddy, by the book , rules of business as long as the country and masses are being subjected to tyranny ------

A single foot on their tail and they go all guns blazing shaking the foundations of entire country.
Where is all the tall talk about Zardari dragging NS on the streets and NS cutting open Zardari to recover billions of ill wealth. Reality is all the Rats have flocked on the ship to spread their virus but the ship will sail and the menace will drown in their own filth.
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