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Featured France: Macron says Charlie Hebdo had right to publish Prophet Mohammed cartoons


Jan 15, 2006
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Saudi Arabia

Macron says France’s freedom of speech gives people the right to blaspheme, as the trial of 13 men and a woman accused of assisting the Islamist gunmen who launched the deadly 2015 Paris attacks begins under enhanced security.
The courtroom has been modified especially for the proceedings, while each of the suspects was guarded by two police officers who had their faces covered with balaclavas and had bullet-proof vests on.
The defendants are a facing a range of charges from providing weapons and logistical assistance to the attackers (deceased Said and Cherif Kouachi, and Amedy Coulibaly) to financing terrorism and membership of a terrorist organization. They told the judge they would answer the court’s questions.
The trial will continue for 10 weeks and will be filmed in its entirety. It’s forbidden to film legal hearings in France, but exceptions are sometimes made for cases of exceptional importance.
In January 2015, attacks on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo’s headquarters, police officers, and a kosher supermarket saw 17 people killed in Paris over three days. The gunmen were killed in a standoff with the police.
On Wednesday, Charlie Hebdo, known for its fringe and provocative humor, issued a special edition, republishing the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed which triggered a spree of Islamist violence in the French capital five years ago.

French people have keerrra to do fassad

Where is the OIC or its oh I see ???
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He is damn fool. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can bullshit anything. Any society has some taboos.

In China, you can't humiliate President Xi or Chairman Mao publicly. In Muslim society, you can't humiliate Prophet. This is fundamentally against their people belief and traditions.

The west are damn fools.
These are the same people who arrest you for questioning holocaust. France? More like Farce!

Before some brainlets overclock their singular braincell I'm not a holocaust denier. And if you are going to restrict freedom of speech don't cherry pick apply it to all or none.
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Macron says France’s freedom of speech gives people the right to blaspheme

Then allow Nazis to print their cartoons that question their crimes in France. It's free speech.

Wait, Macron thinks that is hate speech and it will endanger secularism.

Where is the OIC or its oh I see ???

Cozening up to Israel.

These are the same people who arrest you for questioning holocaust. France? More like Farce!

You can be arrested in France for wearing burka/face veil.
Freedom doesn't mean doing whatever I do whither other get offended by my works or word. French may not have any respect fir their prophet but we Muslim have string love and respect for our prophet Mohammad( sw).
" Macron says France’s freedom of speech gives people the right to blaspheme "

Really strong stance, as expected from France.
He is damn fool. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can bullshit anything. Any society has some taboos.

In China, you can't humiliate President Xi or Chairman Mao publicly. In Muslim society, you can't humiliate Prophet. This is fundamentally against their people belief and traditions.

The west are damn fools.

French hypocrites. They beg the Islamic world to condemn China and imprison a comedian for anti-Semitic BS. Here Charlie Hebdo is exercising freedom of expression LOL Stupid fogs.
France will suffer big time as a result of this statement. French troops and politicians in Libya, Mali, Nigeria, and Lebanon are no longer safe. Muslim protests will begin in Paris itself.

Mind is broken of French, it seems. They are still fighting Salahuddin for Al Aqsa it seems, stuck in a time loop.

All Muslim countries should divest from France and support Turkey in the Mediterranean.

Egypt, UAE relationships with French and its Greek frontman must be condemned.
Killing people over this(Charlie Hebdo attack) is stupidest thing you can do and is very counterproductive for Muslims. We are not and should not be like emotional teens having tantrums. Be mature and wise with your conduct.

Any such drawings or opinions do not affect us, nor the Prophet nor the Lord. The Lord even said even if we all followed the best man on earth it will not increase or add to his kingdomship/glory at all.

So leave French to do what they want, but at same time make it known if there is disturbed people who want to burn bridges with other cultures than it just means Muslim public opinion of France will become more negative and people will not want to do business with the French nor advance deeper cooperation with them. Muslims have other alternatives.

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