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BJP expresses solidarity with Israel


Jan 10, 2011
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New Delhi: The BJP on Tuesday expressed its solidarity with Israel and its people in the wake of Monday's attack on a vehicle belonging to its embassy here.

BJP Rajya Sabha MP and spokesperson Tarun Vijay, who met Israeli Ambassador Alon Ushpiz, said, "India-Israel relations are too deep and extraordinarily unique and their close friendship has stood the test of time which can't be altered with such cowardly attacks of terrorists who are a blot on humanity." :tup:

The BJP expressed confidence that both countries would continue their joint fight against terrorism, Vijay said in a statement.

He conveyed the deep sympathies of his party president Nitin Gadkari. The latter had visited Israel some months ago.

The right-wing party always supports Israel and its cause and has espoused close relations with that country.

Vijay said the Israeli ambassador expressed gratitude to the BJP and the people of India and stated that the "tsunami of support and sympathies that this incident has attracted from the common Indian citizen is a positive side of the terror attack".

The BJP MP maintained that the ambassador had informed him that the injured wife of an Israeli diplomat, has taken the attack very courageously and she is now out of danger.

The ambassador was all praise for the brave driver of the diplomat's car and said that he was the "real hero" of the incident who didn't fear and brought the injured lady to the embassy.

BJP expresses solidarity with Israel

lol The same BJP invited Iranian President Khatami as the chief guest of Republic Day ceremony in the same year Israeli PM Sharon visited India. Indian diplomacy at its best. Only buddy of both Iran and Israel. :)
Yeh! I love BJP, Yet! I love Israel too but this I guess is some publicity stunt.
India should always remember that Israel is the Arab and Muslims major enemy. India shouldn't alter its relationship with 22 Arab nations for the sake of this tiny country.
India should always remember that Israel is the Arab and Muslims major enemy. India shouldn't alter its relationship with 22 Arab nations for the sake of this tiny country.

you guys(arabs) fight with each other and then you expect such things from India?
India is in tough situation right now....may our diplomacy find out the best way..
India should always remember that Israel is the Arab and Muslims major enemy. India shouldn't alter its relationship with 22 Arab nations for the sake of this tiny country.

Mr.blackeafle its a common knowledge that majority of arab league states support and even do bussiness with israel..
They wont openly dare question india's policy !!
And what even Saudi supports Israel so as a counterweight to Iran !!
The problem is the muslim and Arab league states have no common strategy between them !!
The US and UK still controls many diplomatic decisions in middle east and in GCC and Arab league !!!
And wait in US the Israel lobby in the US congress is the powerfull lobby of any country groups present in USA congress( so much for a tiny country)!
The Israel exerts such influence in USA which no other country can match.........
you guys(arabs) fight with each other and then you expect such things from India?
India is in tough situation right now....may our diplomacy find out the best way..

Us!!! Fighting each other? We don't fight each other. And if you meant Iraq, yes gulf countries fought Iraq's regime not Iraq as a country.
Mr.blackeafle its a common knowledge that majority of arab league states support and even do bussiness with israel..
They wont openly dare question india's policy !!
And what even Saudi supports Israel so as a counterweight to Iran !!
The problem is the muslim and Arab league states have no common strategy between them !!
The US and UK still controls many diplomatic decisions in middle east and in GCC and Arab league !!!
And wait in US the Israel lobby in the US congress is the powerfull lobby of any country groups present in USA congress( so much for a tiny country)!
The Israel exerts such influence in USA which no other country can match.........

You are mixing things up... there are only two Arab countries have diplomatic relations with Israel , Jordan and Egypt and thats for finding a peaceful solution to the Palistanian case and to embarrass Israel toward the world. And for doing business with Arabs, this is untrue. anyway, these two countries are reconsidering their diplomatic relationship after failure of Israel commitment to peace. Arabs are a one unity stand together in hardships. As you see, all gulf countries and jordan sent troops to protect Bahrain from Iranian threat. 22 Arab countries fought Isreal in 1948, 56, 67 and 73. So we may have temporary differences or problems with each other but we believe that we have a common destiny.
India should always remember that Israel is the Arab and Muslims major enemy. India shouldn't alter its relationship with 22 Arab nations for the sake of this tiny country.

mate with us its never "either you are with us or against us " we leave those lines for the fools.:D
we take everybody with us and are friends with everyone.

why make an enemy when you can achieve it all, being a friend.:)
How many Arab countries backed us in our wars with Pakistan...lets see ..no one.

We like India, There are millions of Indian workers in Arab world and billions of economic exchange, but if we have to back someone it would absolutely be Pakistan. I think Arab countries tried to alleviate the tensions between the two countries. Pakistanis are our brothers.
We like India, There are millions of Indian workers in Arab world and billions of economic exchange, but if we have to back someone it would absolutely be Pakistan. I think Arab countries tried to alleviate the tensions between the two countries. Pakistanis are our brothers.

There you go.At the end of the day you people will back the Muslim side rather than the right side. So pls don't also expect us to back you blindly also (FYI for the sake of Arabs we didn't recognized Israel upto 1991 and you people took our support for granted). How Pakistan is your brother?...bcs of Muslims..then India also is home to around 140 million Muslims (3rd biggest in the world)

Personally for me Israel is more important from the view of national security and they along with Russia are only countries that stood by us in the hour of need.
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