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Breaking news : Kunduz city retaken

Update 1/2

As I explained in my earlier posts, the Kunduz episode was a San Tzu operation by the Afghan establishment to

- Discredit the militias, destroy them and shows that their era is finished

I disagree here... You show their era is over by not losing a main city and nearly losing grounds in the province while also being forced into fights in other provinces.... You show it by eliminating their entire control points in afghanistan and regaining control of the entire country and wiping them out... Like operation zarb e azb after which we van actually say the era is over and they are nearly dead.

Showed the real face of Taliban to some local sympathizers that Talis are the same old thugs, who only understand theft and chaos.

The rule of taliban and taliban brutality in later years has clearly created a divide between the two. This event won't change the support cycle as the sympathizers and supporters will actually believe that the Taliban are resurging and are strong while the detractors and enemies of taliban will question the govt inability to protect them from the taliban and will be more critical of the current regime which is tbh not a bad move... Many things that went wrong need to be assessed immediately.

Brought back the interest of the International Community when the Afghan story was waning because of the other priority such as Syria, Iraq, ... this means long term presence of 10K + International forces, long term assistance and training

Without a shadow of a doubt... Infact I won't be surprised if america actually send in more troops and a longer deadline and of course you can also predict greater training and more equipment as well. The way the Afghan forces lost the city was shocking and the american forces will make sure that they won't have another Iraq on their hands and thus you can expect some equipment and training coming your way.

Most importantly it took the ANSF only 7 hours to clear the whole city and kill 250 + talis, showed the local public and the international community that the ANSF is the only way forward and they can deal with the enemy when they decide to.

The first assault at retaking failed which is a cause of concern while second one being done with NATO was very well done and yes it must commended however the previous assault and losing the city so easily and leaving it into Taliban hands must be investigated and serious reforms in planning and strategy must be made to make sure this is not repeated... Remember their mission objectives were not to hold the city.. Their mission was to capture , loot and showcase the weakness of the ANA and the strength an unity of the taliban... The kinda did all of that... Hopefully it will not he repeated and the ANA revamps and comes back stronger...

The social media outpouring of support from the common public and on the streets has been phenomenal which shows that ANSF is the most respected institution in the country and the Afghans are fully in support.

Well done on it however you mist realize that they must have had some form of public support that they were svole to capture a city from 7000 soldiers with just 500 and if they didn't then it becomes even more questionable... Do not in any care forget the blunders and mess that were made in kubduz as brushing it under the carpet is exactly something that must not be done... Ractify he tactics and evolve to become stronger.... Good luck on your future combats...

Source: Breaking news : Kunduz city retaken
I feel like celebrating this is not the way to go. This entire event shows just how unready the ANA is. The fact that the US special forces and air power had to step in, shows me that the withdrawal was far too quick.

I think what was very surprising is that the Taliban strength according to most sources numbered around 500 while there were approximately 5,000 ANSF forces defending Kunduz -- that's a ration of 1 to 10 in favor of the defender ...

Now I think none of the figures, happenings in my limited knowledge add up. As one would expect the ANSF to be a product of Afghanistan -- so too would one expect that of the Taliban. So what gives?
Pakistani members' love for terrorists is so visible in this thread :)

One persons terrorist is other persons freedom fighter.

US considers Kurd Milatia as freedom fighter whereas Asad, Russia and Iran consider them as terrorists. There were reports that they were welcomed by locals in the city. It doesn't matter what Pakistan thinks as a random group can never hold a city for days without the support of local populous.

World is full of hypocrites as you people also love to be in bed with Baloch terrorists as well so get over your phobia.
The fact that they surreptitiously crept in the city without marching head on against ANA flies on the face of what you just asserted.
Why would an army (Taliban) specialized in guerilla warfare would bang the drums of war and face their enemies head on? Stick to making stupid assumptions rather than take part in a logical discussion ............. oh wait you just did.
Why would an army (Taliban) specialized in guerilla warfare would bang the drums of war and face their enemies head on? Stick to making stupid assumptions rather than take part in a logical discussion ............. oh wait you just did.

How old are you ?
Kids seem to do that. They don't trust other kids.
Is that why you don't trust me ? :lol:

On topic : Talibans have repeatedly shown that they don't have the capacity to take a professional army head on which is what they have to do to take control of Kabul.
Is that why you don't trust me ? :lol:
Not trust but rather rhetorics.

On topic : Talibans have repeatedly shown that they don't have the capacity to take a professional army head on which is what they have to do to take control of Kabul.
Their aim is to destroy opposition morale, weapons and kill their soldiers to make their soldiers dessert and then turn that "professional army" into a non-professional one.

In order to impose authority, you need to hold ground. There is a reason that most nations have conventional armies, not guerrilla fighter units as standard.
They lost the whole city in less than a day. If they held their ground then Taliban wouldn't be able to take it, at least not that easily.

Guerilla warfare is imposed when you are fighting a much stronger opponent. Even the Baath Party did it against the Coalition forces and they controlled Iraq before the US invaded it.

Hit and run campaigns does not buy loyalty of population.
No, but when the Army has ran away and aren't coming back, the people will have to support them or lose their lives. Fear does by loyalty.
Not trust but rather rhetorics.

Their aim is to destroy opposition morale, weapons and kill their soldiers to make their soldiers dessert and then turn that "professional army" into a non-professional one.

They lost the whole city in less than a day. If they held their ground then Taliban wouldn't be able to take it, at least not that easily.

Guerilla warfare is imposed when you are fighting a much stronger opponent. Even the Baath Party did it against the Coalition forces and they controlled Iraq before the US invaded it.

No, but when the Army has ran away and aren't coming back, the people will have to support them or lose their lives. Fear does by loyalty.

Now you are talking like a grown up man ? How does it feel ?

As far as the matter at hand : Yes what you said is right. ANA fleeing their posts is actually worry some. However, talibans not able to sustain the counter attack by ANA/coalition forces indicates that they too are being overplayed in the media.

Tactically I would say no one has the upper hand. But strategically speaking, longer this war gets dragged the better would be the chances of ANA getting stronger. The country has been battered by war for a long time. It would take a good two decades at least for the idea of a nation state to settle in the afghan psyche.
Now you are talking like a grown up man ? How does it feel ?
I guess the Indian troll had nothing else to say. (Yes, I saw your posts on other threads)

As far as the matter at hand : Yes what you said is right. ANA fleeing their posts is actually worry some. However, talibans not able to sustain the counter attack by ANA/coalition forces indicates that they too are being overplayed in the media.
Taliban never had plans to hold onto the region. They wanted to show their power upon the new leadership and they did. Nobody is going to talk about the ANA taking over the city but rather how they lost it in a few hours to only 500 men with mostly light infantry (they got tanks and Humvees from Afghan forces).

Tactically I would say no one has the upper hand. But strategically speaking, longer this war gets dragged the better would be the chances of ANA getting stronger. The country has been battered by war for a long time. It would take a good two decades at least for the idea of a nation state to settle in the afghan psyche.
Do you even know what guerilla warfare is! The longer the war prolongs, the more it benefits the Taliban. That's what's happening at Syria and happened at Afghanistan too during the rise of Taliban. Prolonged guerilla warfare benefits the guerilla units more than the conventional forces. The solution is to severely weaken the guerilla forces so that they can't operate that freely which Afghanistan has failed to do (can't blame them as not even NATO could do that). The Afghan forces will lose men, tanks and other equipment, costs will keep on rising, economy will be strained and the morale of security forces will deteriorate.

The best solution would have been is to go for a peace treaty with the Taliban and form some kind of unity government or give them some regions for keeping their noses out of the other regions.
Update 1/2

As I explained in my earlier posts, the Kunduz episode was a San Tzu operation by the Afghan establishment to

- Discredit the militias, destroy them and shows that their era is finished

- Showed the real face of Taliban to some local sympathizers that Talis are the same old thugs, who only understand theft and chaos.

- Brought back the interest of the International Community when the Afghan story was waning because of the other priority such as Syria, Iraq, ... this means long term presence of 10K + International forces, long term assistance and training

- Most importantly it took the ANSF only 7 hours to clear the whole city and kill 250 + talis, showed the local public and the international community that the ANSF is the only way forward and they can deal with the enemy when they decide to.

The social media outpouring of support from the common public and on the streets has been phenomenal which shows that ANSF is the most respected institution in the country and the Afghans are fully in support.

Source: Breaking news : Kunduz city retaken

Congratulation ANA and ANSF .

On topic :Some people in here is trying to give credit to NATO.Remember same NATO ,US and Russia is still bombing ISIS .But they couldnt even show a nice feast like this until now .Why??because Iraqi forces is not able to do that .
In here Afghan forces just successfully did that .This is a victory of ANA and ANSF .

I think ANA need to arm their forces with good aircrafts and attack helis . Then you dont need foreign support to smoke these Talis.
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