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Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

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:lol: Funny thread.

Anyway neither are Indians East Germans :lol:
Please give me the name and address of those Indians who said they want India and Pak to reunite , I would like to pay them a visit with my friends.

Indian muslims don't count , they hated partition for obvious reasons
India and Pak to reunite !! Million times no. I am very happy to be in India without them. :tup:
Partition was the Smartest thing Nehru did in his life. People have to understand that British India's western borders have always been restive and lawless. And throughout India's history since the time of Alexander we have been invaded from West (except British).
This area of Greater Afghanistan (land west of Indus) as a geographic entity has never been controlled by anyone in recent past.

So it was very important for Modern India to create a buffer zone between India and Greater Afghanistan (Areas west of Indus). And that is exactly what we did. Now thanks to Smart Nehru we are mostly safe from the numerous terror attacks that Pakistan absorbs on a daily basis. There are occasionally attacks that happen from time to time like Mumbai but still we have been reasonably shielded from the assault from the West thanks to Pakistan and grown our economy rapidly.

Now those who are asking for reunification (on the Indian side) are either super Naive or they have been bitten by a Pagal (Mad) ***** (Dog).
Just image how bad our situation would have been had we been one country. I just shiver with the thought.

I have had enough with listening to the crap of my Indian neighbors who still are hungover by the 1947 partition. Every Indian that i came across over the years in real life or through social media had views that the partition was unjust & hence should be reversed.

@Aeronaut -

"U Mad Brah"!!

Tell U an Incident - We had a little get togather in my friends house.. booze and dope... U get the picture.. high volume punjabi music in full swing.. there was a Pakistani bhai (Friend`s Friend) after a few beers and `cigarettes ` and what not he literally started crying and hitting his forehead with his palm and saying " Ham alag - alag kyon hue bhen****" .. and we were like ... Wtf happened to him just now? He was enjoying the party just as we were..
R u sure its not the other way around...I have yet to come face to face with an Indian who says otherwise!! and I know a Lot of Indians :)

We love to disagree on how much water should go to what Indian State.. Sonia Gandhi .. JL Nehru... Indian Movies being crap now a days but Cricket and Partition is a topic where we All have same views... Interesting innit ?
Even a staunch Hindu willl be considered anti-national or Delusional if he/she said this!!
Trust me or leave it!
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I guess we are united in this..... and we think alike............I have never come across an indian who want to have united india ( thats term i take from OP)....... We are happy at wat we are.... I am pretty sure you are happy with what you are.......... So lets park this apprehension forever .... and move ahead..... Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously you are not west germany. West Germany had 0 terrorists and one of the best economies in the world.
we are not one people, we have nothing in common, we are separate nations with our own cultures and languages and beliefs; people who keep being butt-hurt over 1947 need to be shot or need to just get a job or find something productive to do
Kya kya khwab dekhte rehte hai Pakistani, kaun Indian bawla hua hai jo Pakistan ko lega :lol:
Kya kya khwab dekhte rehte hai Pakistani, kaun Indian bawla hua hai jo Pakistan ko lega :lol:

Exactly, Stay away.. Stay far far away..

The more you flare up the border...the more you stabilize this unstable mix..
Dont mess with it.. Beware!.. Beware!!
we are not one people, we have nothing in common, we are separate nations with our own cultures and languages and beliefs; people who keep being butt-hurt over 1947 need to be shot or need to just get a job or find something productive to do

I would concur and add that those senile folks that speak of unification are not talking about unifying the people, but the land which has history attached to it....

The concept of Akhand Bharat as I read it is the land minus the Pakistanis....

I dont think anyone shares a utopian view of Indians and Pakistanis living side by side as one happy family under one flag...I think the people proposing Akhand Bharat would prefer Indians living in those lands...

So I agree with the rest of what this fellow has to say....
Exactly, Stay away.. Stay far far away..

The more you flare up the border...the more you stabilize this unstable mix..
Dont mess with it.. Beware!.. Beware!!

Ha ha ha....true true.

Koi to akal wala hai Pakistan mai :D
Ham ko kya pagal hutto ne kata hai? :disagree:

Considering the amounf of religious nut jobs in Pakistan, partition would have taken place anyway. But thank god it happened much before.
India and Pakistan a creation of the wicked and cunning minds of the Brits ! It was a good decision that the two nations had to happen. If only , not in such a haste that millions had to be slaughtered on both sides of transition. Muslims live as they wish in Pakistan, Indians live as we wish in India :) Aap aap ke ghar mein, hum hamaare.
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