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Dawn.com: Xinjiang crackdown on ethnic minorities at the heart of China's Belt and Road

The new govt is hell bent of stiffling any form of criticism, and any form religion forms a challenge to central communist party which is now so paranoid to keep the new Emperor in power. Dictatorship at its best.

More like some cant accept the truth of western and lackey fake news on China. LOL..
LOL.. Another fake Pakistanis. How do u know the people arrested by Chinese authorities are normal people? The west told u, right? The West also claim Taliban and Pakistan work together to destabilize Afganistan. Pakistan ISI host osama bin laden and in cahoot with terrorist by West. So by your theory, I as a Chinese shall trust the west report that Pakistan is terrorist, right?

For the past full day you are only throwing around one video. If that means anything, then I can throw you with 50 more which make my argument.

The thing is, by denying it you are saying that the Turkish Government and people are lying.
You are saying every news outlet are lying.
You are saying that the Chinese Government is confused as at first they denied their existence and then slowly came to accept it as "vocational training centres."
You are saying all those satellite based evidences are fake which literally show large high-walled facilities with watch towers rising, as big as a small town in one case, but these don't have any military vehicles.
You are saying that every refugee from there, in Turkey, in Europe, in Vietnam, in Indonesia, in Malaysia, all, they all are fake.

The whole world is lying but the Chinese Government is speaking the truth. If they were, they would have been transparent about it.

And all you have to support your argument is one video which will you spam for eternity and turn your head to all the other stuff. Bravo!

Atleast you are a Pakistani calling me fake, a Chinese declaring me a fake Pakistani because I touched a sensitive nerve was also the funniest thing I have seen on this forum. Whatever floats your boat.
I agree with your post. There's a huge difference between China and America Brother. China wants to invest and develop emerging economies and wants to share prosperity together, while the American's use dirty tactics of changing Govt's through violence and take there resources by sending in their corporations. History is testament to America's foreign policy in South America where the Monroe Doctrine made sure no power could rival Washington.

I see Pakistan's relationship with China as that of the Tang dynasty and the Abbasid Caliphate. China should foster good ties with the Muslim world, and this is currently happening. We have a population of 1.6 billion Muslim's and much of the world's resources are contained in Muslim countries. They are scared of a strong Muslim block developing which would have a strong economic, political and military relationship with China. This is why the foundation needs to be made. The One Belt policy is important and its the beginning of the end of America as the only sole remaining superpower. Never listen to these newspapers. Go to the streets of Pakistan and ask the average Pakistani of there opinion of China. Don't ask people on this forum brother. 90% of them are liberal elites who have no idea on what the common man thinks.

China-Muslim nations alliance is not certainly in Western nation interest, how many Muslim people have die under Western historical conquest and in recent wars in Middle east? Westerners are so scare that they have push China and Muslim nations together and by fabricate hatred between Muslim and China, they expect this coalition will never happen.

I personally don't have any problem with our Pakistani brothers, they're entitle to have their opinion about China. China Pakistan relation is unique on earth, none of nation has durable relation as Sino-Pakistan friendship, we have never interfered each other's internal affair but we're helping each other. In 1959, Indians Nehru gorvernment thought they were smart by interfering Chinese internal affair by harboring Dalai Lama and we screw them since then and up until now.
LOL.. Another fake Pakistanis. How do u know the people arrested by Chinese authorities are normal people? The west told u, right? The West also claim Taliban and Pakistan work together to destabilize Afganistan. Pakistan ISI host osama bin laden and in cahoot with terrorist by West.


So by your theory, I as a Chinese shall trust the west report that Pakistan is terrorist, right?

These people have no logic brother. When you put the same scenario of Baluchistan into the equation they feel uncomfortable. Look brother I have traveled extensively in China and even worked in the country. Some of my best friends are Chinese so I understand the problem. The Uighur are uneducated, heck I was in Chengdu once and the waiter (Uighur) couldn't even speak basic Mandarin. The special incentives given to minorities needs to be gone because this is causing division between the Han and Uighur community. But regardless, Uighurs are Chinese they are son's of the soil, but if someone from there community thinks they can get independence then I expect the CCP to put them in there place without any mercy.
These people have no logic brother. When you put the same scenario of Baluchistan into the equation they feel uncomfortable. Look brother I have traveled extensively in China and even worked in the country. Some of my best friends are Chinese so I understand the problem. The Uighur are uneducated, heck I was in Chengdu once and the waiter (Uighur) couldn't even speak basic Mandarin. The special incentives given to minorities needs to be gone because this is causing division between the Han and Uighur community. But regardless, Uighurs are Chinese they are son's of the soil, but if someone from there community thinks they can get independence then I expect the CCP to put them in there place without any mercy.

I never said I believe the discrimination is based on religion, if it was then Hui Muslims would have been treated the same but they are not. The target is Uighur and in an attempt to "assimilate" them, their religious identity is being peddled with. That is a fact, if we like it or not.

I don't really care, Pakistan shouldn't interfere, and this news is getting very old. I am tired of seeing a post everyday. But truth is the truth.

In Balochistan, the only people rounded up are literal insurgents and terrorists. Not normal people of certain caste or religion on the basis that they "may" rebel.
For the past full day you are only throwing around one video. If that means anything, then I can throw you with 50 more which make my argument.

The thing is, by denying it you are saying that the Turkish Government and people are lying.
You are saying every news outlet are lying.
Yore saying that the Chinese Government as at first they denied their existence and then slowly came to accept it as "vocational training centres."
You are saying all those satellite based evidences are fake which literally show large high-walled facilities with watch towers rising, as big as a small town in one case, but these don't have any military vehicles.
You are saying that every refugee from there, in Turkey, in Europe, in Vietnam, in Indonesia, in Malaysia, all, they all are fake.

The whole world is lying but the Chinese Government is speaking the truth. If they were, they would have been transparent about it.

And all you have to support your argument is one video which will you spam for eternity and turn your head to all the other stuff. Bravo!

Atleast you are a Pakistani calling me fake, a Chinese declaring me a fake Chinese because I touched a sensitive nerve was also the funniest thing I have seen on this forum. Whatever floats your boat.

You didnt realise the hosility of these people towards. Will a vietnamese speak good about China with the ongoing sea dispute in SCS? Same as Turkey who wanted to realise their Pan Islamic ambition and in Malaysia, the ongoing freud due to their local Chinese domination of economy. These few countries do no have the best r/s with China. They will not hesitiate to jump on the fake lies bandwagon to frame China.


“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

― adolf hitler

Tell me which prison do not have high walls? Are you telling me China has no right to build prison to keep criminals while Pakistan and rest of the countries have right to do so?

You are not smart.

I never said I believe the discrimination is based on religion, if it was then Hui Muslims would have been treated the same but they are not. The target is Uighur and in an attempt to "assimilate" them, their religious identity is being peddled with. That is a fact, if we like it or not.

I don't really care, Pakistan shouldn't interfere, and this news is getting very old. I am tired of seeing a post everyday. But truth is the truth.

In Balochistan, the only people rounded up are literal insurgents and terrorists. Not normal people of certain caste or religion on the basis that they "may" rebel.
LOL, another selective post. You want to frame China but keep insist Pakistan is fully righteous.

You didnt realise the hosility of these people towards. Will a vietnamese speak good about China with the ongoing sea dispute in SCS? Same as Turkey who wanted to realise their Pan Islamic ambition and in Malaysia, the ongoing freud due to their local Chinese domination of economy. These few countries do no have the best r/s with China. They will not hesitiate to jump on the fake lies bandwagon to frame China.


“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

― adolf hitler

Tell me which prison do not have high walls? Are you telling me China has no right to build prison to keep criminals while Pakistan and rest of the countries have right to do so?

You are not smart.

Clearly you have not seen those satellite images. Those are not prisons.

Turkey's hostility is solely on the whole Uighur issue.

Al Jazeera has also reported on it, are does Al Jazeera also have something against it.

Vietnam, I can understand but Malaysia is not that hostile, they had the Chinese jets option open!

You didnt realise the hosility of these people towards. Will a vietnamese speak good about China with the ongoing sea dispute in SCS? Same as Turkey who wanted to realise their Pan Islamic ambition and in Malaysia, the ongoing freud due to their local Chinese domination of economy. These few countries do no have the best r/s with China. They will not hesitiate to jump on the fake lies bandwagon to frame China.


“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

― adolf hitler

Tell me which prison do not have high walls? Are you telling me China has no right to build prison to keep criminals while Pakistan and rest of the countries have right to do so?

You are not smart.

LOL, another selective post. You want to frame China but keep insist Pakistan is fully righteous.

A thousand or two isn't a number. These people are not being forced into camps too for a change.
Turkey's hostility is solely on the whole Uighur issue.

Al Jazeera has also reported on it, are does Al Jazeera also have something against it.
You didnt Turkey Pan Islamic ambition, didnt you? Turkey has agenda in Syria to Xinjiang.

I am very surprised of your ignorant that Al Jazeera is owned by Qatar Emirate. Qatar is a strong ally of USA. US even openly protect Qatar against Saudi. You think the Qatar will talk things nice about Chinese against US master?
China-Muslim nations alliance is not certainly in Western nation interest, how many Muslim people have die under Western historical conquest and in recent wars in Middle east? Westerners are so scare that they have push China and Muslim nations together and by fabricate hatred between Muslim and China, they expect this coalition will never happen.

I personally don't have any problem with our Pakistani brothers, they're entitle to have their opinion about China. China Pakistan relation is unique on earth, none of nation has durable relation as Sino-Pakistan friendship, we have never interfered each other's internal affair but we're helping each other. In 1959, Indians Nehru gorvernment thought they were smart by interfering Chinese internal affair by harboring Dalai Lama and we screw them since then and up until now.

China's influence is gaining and the American's have no clue how to stop this. I guess the best tactic is throwing mud by using an intermediary in those countries which they fear could join China's camp changing the current world order. The recent Saudi investment in Pakistan and China is a game changer. They will join the One Belt policy which means a number of other Arab states will follow. Policy makers in Washington are concerned with this development. But the foundation must be strong, and this foundation is the One Belt Initiative.

Brother, I don't mind if people have questions about China and vice versa, but listening and believing western media pisses me off. We all know what happened in Iraq and how the western media peddled the BS of WMD. Our relationship can never be seen in this forum. Instead, when Chinese people come to Pakistan they can see for themselves how much we value our friendship. I experienced this in China and I have cherished those memories.
Clearly you have not seen those satellite images. Those are not prisons.

Turkey's hostility is solely on the whole Uighur issue.

Al Jazeera has also reported on it, are does Al Jazeera also have something against it.

Vietnam, I can understand but Malaysia is not that hostile, they had the Chinese jets option open!

A thousand or two isn't a number. These people are not being forced into camps too for a change.
You are beyond hope. I can see your agenda is just come here to smear Chinese while ignore the fact of your own country oppression of minority. Trying to act righteous but is just an hypocrite. :enjoy:
You didnt Turkey Pan Islamic ambition, didnt you? Turkey has agenda in Syria to Xinjiang.

I am very surprised of your ignorant that Al Jazeera is owned by Qatar Emirate. Qatar is a strong ally of USA. US even openly protect Qatar against Saudi. You think the Qatar will talk things nice about Chinese against US master?

You are very great at linking countries here and there but you never think how valid your linkage is. Al Jazeera is probably the most unbiased news out there if you ever bothered to check their news out at all.

They have pinned down US representatives on cover of Afghanistan and Iraq. They have talked excessively about Indian brutalities and BJP extremism. And they have even have asked hard hitting questions from Pakistani diplomats on JeM.

They have been "brutal" on everyone. Which is why many countries don't like them and banned them including India. How would you know though, you never check what anyone has to say or show. For you the fact that there origin is outside China is enough to say they are US poodles.
I never said I believe the discrimination is based on religion, if it was then Hui Muslims would have been treated the same but they are not. The target is Uighur and in an attempt to "assimilate" them, their religious identity is being peddled with. That is a fact, if we like it or not.

I don't really care, Pakistan shouldn't interfere, and this news is getting very old. I am tired of seeing a post everyday. But truth is the truth.

In Balochistan, the only people rounded up are literal insurgents and terrorists. Not normal people of certain caste or religion on the basis that they "may" rebel.

I will ask you again....have you visited China? What is wrong with the policy of assimilating the Uighur population with the rest of China? They should learn Mandarin, how else will they get jobs across China, they should relocate to new houses instead of living in homes which were made hundreds of years ago as the risk of collapse from an earthquake is high. They should respect China's sovereignty because asking for independence won't be acceptable. Do you know Uighur's are given special exemptions in exams? They can receive fewer in an exam and get a place in a University above other Han students. When the rest of China was imposed with a one-child policy this wasn't placed on the Uighur population.
You are beyond hope. I can see your agenda is just come here to smear Chinese while ignore the fact of your own country oppression of minority. Trying to act righteous but is just an hypocrite. :enjoy:

When you don't have an answer, call the other the hopeless one. Feel free to check those satellite images any time. Famous mosques have also dissappeared right off the grid, but I guess I am the hopeless one.

Firstly, in Pakistan, no one is being forced into camps in hundreds of thousands.
And no, I have no issue with China. I also think these posts need to stop because it's getting old news now, and each post has same thing, so unless its something new, its getting stupid, same news under new headline.
But I do find it amazing how someone can say that the every country including Turkey, news outlet, refugee, and what not are fake news. But Chinese media and Communist Government speak the gospel of truth while not allowing anyone in and initially even denying the existence! Sorry to be brutally honest.

Few Chinese on this forum are good at only two things it seems like.

Deflecting and then slowly coming to accept it, while saying "LOOK AT YOUR COUNTRY, YOU ARE NOT DEVELOPED, YOUR COUNTRY HAS CHINESE LOANS"

And thinking they have the right to declare any Pakistani as a non Pakistani.

To that I say, kindly **** off. Thanks)

I will ask you again....have you visited China? What is wrong with the policy of assimilating the Uighur population with the rest of China? They should learn Mandarin, how else will they get jobs across China, they should relocate to new houses instead of living in homes which were made hundreds of years ago as the risk of collapse from an earthquake is high. They should respect China's sovereignty because asking for independence won't be acceptable. Do you know Uighur's are given special exemptions in exams? They can receive fewer in an exam and get a place in a University above other Han students. When the rest of China was imposed with a one-child policy this wasn't placed on the Uighur population.

I am aware that minorities have special rights. But the collateral damage in this "assimilation," due to some horrific terrorism events in the past decade in Xinjiang, is their religious identity.
You are beyond hope. I can see your agenda is just come here to smear Chinese while ignore the fact of your own country oppression of minority. Trying to act righteous but is just an hypocrite. :enjoy:

Brother his quoting Al Jazeera. This shitty newspaper has been writing vile nonsense about Pakistan for years and he doesn't even realize it. Such a sad state of affairs. The Chinese like Pakistan don't oppress their minorities but we don't also give a damn about those who call for independence. The job of our respective Government's is to put them six feet under because that is where they belong.
Brother his quoting Al Jazeera. This shitty newspaper has been writing vile nonsense about Pakistan for years and he doesn't even realize it. Such a sad state of affairs. The Chinese like Pakistan don't oppress their minorities but we don't also give a damn about those who call for independence. The job of our respective Government's is to put them six feet under because that is where they belong.

That newspaper has been writing "vile nonsense" about every country including India, US and EU countries. Why don't you tell the whole picture? Hypocrite. It is why the news outlet is unbiased.

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