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Featured France: Macron says Charlie Hebdo had right to publish Prophet Mohammed cartoons

Freedoms always come with consequences. It is a universal reality. Cause and effect. I am free to not pay my electric bill and have my power cut off. Macron is free to walk in front of a bus and then be hospitalized or possibly lose his life. The French are free to illustrate the prophet in an offensive manner but they should expect the consequences of outraged Muslims or militant Muslims seeking out revenge.

Simply put, freedoms do come with social and societal boundaries. You are free to cross those boundaries but then comes into question of whether such an action outweighs the positives over the negatives.
The West condemned the cartoons that were drawn in Iran against the Zionists. Maybe we should follow the example of the Iranians and have our own anti Jewish cartoons.
Personally I believe in freedom of expression but with certain caveats like not abusing people, religions, cultures, and race.

France allows such content to be published so in France legally this is ok and their country their rules. For the rest of us we should not behave like them and not to use this as a reason to bad mouth other religions. By all means protest if you want to show your outrage but do it within the bounds of decency and the law.

Our religion is far far greater than those who mock it.
The West condemned the cartoons that were drawn in Iran against the Zionists. Maybe we should follow the example of the Iranians and have our own anti Jewish cartoons.

In Europe, it is illegal to insult Jews with cartoons, but the same kind of cartoons against Muslims are ok.

What hypocrites.
Read through the lines. Everytime someone insult Islam or Muslims, why do you think Indian Hindus become so happy?

They feel like it will justify their mass-rape, arson, and murder of Indian Muslims and Occupied Kashmiris.

After talking weeks about supposed Shia-Hindu alliance, Modi sent his own army to shoot at Shia Muharram processions in Kashmir. Few years back they defiled a Shia madrassa in the valley, desecrating Quran e Pak, and stomping shoes on the musalla.

The Indians will do anything to harm Muslims and Islam, that is why they have no right to rule over Muslims.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Musings @Verve @Morpheus @21st Century Vampire @masterchief_mirza @Dalit

Back when the Riots started in Sweden, on twitter the trending hash tag about the riot was started by indians. The first thousand tweets were from indians only, with none from actual Swedish person.
Then allow Nazis to print their cartoons that question their crimes in France. It's free speech.

Wait, Macron thinks that is hate speech and it will endanger secularism.

Cozening up to Israel.

You can be arrested in France for wearing burka/face veil.
french are pimps of nth degree; double crossers.

the saying in colonial africa was 'they dont care about who they sleep with as long as they speak french'.
yes and no. There are millions of Muslim citizens in France, unless you think they don't deserve equal rights, like what's happening in India.

In India, there are hundreds of millions of Muslim, but Hindutva refuse to give those citizens equal rights.
IDK man, Jesus gets enough shit but i dont see christians going apeshit on those publications with guns coz of some cartoon....:/
The West condemned the cartoons that were drawn in Iran against the Zionists. Maybe we should follow the example of the Iranians and have our own anti Jewish cartoons.
There is nothing that can be done which comes close to the amount
IDK man, Jesus gets enough shit but i dont see christians going apeshit on those publications with guns coz of some cartoon....:/
Not in front of a Pakistani.
He is damn fool. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can bullshit anything. Any society has some taboos.

In China, you can't humiliate President Xi or Chairman Mao publicly. In Muslim society, you can't humiliate Prophet. This is fundamentally against their people belief and traditions.

The west are damn fools.

France isn't a muslim society.
Non-Muslims should stop talking about Muslim concerns as if they know better than us.

Banning hijab is a human right abuse, so too of banning and interfering with Muslim religious practices.

Then again I don't expect anything from Hindus, whose society kills Muslims for merely consuming beef, wearing cap and beard, or hijab/burqa.

Muslim countries should learn from non-muslim countries otherwise muslim countries continue on their path of no progress as countries with freedoms are more likely to produce new things. Most functioning muslim majority countries are ruled by dictators or strongmen as they keep religious zealots from wrecking the whole country but those also have their problems.

India is indeed an another good example what happens when religious people get to position of power... they stagnate or go backwards.
We will call it freedom of speech only when Charlie Hedbo can depicit a Jewish Rabi as a Nazi.

Not surprising that Charlie Hebdo's cartoonists are heavily influenced by Nazi era cartoonists who depicted Jews in a negative light.

Cue big beard, short stature, large noses are based on the stereotypical image of Jews from Nazi era Germany.

Now that antisemitic vitriol is being applied to Muslims. They simply never learn.

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