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China to be world largest Christian country in less than a generation

The Chinese people take Christian as part of the west culture, now China is very much westernized, you can see the clothes, buildings and the teachings at the schools. People in China like to celebrate Christmas but not read the bible, Christmas very much celebrated by the shopping mall, and most of the kids demand Christmas gifts, college students will have a party for dance, even some churches have to close gats since the last night in fear of too much people rush in to make a big accident.

But Chinese people not religious since the ancient times, religion never was a great power in Chinese history. even 2000 years ago, the great Kong, when asked about Ghosts and Gods, said “to respect and keep far away “ from the these super natural things.

Tao and Buddha has been a philosophy to give people a attitude of life in Chinese history, never became a main political power to rule the society like the in medieval Europe or the Arab world.

Religion created by people and used to serve the people, when Hong xiuoqiuan used Christianity as a tool to rebelling the Qing dynasty, he used it not wisely, when some British heard about in South of China, somebody want to establish a Christian heavenly kingdom, they rush to help their eastern Christian brothers and sisters, but after a talk with Mr Hong, these British decided to form a “riffle team” to gun down Mr Hong and his gangs. Mr Hong claimed he was the bigger brother of Jesus, and later another big boss in the gang, Mr Yang claimed himself the father of Jesus.

When a Chinese company was to make the rail way to link two holly cities for the Hajj pilgrims, the clerics say none Muslim can get into the cities, so all the Chinese worker become Muslims, this makes everybody happy, all the Muslims around the world very happy about this piece of news, and the worker very happy that they can get the work done, and then they can go home to eat poke. Religion sometimes is trick to deceived themselves, but you have to play it until today, since your forefathers played it many many years ago, you have the duty to continue.
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The Chinese people take Christian as part of the west culture, now China is very much westernized, you can see the clothes, buildings and the teachings at the schools. People in China like to celebrate Christmas but not read the bible, Christmas very much celebrated by the shopping mall, and most of the kids demand Christmas gifts, college students will have a party for dance, even some churches have to close gats since the last night in fear of too much people rush in to make a big accident.

But Chinese people not religious since the ancient times, religion never was a great power in Chinese history. even 2000 years ago, the great Kong, when asked about Ghosts and Gods, said “to respect and keep far away “ from the these super natural things.

Tao and Buddha has been a philosophy to give people a attitude of life in Chinese history, never became a main political power to rule the society like the in medieval Europe or the Arab world.

Religion created by people and used to serve the people, when Hong xiuoqiuan used Christianity as a tool to rebelling the Qing dynasty, he used it not wisely, when some British heard about in South of China, somebody want to establish a Christian heavenly kingdom, they rush to help their eastern Christian brothers and sisters, but after a talk with Mr Hong, these British decided to form a “riffle team” to gun down Mr Hong and his gangs. Mr Hong claimed he was the bigger brother of Jesus, and later another big boss in the gang, Mr Yang claimed himself the father of Jesus.

When a Chinese company was to make the rail way to link two holly cities for the Hajj pilgrims, the clerics say none Muslim can get into the cities, so all the Chinese worker become Muslims, this makes everybody happy, all the Muslims around the world very happy about this piece of news, and the worker very happy that they can get the work done, and then they can go home to eat poke. Religion sometimes is trick to deceived themselves, but you have to play it until today, since your forefathers played it many many years ago, you have the duty to continue.

Chinese people are very religious.

But we are religious in Confucian way.

We are really respecting and practicing Confucius value, like respecting elderly, politeness and manner, etc.

We were once almost trapped in religion like Buddhism, almost turned China into Tibet and Bhutan.

Or Roman Empire to Christianity that lead into the Dark Age.
Christianity (As it is practiced) has successfully transformed itself into a liberal religion where church has lost its role of interference in day to day affairs of Christian. Good if China becomes christian country. Its relationship with west will improve. May be christianity may help it to emerge as a non communist liberal democracy.
Chinese people are very religious.

But we are religious in Confucian way.

We are really respecting and practicing Confucius value, like respecting elderly, politeness and manner, etc.

We were once almost trapped in religion like Buddhism, almost turned China into Tibet and Bhutan.

Or Roman Empire to Christianity that lead into the Dark Age.
Confucius teaching is not like a religion, all the systematic religions are connected with hell and paradise, a combination of lure and intimidation, but Chinese people do not need this kind of catalyst, directly understand what is correct and wrong, that is why I always think Chinese culture are superior to any other main culture in the world.
Chinese people are very religious.

But we are religious in Confucian way.

We are really respecting and practicing Confucius value, like respecting elderly, politeness and manner, etc.

We were once almost trapped in religion like Buddhism, almost turned China into Tibet and Bhutan.

Or Roman Empire to Christianity that lead into the Dark Age.

Of late I have been delving into the teachings of the Tao. After Uni, a whole decade of full time work have left me empty and hollow. After reading about applying Taoist discipline into daily life, I feel that im on to something great.

Religion is one of the greatest civilizing tools. let people believe in whatever deities, that way they feel that their actions will be seen and judged by some almighty being. Great for self regulating where the individual does the right thing for fear of being punished by some divine being.

I don't believe in some almighty being. You certainly dont. But let the mass believe in order to make them better people accountable for their own actions.
Man...first communism, now this. China just can't catch a break.

china a big economy and military will destroy itself by its own people. outsiders should just sit back and watch. i know chinese history and there is rarely peace in china.
a famous japanese saying is chinese people are like sand.

we chinese have oriental philosophical thought/the traditional chinese way of thinking ,and the western way of thinking not suit us. Even western christian come to china, can also be localization of western religion in china. it will not be entirely western religion,and mixed religion
so you admit christianity will conquer china. :cheers:

Chinese believe in the God of Wealth.




god of wealth? do you speak chinese or are you a real chinese? Guan Yu is no god of wealth.
china a big economy and military will destroy itself by its own people. outsiders should just sit back and watch. i know chinese history and there is rarely peace in china.
a famous japanese saying is chinese people are like sand.

so you admit christianity will conquer china. :cheers:

god of wealth? do you speak chinese or are you a real chinese? Guan Yu is no god of wealth.
Guan Yu is the protection of God, many business peopleworship him
There is only 1 group of people on this planet that will never succumb to Christian missionaries.....Hindu Indians!

Indians are very loyal to their Hindu religion and the Christian missionaries have tried their very best to convert Hindus into Christians but have failed.

Christian missionaries turned South Korea into a Christian country within a few decades and they will do this to China too.

Search for Orissa, Indians have a significant Christian minority and missionary work there is wide-spread.

I am a Taoist, at the age of 7 in accordance with the conventional approach ofteaching.

At the same time I am an atheist, I think the "Tao" is everything the universerunning rules, find, follow, the use of these laws is the foundation of Taoist doctrine, not like other religions to worship a fantasy of the Lord god.
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The best way for china to counter christianity is by adopting buddhist,taoist,confucianism model of their earlier ancestors, going back to roots makes a nation strong.
USSR fell because it was too atheist,When there are too many atheists they begin looking for answers in life and beyond which material wealth cannot fulfill they are fulfilled by spirituality.Eventually atheists become theists on long run.
To stop the take over of christianity china should embrace their ancestors roots it is rediscovering their identity which makes them strong and immune to christian conversion and eventual take over of china.
India couldnt be converted because we always sticked to our roots and knew our identity nor did we try to do something new like europe embraced christianity discarding roman gods.
India is still the same, while the rest of the world has converted and their civilizations vanished.
Islam tried its hand christianity tried its hand to convert India for a 1000 years and we are still the same.While other nations it took less than 50 years to fully convert them.The abrahamic religions have run out of options to convert Hindus.

Search for Orissa, Indians have a significant Christian minority and missionary work there is wide-spread.
The missionaries in orissa are being driven out by hordes of tribals, first they thought the missionaries were kind folk when they came to know how they were being exploited the tide has turned on the christian missionaries in orissa.Those tribals are now embracing their hindu identity.
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Fortuna has two.关羽是武财神,也是保护神,所以做生意的人才会拜。:chilli:

I am a Taoist, at the age of 7 in accordance with the conventional approach ofteaching.

At the same time I am an atheist, I think the "Tao" is everything the universerunning rules, find, follow, the use of these laws is the foundation of Taoist doctrine, not like other religions to worship a fantasy of the Lord god.

Taoism books recommended "a 2600 before the moral"
I suggest you do not recommend this book,Chinese people can not read this book too

I am a Taoist, at the age of 7 in accordance with the conventional approach ofteaching.

At the same time I am an atheist, I think the "Tao" is everything the universerunning rules, find, follow, the use of these laws is the foundation of Taoist doctrine, not like other religions to worship a fantasy of the Lord god.

the god of the bible is not an imaginary of man.
the wonders of creation reveal a self-existent power.
"tao" is thus created by the god's commandment (so to speak)
Fortuna has two.关羽是武财神,也是保护神,所以做生意的人才会拜。:chilli:

Only bad Chinese are doing it. With no respect to him.

But I can't blame them too, as many struggling Chinese need help.

I think people should balance between seeking help and hear what I say too.

The best way for china to counter christianity is by adopting buddhist,taoist,confucianism model of their earlier ancestors, going back to roots makes a nation strong.

It's not only useful to counter Christianity, but also foreign ideology like democracy and communism.

United the whole China, including Taiwan.

A lot of Chinese worldwide are going to cry of happiness when mainland drop communism and re-embrace Confucianism. Including in Taiwan too.

The end of Chinese stupidity, fighting for the sake of foreigners. Communism vs Democracy is not a Chinese thing, we should not care anything about it.

Of late I have been delving into the teachings of the Tao. After Uni, a whole decade of full time work have left me empty and hollow. After reading about applying Taoist discipline into daily life, I feel that im on to something great.

Religion is one of the greatest civilizing tools. let people believe in whatever deities, that way they feel that their actions will be seen and judged by some almighty being. Great for self regulating where the individual does the right thing for fear of being punished by some divine being.

I don't believe in some almighty being. You certainly dont. But let the mass believe in order to make them better people accountable for their own actions.

Although I'm endorsing Daoism, but I never make a time to learn it.

Only read it briefly.
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Hi everyone. I just wanted to share a story with you.

Several of my friends and I had a discussion about the apocalypses of different religions. One asked, "There are so many different religions, how does one knows which is right and which to follow?" All was quiet, so I answered, "Religion is like a vehicle, it does not matter how you travel, by boat, by plane, or by car, as long as you reach your destination, it doesn't matter.............I like to walk."
Hi everyone. I just wanted to share a story with you.

Several of my friends and I had a discussion about the apocalypses of different religions. One asked, "There are so many different religions, how does one knows which is right and which to follow?" All was quiet, so I answered, "Religion is like a vehicle, it does not matter how you travel, by boat, by plane, or by car, as long as you reach your destination, it doesn't matter.............I like to walk."

All religions are the same.

Daoism = Buddhism = Christianity = Islam = Hinduism = Zoroaster = Modern Science

In Buddhism, someone asked a Buddha, why there are so many religions in the world.

And Buddha told him a story of Elephant and Blind Men since birth.

We all are researcher.

To be honest, all religions I mentioned above are much closer than what most people thought.

If each of one of the religion follower above willingly to take a peak to other religion teaching, they will find their own religion in all of them.

We and them mentality, fighting over religion differences, are the most stupid thing in the world.
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