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China ambassador Wu Jianmin's death sparks foreign policy debate

Wu is a traitor, if such guys managing the government too long China will become next former Soviet ... i think now China already defined this guy, he is someone's foreign ambassador in China not the Chinese ambassador for China interest. His idea belong to some Gorbachev ppl not fit for China developing, and we know what result Gorbachev will bring to us ! 此人死后进不了八宝山!

"Narrow-minded nationalists often tend to tout military confrontation when dealing with territorial disputes, as opposed to Deng Xiaoping's advice to 'set aside differences and pursue joint development'," Mr Wu wrote in a recent article.

This has been approved a harmfully failed foreign policy.
The former diplomat live in his own world. China "set aside difference", but aggressive neighbors don't "set aside difference". Tag those pinoy and viet in PDF, who agree to "set aside difference and pursue joint development"?

Till 1970's China still controlled most of SCS islands. After 1970's they started to crazy occupy Chinese territory during China's cultural revolution. Mr. Wu kept blind what the neighbors done and advocate humble. see those pictures, the Phipplines even in 1990's bombed down stonemark on Huangyan island and "occupied" Ren'ai shoal via trick. Mr. Wu's advocate of "set aside difference and pursue joint development" lack supports from his foreign counterparts. Pinoy didn't and will not cooperate with his policy.


"Narrow-minded nationalists often tend to tout military confrontation when dealing with territorial disputes, as opposed to Deng Xiaoping's advice to 'set aside differences and pursue joint development'," Mr Wu wrote in a recent article.

This has been approved a harmfully failed foreign policy.
The former diplomat live in his own world. China "set aside difference", but aggressive neighbors don't "set aside difference". Tag those pinoy and viet in PDF, who agree to "set aside difference and pursue joint development"?

Till 1970's China still controlled most of SCS islands. After 1970's they started to crazy occupy Chinese territory during China's cultural revolution. Mr. Wu kept blind what the neighbors done and advocate humble. see those pictures, the Phipplines even in 1990's bombed down stonemark on Huangyan island and "occupied" Ren'ai shoal via trick. Mr. Wu's advocate of "set aside difference and pursue joint development" lack supports from his foreign counterparts. Pinoy didn't and will not cooperate with his policy.


Actually Pinoy had already declared war, I don't know why our diplomat still expected to "talk".
"Narrow-minded nationalists often tend to tout military confrontation when dealing with territorial disputes, as opposed to Deng Xiaoping's advice to 'set aside differences and pursue joint development'," Mr Wu wrote in a recent article.

This has been approved a harmfully failed foreign policy.
The former diplomat live in his own world. China "set aside difference", but aggressive neighbors don't "set aside difference". Tag those pinoy and viet in PDF, who agree to "set aside difference and pursue joint development"?

Till 1970's China still controlled most of SCS islands. After 1970's they started to crazy occupy Chinese territory during China's cultural revolution. Mr. Wu kept blind what the neighbors done and advocate humble. see those pictures, the Phipplines even in 1990's bombed down stonemark on Huangyan island and "occupied" Ren'ai shoal via trick. Mr. Wu's advocate of "set aside difference and pursue joint development" lack supports from his foreign counterparts. Pinoy didn't and will not cooperate with his policy.
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Actually Pinoy had already decleared war, I don't know why our diplomat still expected to "talk".
LOL ... he is the stupid, even forget Deng XiaoPing started Sino-Vietnam War during China reform and opening-up policy... where's the PEACE during the territorial disputes ? U.S, Russia, France, Britain, China which one is the PEACE guy not joint any foreign war during last 50 years ??? :rofl:

A naive diplomatist == unqualified diplomatist :coffee:
LOL ... he is the stupid, even forget Deng XiaoPing started Sino-Vietnam War during China reform and opening-up policy... where's the PEACE during the territorial disputes ? U.S, Russia, France, Britain, China which one is the PEACE guy not joint any foreign war during last 50 years ??? :rofl:

A naive diplomatist == unqualified diplomatist :coffee:

I want to talk something more about "peaceful rising". I often see here some members sarcasm "peaceful rising", I think they don't understand what peaceful rising means.

First of all, nowadays world rule is still based on post WWII international rule, as long as China don't break aggressively the rule, it's is peaceful rising, observers can find clearly China is one of the most actively contributor and leader of UN affairs, the 3rd largest funds supplier.

It's very native to think peaceful rising means China won't open fire even the core interests have been broken. When it's necessary, China have to start the war to modify unusual regional situation and punish neighbors fault. We did it in the beginning of 1980's, we should hammer another jumping greedy wolf.

In a 2014 TV debate with a hawkish major general, Mr Wu warned that those who engage in conflicts will themselves be dragged into trouble. More recently, he also pointed out that China's parochial nationalism is rising and urged China to reject it for continued progress.

"Narrow-minded nationalists often tend to tout military confrontation when dealing with territorial disputes, as opposed to Deng Xiaoping's advice to 'set aside differences and pursue joint development'," Mr Wu wrote in a recent article.

Mr Wu's critics argue that his views were simply out of date, and did not reflect China's real strength and the current international dynamics.

"He bears the strong hallmark of foreign policy making from the Deng Xiaoping era," said Qiu Zhenhai, who moderated Mr Wu's 2014 debate with the major general on Hong Kong's Phoenix TV.

"What he had advocated was entirely correct, but he neglected the fact that time has changed and China has also changed structurally. Therefore, frictions between China and the West are inevitable," Mr Qiu told the BBC.

On the internet, Mr Wu's critics lamented his view of the world as "too nice to Americans".

One commenter on the Global Times website urged: "At a time when Americans are suppressing us, please do not praise this man. It will backfire."

I watched that TV debate in 2014, and Mr. Wu was rude and illogical, at times furious. The so called "hawkish major general" was calm, diplomatic and rational. If you don't know their background, you could not associate Mr. Wu with the term "diplomat" based on his performance in the debate. People said Mr. Wu was a Dove to the west, but he was a Hawk to Chinese patriots.
I want to talk something more about "peaceful rising". I often see here some members sarcasm "peaceful rising", I think they don't understand what peaceful rising means.

First of all, nowadays world rule is still based on post WWII international rule, as long as China don't break aggressively the rule, it's is peaceful rising, observers can find clearly China is one of the most actively contributor and leader of UN affairs, the 3rd largest funds supplier.

It's very native to think peaceful rising means China won't open fire even the core interests have been broken. When it's necessary, China have to start the war to modify unusual regional situation and punish neighbors fault. We did it in the beginning of 1980's, we should hammer another jumping greedy wolf.
What i know there's another naive diplomatist in West like that, and Mr Wu doing or claiming in China as same as the guy did in Europe history.:rofl: NAIVE !
I don't know very much Europe history, which one he is? What's his opinion there?
Former Britain P.M - Arthur Neville Chamberlain(张伯伦), before WWII try to speak PEACE with Hitler and signed alliance with Nazi Germany in Munich city. One typical naive diplomatist. :rofl:

Neville Chamberlain
I don't think he is calling or advocating anything against China's interests.

It is extremely sad that even a moderate person advocating for more reform and opening up, and cooperation can be branded a traitor. It seems that these days instead of expertise China is seeking Yes-Men.


Nonsense. We are not seeking Yes-Men. We are seeking men who is willing to defend our territorial integrity and rights according to international law and norm. And you don't seem to understand that Chinese politics is like everyone else where consensus/majority is needed to reach any type of change. Just because a few wants us to compromise our integrity doesn't mean we should. You never ask the Chinese people whether they want to give up our interest in exchange to be friend or a puppy of US? Did you?
I'm glad this pro-Western treasonous scumbag Wu Jianmin is dead.

The anti-China goons will mourn the death of this traitor, Chinese Patriots will celebrate that a traitor has perished.

Rot in hell Wu Jianmin.

Global Times editor-in-chief Xu Xijin is a true Chinese patriot.

All the anti-China goons hate him, that's why I love him.

Global Times is by far the best English-language newspaper in China.
I think XJP's reign in China is very negative for China for the following reasons:

  1. He is totally unwilling to try to take on economic challenges and launch bold reforms like in the era of Zhu Rongji.
  2. The strength of China today is due to the period from 1980-2010, the bold reforms and pragmatic policy. XJP comes in and is altering all the dynamics on their head. China isn't strong enough to take on the US, far from it. You are inviting US in the region by unnecessarily creating hostility with the neighbouring countries and challenging US. Phillippines was a very neutral, even friendly country to China. But this all changed. Similar with many other countries.
  3. He is creating an army of Yes-Men, and purging people who speak anything different. Tighter controls on all forms of civil liberties, and debate on state policy.

Please explain to me what are his "traitorous" behaviors?

You seem to enjoy passing judgement on Chinese affair that you have very little knowledge about, and you are quite opinionated. From "Great Leap Forward" to "cultural Revolution", now to XJP, do you actually think you know China better than Chinese themselves? You seem to be a relatively rational guy among Indian members, at least you would not deny hard facts, so if you want to have constructive conversations with Chinese members, please refrain from making judgement, particularly on China's recent history.

Mr. Wu would have been shot dead long time ago for his "anti national" speeches and publications, if he were in India. He was lucky to live in an open, tolerant safe society, and made fame for being pro-west.
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You seem to enjoy passing judgement on Chinese affair that you have very little knowledge about, and you are quite opinionated. From "Great Leap Forward" to "cultural Revolution", now to XJP, do you actually think you know China better than Chinese themselves? You seem to be a relatively rational guy among Indian members, at least you would not deny hard facts, so if you want to have constructive conversations with Chinese members, please refrain from making judgement, particularly on China's recent history.

Mr. Wu would have been shot dead long time ago for his "anti national" speeches and publications, if he were in India. He was lucky to live in an open, tolerant safe society, and made fame for being pro-west.

LOL. Here we have people openly advocating for Kashmir's independence from India, and nothing much has happened to them.

Can you guess what will happen if someone were to suggest China's any region's independence in China?
LOL. Here we have people openly advocating for Kashmir's independence from India, and nothing much has happened to them.

Can you guess what will happen if someone were to suggest China's any region's independence in China?

Kashmir is UN designated "dispute region". Please do not conveniently forget this fact. And you know how many people have died for the Independent Kashmir in the past 20 years, and how many people have been shot in the past couple of years for their political views. So please stop acting like you are a "Free" society.
Former Britain P.M - Arthur Neville Chamberlain(张伯伦), before WWII try to speak PEACE with Hitler and signed alliance with Nazi Germany in Munich city. One typical naive diplomatist. :rofl:

Neville Chamberlain
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I´m a bit disappointed. you as TT, I expected a more precise description of Neville Chamberlain. true, he was a naive politician, believing to an appeasement policy, giving Germany all what she wanted. no, he was not a typical diplomat. he knew what war means and wanted to avoid a new war at all costs. China today is not much difference to Germany back then. a rising power that wants to change the world order, claiming other country territories as ancient property. seeing non Chinese nationals as inferior races needed to subject to a new power, wanting to bring the own past sufferings to her neighbours.

Chamberlain´s appeasement doomed to fail, because he misunderstood the true intentions of Adolf Hitler. if Chamberlain would have acted tough, showing the fist to Adolf Hitler, the WW II might have avoided.

as Australia FM Bishop once said, China only understands the language of guns, I think Vietnam and other nations should step up the arms race. America, Japan, India should step up the arms race and presence in the region.

"Narrow-minded nationalists often tend to tout military confrontation when dealing with territorial disputes, as opposed to Deng Xiaoping's advice to 'set aside differences and pursue joint development'," Mr Wu wrote in a recent article.

This has been approved a harmfully failed foreign policy.
The former diplomat live in his own world. China "set aside difference", but aggressive neighbors don't "set aside difference". Tag those pinoy and viet in PDF, who agree to "set aside difference and pursue joint development"?

Till 1970's China still controlled most of SCS islands. After 1970's they started to crazy occupy Chinese territory during China's cultural revolution. Mr. Wu kept blind what the neighbors done and advocate humble. see those pictures, the Phipplines even in 1990's bombed down stonemark on Huangyan island and "occupied" Ren'ai shoal via trick. Mr. Wu's advocate of "set aside difference and pursue joint development" lack supports from his foreign counterparts. Pinoy didn't and will not cooperate with his policy.
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Actually Pinoy had already declared war, I don't know why our diplomat still expected to "talk".
don´t distort history!

China has never controlled the SC Sea in the past. Nor today.

You never controlled most of SCS islands.

post evidences here or I call you as LIAR!
I´m a bit disappointed. you as TT, I expected a more precise description of Neville Chamberlain. true, he was a naive politician, believing to an appeasement policy, giving Germany all what she wanted. no, he was not a typical diplomat. he knew what war means and wanted to avoid a new war at all costs. China today is not much difference to Germany back then. a rising power that wants to change the world order, claiming other country territories as ancient property. seeing non Chinese nationals as inferior races needed to subject to a new power, wanting to bring the own past sufferings to her neighbours.

Chamberlain´s appeasement doomed to fail, because he misunderstood the true intentions of Adolf Hitler. if Chamberlain would have acted tough, showing the fist to Adolf Hitler, the WW II might have avoided.

as Australia FM Bishop once said, China only understands the language of guns, I think Vietnam and other nations should step up the arms race. America, Japan, India should step up the arms race and presence in the region.

To be in an arms race, you need a lot of money, advanced technology and massive industrial capabilities.

China and US are the only countries to have all 3.

China will not be stopped from achieving dominance in its own back yard.
To be in an arms race, you need a lot of money, advanced technology and massive industrial capabilities.

China and US are the only countries to have all 3.

China will not be stopped from achieving dominance in its own back yard.
we don´t need to get on par. what we need is to have the capability to kill you one time, not 100 times.

remember, the mongols, with the most powerful land army in ancient times, invaded Vietnam three times.

the first time, we cut off them one arm. as a warning.

the second time, we cut off them one leg. as the last warning.

the third time, the head.

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