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Before You Condemn The Paris Attack

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This type of article's are becoming common whenever there is big terror attack and world starts focusing on Islamic terror.

More times this of articles comes telling that Muslims are victims , they are not perpetrators, less and less people start believing

Problem will not go away just wishing for it, Just a question how many people in Arab or Muslim majority countries will condemn or boycott Saudis for their support for wahabism, how many will criticize Palestinians for their use of children or suicide bombers.
Before you condemn the attacks in Beirut, Syria, Iraq and Paris... Let me tell you what I CONDEMN.... I condemn the damn countries who created ISIS, and Al-Qaeda and other organizations with their foreign policy support...I condemn the countries and the Intelligence Agencies of the WEST and The EAST who funded these organizations so they can create HAVOC in our lives and they sit PRETTY in their Suburban homes in some town in.... I condemn the Monarchies who buy weapons from the west and use it on fellow Muslim countries, I condemn the Kings who form Alliances with Israel and Fund Terrorists in Pakistan... I condemn the RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS who gave birth to the IDEOLOGY of a Divided Islam based on Sects... I condemn the people of this world who create HASHTAGS for the Western lives and dont even pay attention to the 68,000 DEAD BODY TAGS that our mortuaries are full of since the past 12 years in Pakistan, victims of terrorism. I condemn the EXPLOSIVE MANUFACTURING companies who supply to the terrorists only for the want of money.. I Condemn the Weapon manufacturers who operate out of the WEST to provide ammunition to the terrorists in exchange of funds.. I condemn the LOGISTICAL companies and the CUSTOM AGENTS who facilitate the shipment of these weapons from the West to all the other countries.... I Condemn all the financial institutions who facilitate the transfer of funds between people and countries because without their assistance terrorists can not operate. I conndemn..I Condemn..I CONDEMN....And NOW after condemning the DISEASE... I condemn the SYMPTOMS... The attacks in Beirut, In Iraq, In Syria, In NYC, In Paris, In Pakistan, In Libya, In Egypt, In Tunisia, In Nigeria, and in every country or city where innocent human lives were lost because WE are busy condemning the DAMN TERRORISTS ONLY and not the AIDING, ABETTING & the FINANCING Minds behind these Terrorists.

Mir Muhammad Ali khan
What exactly was your compulsion in making such a post and thread? Painting aggressors as victims of circumstance when the real victims of this week's atrocities aren't even in the ground yet?

Every single time there is a major attack in the West we see this attitude- "it's your own fault", "you brought it on yourselves" etc. How about you keep your thoughts and unsolicited opinions to yourself?

This is ISIS sympathising as far as I am concerned- which is banned by PDF supposedly.

Shall we just ignore the fact that most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis from comfortable backgrounds, the Detroit "underwear bomber" was the son of a high ranking Nigerian official who studied abroad at expensive schools etc etc they weren't "blowback" from Western invasions/actions in the ME.

I condemn the SYMPTOMS... The attacks in Beirut, In Iraq, In Syria, In NYC, In Paris, In Pakistan, In Libya, In Egypt, In Tunisia, In Nigeria, and in every country or city where innocent human lives were lost

+ classy that you conveniently left India/Mumbai from the list of attacks you condemn.
I condemn the damn countries who created ISIS, and Al-Qaeda and other organizations with their foreign policy support...
No condemnation for your state/agencies? They have no role whatsoever in the current web of international terrorism that exists in that region? Pakistan has not been a major hub for these activities for the past decade? This kind of selective condemnation/outrage entirely undermines everything you have to say sir.

Someone coming from a nation who has made the "good/bad" terrorist double-speak into an art form doesn't need to be lecturing anyone that they don't deserve to feel grief in these horrid times. Do you think using the word "condemn" enough times would hide the overarching sentiment of your post which is "you deserved it"?

I condemn all cowards who would attack civilians anywhere in the world- Paris, London, NYC, Mumbai, Karachi, Peshawar, Kabul, Beirut, Baghdad etc etc. There is no justification for this, anyone who has ever played a hand in such actives will surely have to answer for it when they meet their maker. There. It is said. You don't need to go into a roundabout qualification of such condemnation.

"before you condemn the Paris attack" what a horrid title choice sir.

@FrenchPilot @Taygibay @Spectre @ranjeet @Aminroop
What exactly was your compulsion in making such a post and thread? Painting aggressors as victims of circumstance when the real victims of this week's atrocities aren't even in the ground yet?

Every single time there is a major attack in the West we see this attitude- "it's your own fault", "you brought it on yourselves" etc. How about you keep your thoughts and unsolicited opinions to yourself?

This is ISIS sympathising as far as I am concerned- which is banned by PDF supposedly.

Shall we just ignore the fact that most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis from comfortable backgrounds, the Detroit "underwear bomber" was the son of a high ranking Nigerian official who studied abroad at expensive schools etc etc they weren't "blowback" from Western invasions/actions in the ME.

+ classy that you conveniently left India/Mumbai from the list of attacks you condemn.

No condemnation for your state/agencies? They have no role whatsoever in the current web of international terrorism that exists in that region? Pakistan has not been a major hub for these activities for the past decade? This kind of selective condemnation/outrage entirely undermines everything you have to say sir.

Someone coming from a nation who has made the "good/bad" terrorist double-speak into an art form doesn't need to be lecturing anyone that they don't deserve to feel grief in these horrid times. Do you think using the word "condemn" enough times would hide the overarching sentiment of your post which is "you deserved it"?

I condemn all cowards who would attack civilians anywhere in the world- Paris, London, NYC, Mumbai, Karachi, Peshawar, Kabul, Beirut, Baghdad etc etc. There is no justification for this, anyone who has ever played a hand in such actives will surely have to answer for it when they meet their maker. There. It is said. You don't need to go into a roundabout qualification of such condemnation.

"before you condemn the Paris attack" what a horrid title choice sir.

@FrenchPilot @Taygibay @Spectre @ranjeet @Aminroop


I am really speechless when i see people all over the internet trying to justify this attack or even trying to justify any terrorist attack in the world,yeah it's literally "It's your fault because......" AND,don't forget those that will say,it's an inside job.......
We don't need them,we have the CIVILIZED world that is behind us in this moment,their opinion is worthless.
This type of article's are becoming common whenever there is big terror attack and world starts focusing on Islamic terror.

More times this of articles comes telling that Muslims are victims , they are not perpetrators, less and less people start believing

Problem will not go away just wishing for it, Just a question how many people in Arab or Muslim majority countries will condemn or boycott Saudis for their support for wahabism, how many will criticize Palestinians for their use of children or suicide bombers.
I understand the compulsion for the Muslim majority to assert their point of view in the aftermath of such horrors. However all too often, as the OP has proven- the condemnation of such attacks is overqualified and the eventually it is nothing but victim bashing.

Such opinions/articles only further aggravate the situation and hurt the sentiments of those who are grieving- condemn the act outright and leave it there OR keep shut. Don't start trying to "correct" the narrative or play the "we are victims too" card, how is that going to benefit you?

The Muslim majority shouldn't feel the need to so overtly exert themselves in response to these attacks- they should work on fully integrating into society and thus when these attacks happen they aren't seen as "Muslims acts" but "lunatics" who claim to be Muslims. The fact that these sort of articles/views come out only further project a picture that the Muslim majority is harbouring/aiding/abetting these animals.

Look to the US, when a self-proclaimed "Christian" commits an act of terror they are painted as "lone wolves" and not representative of the population because it is clear from the outrage and response that these animals do not find any ideological or romantic support in the majority.
Before you condemn the attacks in Beirut, Syria, Iraq and Paris... Let me tell you what I CONDEMN.... I condemn the damn countries who created ISIS, and Al-Qaeda and other organizations with their foreign policy support

You're fooling no one here by downplaying terrorists but Mullahs. Condemn the attack and attackers first and foremost, everything else follows. Irrespective of who created who, one must understand West is only exploiting the existing differences. The hate in different sects of Islam for each other isn't exactly a secret.

Condemn U.S., Saudi, Israel, Turkey all you want(I do too) but that won't change the fact that as long as hateful ideologies exist and have a significant following, there isn't gonna be any peace. There's no 'creating' ISIS, it's just organizing them befitting one's interest. The hateful ideologies and their followers have long existed in different forms. ISIS isn't the problem, its the ideology.

I am really speechless when i see people all over the internet trying to justify this attack or even trying to justify any terrorist attack in the world,yeah it's literally "It's your fault because......" AND,don't forget those that will say,it's an inside job.......
We don't need them,we have the CIVILIZED world that is behind us in this moment,their opinion is worthless.

No one justified brutality and terrorism. Read the post and counter the argument if you disagree.
when a self-proclaimed "Christian" commits an act of terror they are painted as "lone wolves" and not representative of the population because it is clear from the outrage and response that these animals do not find any ideological or romantic support in the majority.


think I'll copy this and paste it anytime someone makes that false equivalency argument again.

I am really speechless when i see people all over the internet trying to justify this attack or even trying to justify any terrorist attack in the world,yeah it's literally "It's your fault because......" AND,don't forget those that will say,it's an inside job.......
We don't need them,we have the CIVILIZED world that is behind us in this moment,their opinion is worthless.
Well said my friend and you are right about their modus operandi, soon we will be hearing "inside job, INSIDE JOB" (in fact this has already happened.

But I would say it is important to guard against this narrative from within our societies. This morning I have heard similar views from COUNTLESS individuals on a London-based talkshow on the radio. Caller after caller was trying to justify these attacks and all of them British accents. This is the scary part. Whilst the vast majority of human beings let alone Muslims would never pick up a weapon and harm a fellow human being, intellectually justifying it is part of the mechanism that DOES create these monsters. Not everyone is a soldier.

Look at Anjem Choudary here in the UK- he comes out with all sorts of sickening comments and justifications for similar attacks but he is "protected" because he is "only" using words but then one of his "followers" goes and beheads a British soldier on the streets of London.....

Qualified condemnation is nothing but sympathising with these terrorists as far as I am concerned.
What exactly was your compulsion in making such a post and thread? Painting aggressors as victims of circumstance when the real victims of this week's atrocities aren't even in the ground yet?

Every single time there is a major attack in the West we see this attitude- "it's your own fault", "you brought it on yourselves" etc. How about you keep your thoughts and unsolicited opinions to yourself?

This is ISIS sympathising as far as I am concerned- which is banned by PDF supposedly.

Shall we just ignore the fact that most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis from comfortable backgrounds, the Detroit "underwear bomber" was the son of a high ranking Nigerian official who studied abroad at expensive schools etc etc they weren't "blowback" from Western invasions/actions in the ME.

+ classy that you conveniently left India/Mumbai from the list of attacks you condemn.

No condemnation for your state/agencies? They have no role whatsoever in the current web of international terrorism that exists in that region? Pakistan has not been a major hub for these activities for the past decade? This kind of selective condemnation/outrage entirely undermines everything you have to say sir.

Someone coming from a nation who has made the "good/bad" terrorist double-speak into an art form doesn't need to be lecturing anyone that they don't deserve to feel grief in these horrid times. Do you think using the word "condemn" enough times would hide the overarching sentiment of your post which is "you deserved it"?

I condemn all cowards who would attack civilians anywhere in the world- Paris, London, NYC, Mumbai, Karachi, Peshawar, Kabul, Beirut, Baghdad etc etc. There is no justification for this, anyone who has ever played a hand in such actives will surely have to answer for it when they meet their maker. There. It is said. You don't need to go into a roundabout qualification of such condemnation.

"before you condemn the Paris attack" what a horrid title choice sir.

@FrenchPilot @Taygibay @Spectre @ranjeet @Aminroop

I read this today morning.
.. I condemn the Monarchies who buy weapons from the west and use it on fellow Muslim countries, I condemn the Kings who form Alliances with Israel and Fund Terrorists in Pakistan...

best lines ever. I dont stop at condemning though I pray day and night that these kings pay in kind for the death and misery they brought to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The very fact that the 'best people' to give peace and stability are Saddam and Gadaffi should be a disturbing one.
lesser evil concept, enemy of my enemy... killing sadam and Qadaffi opened the flood gates of terror movement and scale of violence. both leaders were mortal enemies of such terrorists regardless of sectarian difference

Just a question how many people in Arab or Muslim majority countries will condemn or boycott Saudis for their support for wahabism, how many will criticize Palestinians for their use of children or suicide bombers.
its an unfair and tricky question

short answer is very few and first thing people will do is check their names and faith and declare them shias... anyone questioning KSA is automatically an evil Iranian agent. or an atheist , secular
best lines ever. I dont stop at condemning though I pray day and night that these kings pay in kind for the death and misery they brought to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

lesser evil concept, enemy of my enemy... killing sadam and Qadaffi opened the flood gates of terror movement and scale of violence. both leaders were mortal enemies of such terrorists regardless of sectarian difference


I am amazed- Why such logic goes out of the window in the case of Kashmir and India- Are Kashmirs and Indians not Humans ?
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