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Hong Kong fans mourn Philippines hostage tragedy []

Must be the mainland Chinese live in HK. Hong Konger are not that rude.

If that's the case no Chinese have any slant eyes left

They are mostly the native Hongkonese went to watch the game and the Phillippino government has
a bad reputation in HK.
I will not forget the hostage incident either. I dislike the way how the PH government has acted.
Yet it is very inappropriate to show protest at a sports match, and definitely wrong to unleash anger at someone just because he/she belongs to the same ethnic group, esp women and kids.
Hong Kong people value their ethic and justice, everyone including foreign workers and tourist should be well received, respected and protected unless they have breached the law, even then they shall be deal with fairly under the justice system.
For those who failed to observe this norm, they do not speak for Hong Kong.
I will not forget the hostage incident either. I dislike the way how the PH government has acted.
Yet it is very inappropriate to show protest at a sports match, and definitely wrong to unleash anger at someone just because he/she belongs to the same ethnic group, esp women and kids.
Hong Kong people value their ethic and justice, everyone including foreign workers and tourist should be well received, respected and protected unless they have breached the law, even then they shall be deal with fairly under the justice system.
For those who failed to observe this norm, they do not speak for Hong Kong.

The hostage rescue operation is, well, I can't even use the word disappointing......It's a joke......Whoever lead that operation should have been charge with manslaughter. I watch the whole thing happen on TVs.......Man I was like, are you kidding me? Even the National Guard dumbass can do a better job they did........

But that things aside, people should restrict/control their temper better, I will understand if that same police captain are on the field playing, even I wanted to lynch him. But dude, those are different people. Are we going to treat all Filipino the same now??

That's really a shame of Hong Kong, really..........How did people sink so low
The hostage rescue operation is, well, I can't even use the word disappointing......It's a joke......Whoever lead that operation should have been charge with manslaughter. I watch the whole thing happen on TVs.......Man I was like, are you kidding me? Even the National Guard dumbass can do a better job they did........

But that things aside, people should restrict/control their temper better, I will understand if that same police captain are on the field playing, even I wanted to lynch him. But dude, those are different people. Are we going to treat all Filipino the same now??

That's really a shame of Hong Kong, really..........How did people sink so low

Yup manila swat you to be the greatest team we had back in 70s and 90s but now they just the $hit now even our poorest swat teams can do better with far less equipment
RIP and condolences to our bros and sis who suffered greatly under the ill-executions of the horrible filippino uniformed eunuchs!
RIP and condolences to our bros and sis who suffered greatly under the ill-executions of the horrible filippino uniformed eunuchs!

Well heart goes to the oppress filipinos in Imperial commie empire china and taiwan my salute to the askals for kicking those racist jerks
And my heart goes to people who wastes time with this troll^

Anyway, the Azkals are no match for the Japanese, North Korean and Chinese team
And my heart goes to people who wastes time with this troll^

Anyway, the Azkals are no match for the Japanese, North Korean and Chinese team

Wow just wow thank you for make yourself more stupid then usual
A leading Hong Kong newspaper called for punishment against abusive football fans who were caught on video taunting Filipino fans and supporters of Philippine Azkals during their friendly game with the Hong Kong football team Tuesday.
Hong Kong football fans and supporters were seen throwing trash, disrespecting the country's national anthem and reportedly called the Philippines a slave nation, among others.
ABS-CBN News wrote: "Supporters of Hong Kong's football team threw trash and verbally abused Filipinos during the Philippine Azkals' friendly match in the former Crown colony on Tuesday night, witnesses said,
"Aside from members of the Philippine Azkals, others who suffered abuse were Filipino women and children who went to Hong Kong just to watch the match," the report added. Read more:
One expatriate fan told South China Morning Post (SCMP) that he was disgusted by the inappropriate behaviour by supporters and fans of the Hong kong Team
“At the end of the game there were ugly scenes when the Philippines side tried to celebrate with their fans and were subjected to such abuse - verbal, gestures and physical - as they were pelted with bottles and other objects,” the Englishman told the South China Morning Post on Wednesday morning.
“Then I was even more disgusted to hear some local guys shouting to the group of Philippine men, women and children, who were happily celebrating, that they were 'all just slaves'...and making obscene gestures to them.”
According to an editorial by SCMP, such behavior is uncharacteristic of Hong Kong soccer fans and Filipinos have every right to be outraged.
“Filipinos have every right to be outraged. They had gone to the stadium to cheer on their team, not endure taunts and ridicule. Their national anthem was disrespected when it was played, they were insulted by being called derogatory names and plastic bottles were among items thrown at them. The barrage of discrimination worsened after the Philippines won the game 1-0,” the editorial read.
“Such behaviour is uncharacteristic of Hong Kong soccer fans. They are renowned for being good-natured, even when rivalries are fierce.”
FIFA, the world governing football body earlier announced heavier sanctions against racism, ranging from points deduction to disqualification for repeat offenders.
“There have been despicable events this year that have cast a long shadow over football and the rest of society,” FIFA president Sepp Blatter said during a congress last week.
“I am speaking of the politics of hate – racism, ignorance, discrimination, intolerance, small-minded prejudice. That uncivilised, immoral and self-destructive force that we all detest.”
The Hong Kong Football Association promised to investigate the incident while the Philippine Football Federation said it will wait for the result of the probe before taking appropriate action.

Read more: HK newspaper calls for punishment against abusive football fans
No matter how much you piniggers cry, whine about their so-called discrimination in HK, you're going to pay for what you have done to people of HK in your third world hole, you pinigers deserve much worst treatment than verbal abuses period.

Don't like it? the solution will be plain simple, just stop exporting slaves to HK, have your 200000plus female family members to get the fcuk out of HK for good, we could have replacement from Thailand and Indonesia with ease at no time.

However we all know that its not going to happen since how you piniggers are going to survive without the hard earn money from your women? once a women feeder, will always remain as one.

Wow thank you for proving my point and soon you will pay for your crimes
It seems the most important fundamental from these pinoy swat team is courage. They all look scared of death. Their action suggest they dont want to get hurt or get killed.

Huh who are they afraid of?
It seems the most important fundamental from these pinoy swat team is courage. They all look scared of death. Their action suggest they dont want to get hurt or get killed.

They are either stupid as hell, or meant to let those HKers get killed.
You can tell it from seeing those smiling faces after the accident, and even from those students and polices taking photos in front of the bus as if that was an attractions.
When I was showing those pictures in this forum last time, that liar who always troll around here even laughed at their death.
You can never understand these such miraculous people.
They are either stupid as hell, or meant to let those HKers get killed.
You can tell it from seeing those smiling faces after the accident, and even from those students and polices taking photos in front of the bus as if that was an attractions.
When I was showing those pictures in this forum last time, that liar who always troll around here even laughed at their death.
You can never understand these such miraculous people.

feeling is very much mutual never come here and take your imperial business out here too you chinese imperials are all the same
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