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Corrption worsened during 2017-18 period: Transparency Intl 2019 Report

so the helicopter project

how can you be a poor tomato farmer when tomato prices keep getting jacked up for Iranian imports?

did you earn money on PIA Markhoor scheme via Qatar as well?

You have asked so many questions can I ask you 1 which will be not personal but general.

What is the best political option for Pakistanis in your opinion and why?

The same damn option it has now. Voting for people who you can hold accountable when you meet him face to face.

You are an electable. There is a big cultural difference between you and I. Irreconcilable if i may say
What is a difference between and electable and a regular politician in your opinion?
What is the best political option for Pakistanis in your opinion and why?

Declare war on India.

It will ensure that electable politics of Pakistan will end once and for all in rebuilding efforts.

The situation is incorrigible simply because you are destined to remain in power like you have for the past 72 years which resulted in you being a poor tomato farmer which i can assure you, you are not no matter how great the sell is and me running away from the country fleeing haram earning, nepotism and corruption.

What is a difference between and electable and a regular politician in your opinion?

Now that the shoe is on the other foot
January 24, 2020

Transparency International versus PTI

There are around half a dozen speeches by PM Imran Khan supporting Transparency International’s successive reports and maintaining that these were enough to substantiate his allegations of corruption against the PML(N) government. The TI Report 2019, ranking Pakistan 120th out of 180 countries on its corruption index, three spots down from 2018, shows that with the PTI in power, corruption is on the increase. This should have led the party’s bigwigs to hang their heads in shame. It appears however that the party brazenly employs one set of standards for itself, and another for its opponents. PM’s Special Assistant Firdous Ashiq Awan has rejected the findings of the “managed” and “biased” report while PM’s Special Assistant Shahzad Akbar maintained that the report was based on mere perceptions rather than sold evidence.

The report singles out two major factors that can ratchet up corruption levels. The role of big money in financing political parties is one, conflict of interest is another. Both factors have been widely noted in the case of the PTI.

The way the PTI employed ruses to dodge enquiries in the foreign funding case for years indicated that the party did not want to reveal the names of its foreign funders.
The media had pointed out the extraordinarily lavish spending incurred by PTI candidates in some of the constituencies won by the party. Businessmen have been named, both inside and outside the country, who have financed the party heavily. Naturally they expect benefits when the party is in power. Conflict of interest has been rampant within the party for years and is even more so now that it is in power. There is a need to heed to Transparency International’s suggestion that governments urgently address the corrupting role of big money over political system as it gains undue influence by financing political parties.

Finally, PTI MPs will recommend their henchmen as Ehsas programme beneficiaries, rejecting Dr Sania Nishter’s reliance on NADRA’s database to determine the deserving. If setting aside merit in favour of cronyism is not corruption, what else is?

Can moderators stop these threads from polluting this forum,.... there are at least three threads running on this issue already and space jelly keeps starting his Rona shine threads again and again....

Space jelly were you touched inappropriately as a kid by PTI ????? I mean I have never seen someone with no knowledge and even lower IQ hate PTI souch
Declare war on India.

It will ensure that electable politics of Pakistan will end once and for all in rebuilding efforts.

The situation is incorrigible simply because you are destined to remain in power like you have for the past 72 years which resulted in you being a poor tomato farmer which i can assure you, you are not no matter how great the sell is and me running away from the country fleeing haram earning, nepotism and corruption.

If you want to end electables here let me help you with it.

First you have to understand why electables get successful.

Here is a simple example. In days when there was load shedding in Pakistan a rural area will get 16 hours where as an urban area will get 4 hours. This ill distribution of resources is what made electables thrive.
Why would some one vote for PMLn if they not focusing on them that is why electables thrive.

Consistency helps political parties not Pakistan. I will always vote for the best interest of Pakistan that is where my loyalty stands.

Beat me in an argument over who is better and I will stand behind you for Pakistan any day.
If you want to end electables here let me help you with it.

First you have to understand why electables get successful.

Here is a simple example. In days when there was load shedding in Pakistan a rural area will get 16 hours where as an urban area will get 4 hours. This ill distribution of resources is what made electables thrive.
Why would some one vote for PMLn if they not focusing on them that is why electables thrive
This is a governance matter..Not a matter of electable politics
Consistency helps political parties not Pakistan. I will always vote for the best interest of Pakistan that is where my loyalty stands.

Beat me in an argument over who is better and I will stand behind you for Pakistan any day.

You were voting for development funds not for betterment of Pakistan.

This nationalistic politics is always in fashion and always a slogan.

Do you think other half of you, since you are a right wing electable, the left wing electable is anti State?
This not a matter of governance but inequality.

Here funds for medicine from South were given to lahore orange train.

Layyah funds diverted to Lahore

This is corruption. Something you did not care for in your apparent sacrifice for the good of the country.

Honey you don't get. You won't get it. Neither you want to.

Let's just wait till you label elements in PTI as foreign agents working on another jang leaks
This is corruption. Something you did not care for in your apparent sacrifice for the good of the country.

Honey you don't get. You won't get it. Neither you want to.

Let's just wait till you label elements in PTI as foreign agents working on another jang leaks

This is not corruption this inequality and depriving a region of its due share and that is what creates electable who go after the interests of the people who voted them in. This is not rocket science but a very easy thing to understand.
This is not corruption this inequality and depriving a region of its due share and that is what creates electable who go after the interests of the people who voted them in. This is not rocket science but a very easy thing to understand.

do you know what is the political definition of an electable is?

if only all poor farmers of Pakistan had fast internet and listened to government advice of googling first before speaking
Now PTI is giving that area its due share.

but the election promise was creating a province of South Punjab remember if you may

also with no accountability laws in the country now. there is no stopping the corruption in these funds going to the same blackmail which has devoured billions of Trumps dollars.

I told you we have irreconcilable differences when it comes to understanding politics. It is a waste of time engaging each other.

I am a firm believer that Khotay sikkay died in 1947 only to return as zombies and claming power in 1951 thanks to hashashins brought from Bactria.
but the election promise was creating a province of South Punjab remember if you may

also with no accountability laws in the country now. there is no stopping the corruption in these funds going to the same blackmail which has devoured billions of Trumps dollars.

I told you we have irreconcilable differences when it comes to understanding politics. It is a waste of time engaging each other.

I am a firm believer that Khotay sikkay died in 1947 only to return as zombies and claming power in 1951 thanks to hashashins brought from Bactria.

It was you who engaged if it was waste of your time your are welcome to disengage. I am always up for agreeing to disagree. Any ways you always know engaging with me will always hurt you point of view then why even try?

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