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BRICS statement not foreign policy failure, says Asif

When US banned Syed Salahuddin you guys said, US ban carry less weight.

US ban carry not weight, he is only sanctioned by US. nothing more, you made fuss like you are making today, his party is still operating and Pakistan openly criticize US decision, does it changed anything on ground? No.

There is no single allegation made by any countries on links connecting TTP to India. So save me the BS. Even China failed to acknowledge it.

Their are statements by US officials including former Defense sec, chuck hegal that India is using Afghan soil against Pakistan. no one connected LeJ or LeT to Pakistan in brics statement either..

Well for you guys every forum that takes some policy against you is an irrelevant forum.

just like any forum praise Pakistan is irrelevant for you guys, when same China and Russia defended Pakistan against Trump's statement it didnt worth but when they signed a piece of paper which mention LeJ and Let without reference to Pakistan.. that piece of paper is holy for you guys.
Have you heard of the expression, an ostrich with head buried under the sand? :)
Of course. But have you heard of a unique expression "Good terrorists and bad terrorists"
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Maybe India's silence over N.K

Oh North Korea was thinking to adandon its nuclear program if India didnt remain silence? World would sanction China if you spoke against them? come on be real, subhuman

Understand this kid...each line of the declaration is vetted , argued over , vetoed over in a multilateral statement.

So? LeM and LeT are already UN designated organizations, how its your victory that they mentioned them, i would consider it your victory if they have said something about HM..
First become a state, than talk about having dealings on state to state level. Currently 40% of your territory is well under taliban rule and you are worried about Pakistan?
And the Russian folk responsible for Afganistan is Kabulov!!!! And, the Taliban is having the "social media" staffs done wirh the latest "commando" gadgets including outfits!!! And, not to mention Iran!!!

I think it's time Pakistan asks for the location of haqqani network if it really exists in Pak we should remove it at all costs.
@Arsalan @The Eagle @django if haqqani network truly exist in Pak than we should take action against them (although the possibility is almost nill but sill) and if we have already targeted them in ZEAB which i am sure we have than why aren't we telling this to whole world? guys your opinions?
Bro, are these folks fool enough to stay inside Pak to begin with???? And, they have much better job offers from the other countries!!!! Forget the headlines, look at the trend lines as was advised by President Clinton!!!!
And the Russian folk responsible for Afganistan is Kabulov!!!! And, the Taliban is having the "social media" staffs done wirh the latest "commando" gadgets including outfits!!! And, not to mention Iran!!!

- Incase you missed BRIC contains Russia and that is the official position of Russia.
- Talis are an instrument, they will be a spent force they moment the switch is turned off in GHQ.
- Iran ? When did a Shia Iran had any strategic synergies with Talis? They may have cooperated on tactical basis but that becomes a bad news for Pak.
Oh North Korea was thinking to adandon its nuclear program if India didnt remain silence? World would sanction China if you spoke against them? come on be real, subhuman

No kid.really you are 15 or something aren't you.AfterN.K fiasco U.S will turn up the heat on N.K which China wants to deal with internally.It needs time to do so...so it will prefer the major players to remain silent or muted condemnation along with "hopefully it will be resolved with peace" statement.I bet India statement will mirror that.
US ban carry not weight, he is only sanctioned by US.
Say that to the Iranians.
Their are statements by US officials including former Defense sec,
Highlighting that. I repeat, not a single official confirmation from any country that named India, sponsoring TTP.
just like any forum praise Pakistan is irrelevant for you guys, when same China and Russia defended Pakistan against Trump's statement it didnt worth but when they signed a piece of paper which mention LeJ and Let without reference to Pakistan.. that piece of paper is holy for you guys.
huh! Russia-China is not a forum.

And LeT and JeM is well supported by Pakistan, why name the country while it is obvious. It's a win for India, because China had prewarned not to raise the issue of terrorism. While not only India raised the issue but for the first time, Joint declaration by China - Russia - India - Brazil - South Africa named these Pakistan based organization as a threat to regional security.
Of course. But have you might heard of a unique expression "Good terrorists and bad terrorists"

The bottom line is that Pak must change course, there is no more appetite for adventurism of this sort in the region or beyond.
The bottom line is that Pak must change course, there is no more appetite for adventurism of this sort in the region or beyond.
Let's just hope for it. Let the international pressure keep mounting.
No kid.really you are 15 or something aren't you.AfterN.K fiasco U.S will turn up the heat on N.K which China wants to deal with internally.It needs time to do so...so it will prefer the major players to remain silent or muted condemnation along with "hopefully it will be resolved with peace" statement.I bet India statement will mirror that.

Why you are interested in my age, i am not interesting in marrying your ugly stinky sister you lowly subhuman, yeah only your shupa powa shithole could stop that crisis on China, i think Chinese would prefer to leave the world if they have to depend on your kind for anything, US was depending on you to invade North Korea, now come up with more shitty logic brain dead shakha educated bhangi.
Let's just hope for it. Let the international pressure keep mounting.

Pakistan just banked on the wrong horse, imagine if it had really changed course post 2001 and really supported the Afghan state, we would have saved so much blood and treasure both in Pak and AF.

What were the Gernals in GHQ thinking?
Pakistan just banked on the wrong horse, imagine if it had really changed course post 2001 and really supported the Afghan state, we would have saved so much blood and treasure both in Pak and AF.

What were the Gernals in GHQ thinking?
They are only concerned about the millions they can make while working. Then they have to settle in WEST.
Pakistan just banked on the wrong horse, imagine if it had really changed course post 2001 and really supported the Afghan state, we would have saved so much blood and treasure both in Pak and AF.

What were the Gernals in GHQ thinking?

There is no such thing as an Afghan state. Just sick mayors of Kabul busy with their bacha bazi (raping of little boys) and corruption.... While the country side burns.

They are only concerned about the millions they can make while working. Then they have to settle in WEST.

Hit the nail on the head...
Bro, are these folks fool enough to stay inside Pak to begin with???? And, they have much better job offers from the other countries!!!! Forget the headlines, look at the trend lines as was advised by President Clinton!!!!
Brother i don't care if they've job offers or not thing is everyone is accusing my country of harboring them and i want my civil and military leader to come out and tell us and whole world whether they're in Pak or not and if they aren't than why our leaders are failing to shut mouths they have to answer and be truthful to us.

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