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Friendship Between Turkey And Russia Could Destroy NATO

Every single alliance is an alliance of convenience they don't actually possess familiar bonds.

Because Turkey is positioned in both Europe and Asia, and NATO's safeguards have been essential for many decades.

Such a stupid comment. That would have started WWIII. Turkey is not a third world country with an incompetent army

Thats why turkey was stupid in shooting the jet down
Every single alliance is an alliance of convenience they don't actually possess familiar bonds.

Because Turkey is positioned in both Europe and Asia, and NATO's safeguards have been essential for many decades.

Such a stupid comment. That would have started WWIII. Turkey is not a third world country with an incompetent army

what common bonds might China and Russia possess ?
Thats why turkey was stupid in shooting the jet down
The jet was shut down because it flew inside Turkish airspace, this is protocol, if foreign fighter jets invade your airspace you warn, if they don't heed the warning you warn again, then shoot it down for obvious reasons.
what common bonds might China and Russia possess ?
Interest, everything in international politics is about interest. Both sides gain from their relations, that's why they conduct these.
The jet was shut down because it flew inside Turkish airspace, this is protocol, if foreign fighter jets invade your airspace you warn, if they don't heed the warning you warn again, then shoot it down for obvious reasons.

Interest, everything in international politics is about interest. Both sides gain from their relations, that's why they conduct these.

Interests is not same as bonds
interests change with time

the common interest between Russia and China is shared anti-pathy towards America
The jet was shut down because it flew inside Turkish airspace, this is protocol, if foreign fighter jets invade your airspace you warn, if they don't heed the warning you warn again, then shoot it down for obvious reasons.

Interest, everything in international politics is about interest. Both sides gain from their relations, that's why they conduct these.
russian jets have flown in many country airspace, accidental or not. None of these countries decided to shoot down the jet. Only the warmonger Erogdan did
Interests is not same as bonds
interests change with time

the common interest between Russia and China is shared anti-pathy towards America
You obviosuly misread my comments, reread them
russian jets have flown in many country airspace, accidental or not. None of these countries decided to shoot down the jet. Only the warmonger Erogdan did
Nonsense comment. Sure they have flown in Scandinavian countries etc. Turkey is no Scandinavian country, we value our sovereignty
Another 'could' ?

Do believers of these uncounted 'could' read history ? I can remember when the media said an alliance between India and the Soviet Union 'could' destroy NATO.

Whenever a writer use the word 'could' as a major headliner, he was under deadline pressure to publish something, anything. The word 'could' automatically imply possibility but the fact that the writer used 'could' and not 'would' which imply probability is usually ignored. For most people who are used to the 'McNews' method of getting their news, the word 'could' is all they need to see, usually to confirm previous biases. Just like the phrase 'a new study found', the word 'could' is called a weasel word by professional journalists, the same ones who uses them whenever he/she was under deadline on a Friday.

If the price is right Putin would dump China for the West in a heart beat

Is this one of your 'wet dreams?'

Isn't Pakistan the second biggest aid receiver from the US? Double standards, huh?

Waiting for you :coffee:
@waz Double standards you you are going to take action against him?

Why are Zionist Yehud so concerned about Pakistan? Need to learn to mind your own business!

Zionist Yehud are hostile, Godless low lives, with limitless arrogance and immense envy and hostility toward Pakistan and toward the Muslims in general. It's high time the illegal state of Zionists is shown the road and told to shut up. These Zionist AshkeNazi Yehud are inhumane, lacking scruples, feelings and altruism which decent humans ooze. Barbaric in nature, killers/murderers of countless innocent Palstinians and Syrians amongst many others, these 'hyena like, khanzeer rear-ends' need to be taught a lesson, which inshaALLAH, I hasten to add is not far off.

In short, 'Isa AS and Imãm Mehdi AS both readying, to appear, not so far into the distant future inshaALLAH, preparing to end the misery perpetuated by Zionist AshkeNazi fake Yehud.
NATO should be disbanded simple as that. Seems it's only US that want new Cold War.

Pipeline politics and war of influence
NATO should be disbanded simple as that. Seems it's only US that want new Cold War.

Pipeline politics and war of influence
Why should it be disbanded?
NATO helps bring peace to countries that're going through bad times. NATO helps feed the poor of non-NATO countries. NATO house them too.
Russia needs to stop their planes from falling first, before even being capable of NATO's downfall. Russia and US are two sides of the same coin: venomous snakes. The more neutral Turkey tries to remain between the two, the better for them. Unless there's someone who can bring example of any country which has benefited by siding either of these snakes?

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