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Chinese government media respond to recent Libyan rebel comments


Nov 13, 2009
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The article below was published by Global Times yesterday. Global Times is a private media group in China, although it has significant degree of government connection. Most consider it a quasi-government news source. The Chinese government often uses it to publish things that are too politically incorrect to say on its official Xinhua agency. I translated the thing for your viewing pleasure.

Recently, Libyan rebels accused China of selling arms to Gaddafi back in July, and that China was blocking the unfreezing of Libyan assets formerly held by Gaddafi. Furthermore, Libyan rebels hinted that China and Russia would lose future access to Libyan oil and construction projects, citing lack of support from othese two countries during the war. From the strong words in this article, it seems the Chinese government has lost patience with rebel's claims, as well as their recent statements.


There is a wide spread rumour in the West regarding sales of arms from China to Gaddafi in July. Libya's opposition and NTC officials were pushing the same rumours. Currently they are accusing China of blocking the unfreezing of oversea Libyan assets and using the said assets as a negotiation chip. Furthermore, they threatened future oil and construction contracts against China and Russia. These are not the behaviours expected of proper government officials.

China has yet to recognize the legitimacy of NTC (Libyan National Transitional Council). From this point alone, China cannot take the same stand as the West. More than just military victories, rebels need to demonstrate they can build a stable and responsible regime. While world has Britain, France and United States as countries that like to intervene, there are relatively neutral China and Russia also. If Libyan rebels wish to be a proper member of the international community, they need to re-examine their world view.

China has no intention to oppose the Libyan rebels, but China is not interested in kissing its backside either. China has its own rules of conducts in international relations, which it uses to deal with great powers. These rules will not be bend for a small country like Libya. China demands its existing interests be protected in Libya. If the rebels ignore the demands, then paying the price is almost certain.

Recent comments by the rebels makes people suspect the string of military successes has gotten to their heads. Their comments towards China contains elements of both threat and blackmail, similar to how Gaddafi conducted himself when he was at the height of his power.

The fact is, China had already agreed to unfreeze $15 billion dollar Libyan oversea assets to help with reconstruction last Thursday. That was a friendly signal sent by China. The total worth of Libyan oversea assets are 170 billion, which belongs to all Libyans. China's request on the August 5th to the rebels to show transparency in how it handles the funds is a responsible one.

Since the cold war, there have been several small countries that had dramatic changes in their political landscape. The new regimes took hardline stance against China when they got into power, some even went as far as threaten to develop formal relationship with Taiwan. However, all of them changed their tones later. We hope Libyan rebels learn these lessons, and avoid mistakes when dealing with China.

Simply because of regime change in Libya, does not mean previous international agreements they signed become scrap papers. Rebels stated they would honour the agreements. We hope this is the solid consensus of the new government, and doesn't break apart as easily as their claims of military victory.

Libyan's internal landscape changed drastically, but internationally the key players remain the same. The importance of Libya will not significantly shift, and its relations with great powers cannot shift easily either. Today's Libyan situation is highly volatile, and could change easily. We hope new Libyan government recognize the reality, or they could learn the hard way.

China is Libya's friend, like nearly all countries in Africa are China's friends. As long as Libyan rebels do not try to be an exception, their relationship with China will be straighten out eventually.

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