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GDP 226 billion USD, Per Capita 1401 $

BD is the nation of ethnic Bengali Muslims?

What exactly is an Indian?
The land on which you're standing is Indian.
Blood running in your nerves is Indian. But some years ago, we were disintegrated unfortunately.
History of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have never seen anything made in India in north America. every clothing store has something made in BD.
You may be importing from BD.
Anyway, our clothes are present in your country like Chinese electronics.
Some our companies like Raymond have malls in your country.
Try Raymond, it's best brand. :P
by the way my post was a joke but it seems Indian have no sense of humor
My likes are more than my messages even after being an Indian on Pakistani forum.
Obviously, I'm calm today otherwise could have earned more ratings by insulting you. But Indians always keep a line between humour and sarcasm.
:sarcastic: Hope you understand or show again braincell.

BD is the nation of ethnic Bengali Muslims?

What exactly is an Indian?
The land on which you're standing is Indian.
Blood running in your nerves is Indian. But some years ago, we were disintegrated unfortunately.
History of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have never seen anything made in India in north America. every clothing store has something made in BD.
You may be importing from BD.
Anyway, our clothes are present in your country like Chinese electronics.
Some our companies like Raymond have malls in your country.
Try Raymond, it's best brand. :P
by the way my post was a joke but it seems Indian have no sense of humor
My likes are more than my messages even after being an Indian on Pakistani forum.
Obviously, I'm calm today otherwise could have earned more ratings by insulting you. But Indians always keep a line between humour and sarcasm.
:sarcastic: Hope you understand or show again braincell.
The land on which you're standing is Indian.
Blood running in your nerves is Indian. But some years ago, we were disintegrated unfortunately.

This land is sovereign land of Bangladesh, nothing to do with india period. The blood in my veins is Bangladeshi (and Dutch) not indian....and thank god we got disintegrated and free to decide our own future.
So much misunderstanding in this thread about PPP vs nominal.

What matters more?

a) Consuming 100 units of wheat compared to say 50 units. Having a car instead of a scooter. Having a larger house or a small one.


b) the conversion of these amounts to an artificial 3rd party currency which is printed by a country with much different price levels (due to vastly different economic rents and margins) compared to your domestic currency?

If you agree it is a), then we can proceed from there on arguing the finer points regarding PPP errors and biases. But if you outright disagree with the conceptual basis for PPP, then it is tantamount to you agreeing with thinking physical consumption of goods and accumulation of physical wealth is of lower importance than 3rd party currency valuation on the international market (which is even more ridiculous for low trade per capita countries).

Also hilariously funny how people are claiming Bangladesh will overtake India in GDP per capita (nominal), when the original OP link clearly shows a vastly different scenario leading to 2021.
BD will overtake India in GDP capita within 10 years
The gap is only going to widen. it's pretty simply logic, India is already ahead of BD by this measure (GDP per capita) so for BD to get ahead of India in this respect it needs to exceed India's growth rate for a sustained period but there is not a single forecast that indicates BD will outpace India at any point. Now I'll get lambasted with "forecasts are just that, they are unpredictable etc etc" but unless there is a data point to the contrary these forecasts are all we can go by- not just some gut feeling/wild dream of some BD members who hope BD overtakes India.
The gap is only going to widen. it's pretty simply logic, India is already ahead of BD by this measure (GDP per capita) so for BD to get ahead of India in this respect it needs to exceed India's growth rate for a sustained period but there is not a single forecast that indicates BD will outpace India at any point. Now I'll get lambasted with "forecasts are just that, they are unpredictable etc etc" but unless there is a data point to the contrary these forecasts are all we can go by- not just some gut feeling/wild dream of some BD members who hope BD overtakes India.

They also seem to ignore the basic economic inertia created in India by having gross capital formation higher than 30% for almost 12 years now (and it has been as high as 38%).

Bangladesh is now finally getting to around the 30% mark in recent years ( it was averaging around 25% in the same time period).

That means even with a bad Indian administration (i call it the default base), growth will still be around the 6 - 7% mark long term just from the GCF momentum...whereas for Bangladesh it will be around 4 - 5%. Bangladesh needs to increase its GCF to the levels India has managed to (for a long time period...say to 2030) even attempt to close the gap economically.

The GCF is the main reason India still grew in the UPA-II administration (though the policies were bad w.r.t siphoning off/redistributing economic margins inefficiently)...and why China is still going to grow at more than 6% and then 5% for quite some time yet.

There are plenty of papers on the correlation of GCF to long term growth (mostly focusing on China since the late 70s since it was a great example of going from 0 to hero growth wise by relying on GCF).

But I understand and empathise with the Bangladeshi fervour and excitement. (considering what they have come from and the legacy of political union with Pakistan who they are now leaving behind). They just overlook much of the cool calm reasoning :D.
considering what they have come from and the legacy of political union with Pakistan who they are now leaving behind
Hmmm, sadly (for them) Pakistan will outpace them in the long term also and eventually pull away (not by much though).
Hmmm, sadly (for them) Pakistan will outpace them in the long term also and eventually pull away (not by much though).

Yes but that rests on Pakistan getting its act together economically. CPEC is not going to cut it, there has to be a larger internal reform and focus on improving education especially.
+ @Nilgiri for India to reach its 9-10% GDP growth mark the banks need to balance their SFPs and start releasing capital again along with another wave of "big bang" reforms (LAB and GST being at the top of the list). This will sustain at least 5-6 years of >8% growth easily.

Yes but that rests on Pakistan getting its act together economically. CPEC is not going to cut it, there has to be a larger internal reform and focus on improving education especially.
Long term (50 years) Pakistan will get its act together, it is already on an upswing.

+ @Nilgiri when you consider the Indian Railway's allocated CAPEX for the next 5 years is >$140BN USD and that will only add (according to the Railway minister) 0.5% of GDP growth to India the notion that CPEC is going to transform Pakistan for $46BN becomes rather absurd. Let's not forget that the Western DFC has cost >$30BN, Eastern DFC about the same, DMIC about $25BN (but still growing so figures will spiral) and plenty more other mega projects in India valued at well over $46BN and India is "only" growing at 7.5-6%. It takes a LOT more than just a single intiative to make a country developed and what troubles me is how much focus is being given to CPEC and how readily Pakistanis are willing to accept it is the "silver bullet", this will only mean that other areas are not being given any focus at all.
+ @Nilgiri for India to reach its 9-10% GDP growth mark the banks need to balance their SFPs and start releasing capital again along with another wave of "big bang" reforms (LAB and GST being at the top of the list). This will sustain at least 5-6 years of >8% growth easily.

Long term (50 years) Pakistan will get its act together, it is already on an upswing.

+ @Nilgiri when you consider the Indian Railway's allocated CAPEX for the next 5 years is >$140BN USD and that will only add (according to the Railway minister) 0.5% of GDP growth to India the notion that CPEC is going to transform Pakistan for $46BN becomes rather absurd. Let's not forget that the Western DFC has cost >$30BN, Eastern DFC about the same, DMIC about $25BN (but still growing so figures will spiral) and plenty more other mega projects in India valued at well over $46BN and India is "only" growing at 7.5-6%. It takes a LOT more than just a single intiative to make a country developed and what troubles me is how much focus is being given to CPEC and how readily Pakistanis are willing to accept it is the "silver bullet", this will only mean that other areas are not being given any focus at all.

Sure agreed. I wish our neighbours well economically (since economic growth + time may be the only real long term avenue to solving our relation problems)....but they will need to make a host of smart prudent choices and not rely on single schemes/plans. It may work for a country with less than 30 million or so people....not for countries approaching 200 million and more. I see Bangladesh being more prudent and hedging better than Pakistan overall in the current frame of 5 or so years.

Anyways we will have to wait and see.

Why I personally project Bangladesh over Pakistan growth wise (for say 10 - 20 year time frame) is very simple. Bangladesh has got its GCF close to 30% and was at the 25% mark for a considerable time in the 2000s and late 90s. Pakistan has not managed to go past 20% in this very important measure and now its actually declined to 15% in the latest few years (and even lower for fixed assets). CPEC has the chance to push this to the 20% figure (best case scenario of 46 billion being split over say 4 years on a GDP of 250 - 300 billion USD on top of the existing GCF rate)...maybe a few peak years of 22%.

Long term (beyond 20 years) is of course anyone's guess (economic butterfly effect kicking in and all).

I tend to value GCF + Human capital development and trajectory more than what most economic projections do because they often rely on a lot more other things going "right". Underdeveloped countries spell more potential to play with and rosy pictures of growth can be made (it also helps to add credence/viability to the loans the IMF for example makes)....thats why I tend to take those projections with a pinch of salt.

In a way I look at the "worst case base scenario". Everything else you can add on top of that, but it relies on a lot of stuff going right (and a lot can fail and detract too). This worst case base scenario as it stands (in my opinion) for economic growth goes: India >> Bangladesh > Pakistan for the 3 major economies of South Asia.
Forecasts are just that, forecasts.

India has consistently been overrated and BD underrated. I would take past performance more than any predictions.

Land argument is silly as countries like Japan are one of the richest countries on the world.

BD has a big advantage over India as it has a single dominant ethnic group and hence things do not get stuck
in multiple layers of bureaucracy.

When forecast are from WB, IMF etc.. there is a reason to take them seriously. BD is not Japan. Unlike Japan, BD development depends a lot on capital goods such as land, raw material etc... My thinking is that the large population for the resources that BD has will make BD economic development go to next level harder.

And nowhere in economics you have any economic theory or event suggesting that economic development depends on ethnicity.
You may be importing from BD.
Anyway, our clothes are present in your country like Chinese electronics.
Some our companies like Raymond have malls in your country.
Try Raymond, it's best brand. :P

My likes are more than my messages even after being an Indian on Pakistani forum.
Obviously, I'm calm today otherwise could have earned more ratings by insulting you. But Indians always keep a line between humour and sarcasm.
:sarcastic: Hope you understand or show again braincell.


I have seen how Indian dress in real life outside Bollywood, so no thanks to Raymond.
and by the way check you rating and my rating then decide, all I have to do is call you Indian even when i am in the insulting mood

The land on which you're standing is Indian.
Blood running in your nerves is Indian. But some years ago, we were disintegrated unfortunately.
History of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You may be importing from BD.
Anyway, our clothes are present in your country like Chinese electronics.
Some our companies like Raymond have malls in your country.
Try Raymond, it's best brand. :P

My likes are more than my messages even after being an Indian on Pakistani forum.
Obviously, I'm calm today otherwise could have earned more ratings by insulting you. But Indians always keep a line between humour and sarcasm.
:sarcastic: Hope you understand or show again braincell.

The land on which you're standing is Indian.
Blood running in your nerves is Indian. But some years ago, we were disintegrated unfortunately.
History of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You may be importing from BD.
Anyway, our clothes are present in your country like Chinese electronics.
Some our companies like Raymond have malls in your country.
Try Raymond, it's best brand. :P

My likes are more than my messages even after being an Indian on Pakistani forum.
Obviously, I'm calm today otherwise could have earned more ratings by insulting you. But Indians always keep a line between humour and sarcasm.
:sarcastic: Hope you understand or show again braincell.

do you sit in front of a mirror and keep repeating the same thing
When forecast are from WB, IMF etc.. there is a reason to take them seriously. BD is not Japan. Unlike Japan, BD development depends a lot on capital goods such as land, raw material etc... My thinking is that the large population for the resources that BD has will make BD economic development go to next level harder.

And nowhere in economics you have any economic theory or event suggesting that economic development depends on ethnicity.

Economic development is proven to he hampered by when you lack a dominant ethnicity.

Let us use the examples of South Korea, Malaysia and Indonesia here.

1. South Korea GDP/Capita(PPP) = 37,000 US dollars with 97% ethnic Koreans
2. Malaysia GDP/Capita(PPP) = 26,000 US dollars with with 60% Malays
3. Indonesia GDP/Capita(PPP) = 11,000 US dollars with 42% Javanese.

Can you see where I am getting at here? All these countries started their development from 3rd world status in the 1950s and we see South Korea in the lead, and the least GDP/Capita in Indonesia that has only 42% of the total population of the most numerous Javanese.

India is in an even worse position as it has no ethnic group that is even close to 20% of it's population. Forgetting the inevitable disintegration that will come, the weak central government cannot push through measures to boost economic growth since there are so many regional states that must also agree to things.

BD has no such handicaps as the strong central government(98% ethnic Bengalis with 90% of those being Muslims) can make fast decisions to speed up economic growth.

Lastly, BD is now focusing on higher-tech industrial growth in areas like pharmaceuticals, IT, electronics and shipbuilding.
Garments is useful as it requires little knowledge and can provide a decent income for millions of women.

The gap is only going to widen. it's pretty simply logic, India is already ahead of BD by this measure (GDP per capita) so for BD to get ahead of India in this respect it needs to exceed India's growth rate for a sustained period but there is not a single forecast that indicates BD will outpace India at any point. Now I'll get lambasted with "forecasts are just that, they are unpredictable etc etc" but unless there is a data point to the contrary these forecasts are all we can go by- not just some gut feeling/wild dream of some BD members who hope BD overtakes India.

BD has a greater infrastructure deficit than India now. This means that as the infrastructure gap narrows then BD will increase growth relative to India.

As the current massive infrastructure projects like Padma Bridge, Roopur nuclear plant and the Matarbari port/power projects are completed in next 2-7 years economic growth will increase from the current 6-7% a year to the 8-9% range.
BD has a greater infrastructure deficit than India now. This means that as the infrastructure gap narrows then BD will increase growth relative to India.

As the current massive infrastructure projects like Padma Bridge, Roopur nuclear plant and the Matarbari port/power projects are completed in next 2-7 years economic growth will increase from the current 6-7% a year to the 8-9% range.
We'll see
BD can increase growth quicker than India can, but India can sustain growth for longer. BD's growth can easily be fueled by debt, but that's a high level of risk.

That's exactly the point. Bangladesh hasn't even started to leverage debt to fuel growth in various areas such as infrastructure. The govt. is way too conservative on these steps and has way too much of reserves. Only large projects undertaken last decade are Rooppur, Matarbari, Metro expressways and Metro Subways in Dhaka and then the Padma bridge (which happens to be one of the mega projects in the subcontinent) like UKBengali mentioned.

In this respect we are even behind Pakistan....

You know, when we started for promotion of internet, brought nearly 35% population using internet from 14.9% in 4 years.

Bangladesh Internet penetration is also around 32%.

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