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Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces Warns of US/Western sponsored Regime Change Conspiracy against Imran Khan

Did you choose this heading "Former head of Pakistan's Special Forces.."?

Don't you think this is a sinister way of presenting the views of one who is simply a retired Lt General turned current affairs analyst? :-)

The fact that "Special Forces" is added comes across as someone who knows something on the inside etc. which is patently not the case. Even Lt Gen Haroon himself would deny that.

Well I told you guys

Control Pee Pee Pee and put a leash on it

But nobody did anything because of so called 18th amendment

Ab bhugto

I have heard it from friends in army that it was army which did not let the PPP govt to be toppled as it wants a status quo in politics.

Unlike many in Pakistan, who find army involvement in everything, I dont believe in conspiracy theories. But I know Pakistani institutions, be it army or bureaucracy has this mental slavery built into them. Their moorings are colonial in nature. So if new colonial master berates them, they will try to find room to accommodate their concerns and make our country's interest subservient.

Never before there was time after 2018, do I feel this is a right opportunity for army to topple Imran Khan. It will get an instant nod from US. It might be a far fetched conspiracy theory but I believe army can act in 'national interest'. And the definition of national interest in slave mind is that it should be within larger interest of colonial master.

There is no doubt this PPP campaign is foreign funded. But then why our intelligence was sleeping? Do they want this to go ahead? If it gathers momentum, it will give opportunity for army to strike.

This might be too much fear mongering. But I do believe there are vested interests in our country, which more than America itself, want Pakistan to be its perpetual slave.

What plan PPP has after toppling Imran Khan? What will they do to control inflation, unemployment and overall corruption? No solution, just sloganeering.
If IK is removed, 25 years of MarshalLawPlus plan will be implemented with the help from China and Russia.

I have heard it from friends in army that it was army which did not let the PPP govt to be toppled as it wants a status quo in politics.

Unlike many in Pakistan, who find army involvement in everything, I dont believe in conspiracy theories. But I know Pakistani institutions, be it army or bureaucracy has this mental slavery built into them. Their moorings are colonial in nature. So if new colonial master berates them, they will try to find room to accommodate their concerns and make our country's interest subservient.

Never before there was time after 2018, do I feel this is a right opportunity for army to topple Imran Khan. It will get an instant nod from US. It might be a far fetched conspiracy theory but I believe army can act in 'national interest'. And the definition of national interest in slave mind is that it should be within larger interest of colonial master.

There is no doubt this PPP campaign is foreign funded. But then why our intelligence was sleeping? Do they want this to go ahead? If it gathers momentum, it will give opportunity for army to strike.

This might be too much fear mongering. But I do believe there are vested interests in our country, which more than America itself, want Pakistan to be its perpetual slave.

What plan PPP has after toppling Imran Khan? What will they do to control inflation, unemployment and overall corruption? No solution, just sloganeering.

People think “Establishment” is just army. Army is just the front office of the establishment, there are other forces involved.
Why can't all these haramkhoor's can't be put in a single boat and do the anti terrorism operation which is long over due from the 90's era. Just don't take any prisoners as courts will release them again.
One operation and all filth can be cleared as they are holding our country hostage from the freedom and the progression. They are no different then from the TTP, which costs us 80,000 lives and over $100 billions. Who will put estimates to the damage done by these traitors to our country?
We have put up with the establishment adventures for so long as we love our country and our security personal, as they are from the same land. Our establishment need to show which side they are on now. If IK goes then we are pushed back another 20 years by these cockroaches and only Allah can help us. :pakistan: .
Cause of haram kamgroo courts they will release them our judiciary system is rotten to the core we need new honest judges which r hard to find unfortunately
Always respected his guy. There are very few politicians left in Pakistan who think above party lines and for the interest of Pakistan.
Media is ignoring him since he is slightly pro PTI. Just look at the way Saleem Safi and Asma Sherazi was quick on interview Rind over his resignation as spam.

IK is not likely to survive motion of no confidence. He will become first in Pakistan history to be kick out like this thus marking his end of political career as well since I don't think so Pti will survive than as a major political party. Imran khan biggest mistake has been his egoism and over confidence especially in dealing with Jehanghir Tareen.

And thats correct who ever will become next pm of Pakistan, will be phoned by Biden immediately.
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Cause of haram kamgroo courts they will release them our judiciary system is rotten to the core we need new honest judges which r hard to find unfortunately

How are you going to find the honest people where each job vacancy is filled with the Rishwat/highest bidder and our whole society is working on the underhand bribes. Police SHO's have been caught red handed taking bribes after praying in the mosques inside the mosques, that's the height of our decency is. Country in which grade 22 or 23 officer, I can't remember the grade correctly got caught stealing Kuwaiti delegation purse.
IK is right for the Pakistan at this moment in time but to stay in the power, he have accepted and tolerated the tainted people and that's his silliest mistake is. If nation gives him 2/3 majority he must implement laws what's needs to be done to catch and get rid of the unsavoury characters and show zero tolerance towards his courtiers.
IK should survive till first week of the April and then call the elections and turn the tables on all these parties. I think IK and nation needs help from the establishment so the 23th March festivities and all those visits should go ahead and then things need to be brought head to head to sort out once for all.
His bad point will be the style and delivery of the governance but still opposition in popularity is miles behind him. He will be seen as they are trying to stop him from bringing the change, safe guard their corrupt money and are in the US pockets and hence don't stand the chance.
If US is still active in Pakistan and powerful enough to change a regime then we should disband the lumber one Agency and military , what is there purpose then ??
If US is still active in Pakistan and powerful enough to change a regime then we should disband the lumber one Agency and military , what is there purpose then ??
Ya kaheen hamary Gernrailon k buchon k visay to nhi band kar diay Americans na ??
PPP is a US proxy. Biden wants his pet to be imposed in Pakistan.
Biden finds an impotent ally "Billo" in Pakistan

Fazlo says we have some 32 members (Govt. MNAs) will to support us...thats huge if true.

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