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"Communist Chinese liars are all Racist"

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Is that from the 'Mandate of Heaven'? Do not be shy and let everyone knows how China is supposed to be ruler and master (racist) of all Asia. How do you say 'Sieg Heil' in Mandarin?

haha oh gambit, thinking ahead of ourselves huh? and not even a part of China yet lol. I guess even vassal boys can have great dreams for their Master country.

haha oh gambit, thinking ahead of ourselves huh? and not even a part of China yet lol. I guess even vassal boys can have great dreams for their Master country.

Ooopsss...Looks like someone is trying to dance his way of the corner here. Am going to ask you again...Is there a 'Mandate of Heaven' to authorize China a racist war against smaller Asian countries?
Ooopsss...Looks like someone is trying to dance his way of the corner here. Am going to ask you again...Is there a 'Mandate of Heaven' to authorize China a racist war against smaller Asian countries?

No, gambit.

No racist war. :azn:
The problem with the thread title is that it should say "Chinese Communists are all liars!" Then there could be no further argument. As for Chinese racism, I noticed it immediately when the forum started getting many more Chinese posters about 6 months ago. I started calling some, like "below freezing" and "card sharp" on it. Of course they immediately denied being racist. But their words belied their protestations. Now I see many of you are ganging up on Gambit because he called you on it. The way to end it is for everyone to stop using another poster's race as a bludgeon. I will only call someone a "yellow man" who calls me a "white man".
The problem with the thread title is that it should say "Chinese Communists are all liars!" Then there could be no further argument. As for Chinese racism, I noticed it immediately when the forum started getting many more Chinese posters about 6 months ago. I started calling some, like "below freezing" and "card sharp" on it. Of course they immediately denied being racist. But their words belied their protestations. Now I see many of you are ganging up on Gambit because he called you on it. The way to end it is for everyone to stop using another poster's race as a bludgeon. I will only call someone a "yellow man" who calls me a "white man".

but you guys proudly call yourself "white man" :eek:
but you guys proudly call yourself "white man" :eek:

Not I. It is racist to attribute ideas "a", "b" and "c" to me because I am a "white". I am simply an American.
lmao what standards?

you are one confused vassal boy. :lol:
I doubt you understand the proper meaning and context of 'vassal'. Nevertheless, your continued usage of it continues to confirm what I have been saying all along -- that the lot of you are raised with racism towards others that are no less repugnant than those of the Stormfront crowd.
Not i. It is racist to attribute ideas "a", "b" and "c" to me because I am a "white". I am simply an American.

oh really?

how do you feel when your fellow americans call themselves "white man"? would you call them self-racist? :lol:
No, kid. Am showing YOU how illogical you Chinese boys have been about this. The reason why my origin became a convenient issue for cheap and personal insults is because you boys cannot stand the idea of being challenged and by a supposedly inferior Asian at that. In the beginning, I have no reasons to make anything personal against anyone. If I post a challenge, I remained on subject and provide credible technical sources that anyone can verify for himself. Everyone knows this before you came on here. If I was a racist, I could have done it against the Pakistanis a long time ago.

Kid and Chinese boys imply that you respond in a more mature way than me. You have not shown this capability in anything besides in defense matters. I personally have not brought up your Vietnamese heritage as anything derogatory. The problem is you classify all Chinese as a single entity which in itself is a racist idea. You always need to bring in other Chinese as a justification in our arguments when you know I am winning. Would you like me to bring in other Vietnamese views when I argue against your view?

Your idea of yourself being free of racism is ridiculous. Because you are not racist against Pakistanis then you are not racist against Chinese? Fine then you agree with me based on your own logic Zhenghe is not racist against Vietnamese because he isn't exhibiting racist behavior against the Swedish. Makes about much sense as your you explanation
lmao what standards?

you are one confused vassal boy. :lol:

ZhengHe, it is best to ignore gambit. :tup:

After being on this forum for a while, you'll realize why gambit likes to hang around the China defence section.
The problem with the thread title is that it should say "Chinese Communists are all liars!" Then there could be no further argument. As for Chinese racism, I noticed it immediately when the forum started getting many more Chinese posters about 6 months ago. I started calling some, like "below freezing" and "card sharp" on it. Of course they immediately denied being racist. But their words belied their protestations. Now I see many of you are ganging up on Gambit because he called you on it. The way to end it is for everyone to stop using another poster's race as a bludgeon. I will only call someone a "yellow man" who calls me a "white man".
Absolutely they will deny those contradictions.

Asian Racism - Cold Truths Are Beginning to Surface - NYTimes.com
LONDON— The human race, according to a Chinese legend, was created by a divine potter who left his clay figure of a man too long in the kiln. When it came out burned and black, he threw it away as far as he could - and it landed in Africa. The second one he pulled out too soon: It was too white. So he threw that one away, more gently, and it landed in Europe. Now he knew the correct timing. The third man was a gorgeous yellow, and from him the East Asian races descended.

Such fanciful tales are found in many cultures. They assert the primitive, if understandable, proposition that one's own skin color is best. Until recently, many white Westerners have presumed that they are more guilty of such racial prejudices than are the other races of Asia and Africa.

Research is only now showing what Westerners living in the Third World had guessed: that the formation of racial perceptions, stereotypes and prejudices is common to all civilizations.

An important breakthrough was the publication this spring of a book about Chinese race perceptions by a Dutch anthropologist, Frank Dikotter. In "The Discourse of Race in Modern China," he shatters conventional notions about China's being relatively free of racism.
It is comical to watch the cowardice and tap-dancing around the issue. They should just come out and be proud of what they are and set a positive example for their fellow Chinese.
They are perpetuating racism.


That is true though.

Let me then ask you, what about minorities living in the US? I'm not talking about immigrants; I'm talking about 3rd, 4th or more generations who have been living here their entire lives. Are they the same as you?
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