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Before You Condemn The Paris Attack

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I condemn the EXPLOSIVE MANUFACTURING companies who supply to the terrorists only for the want of money.. I Condemn the Weapon manufacturers who operate out of the WEST to provide ammunition to the terrorists in exchange of funds

Will you please condemn the Chinese and Russians too for providing weapons?
I condemn the country of saudi arabia for spreading this venomous ideology of terrorism in every corner of the world.

That is a good point

OFFICIALLY Saudi Arabia is an ALLY of the US
Committed to Peace in the world

But Privately many Saudi rich people finance and support terrorism

Was Mahesh Suresh Ramesh involved in that attack ? It was muslims killing muslims.

Kashmiri militants was reared by your military to bite us but they instead they formed TTP and bite you.

BTW: I condemn the killing of innocents in peshwar school.No man can muster courage to shoot innocent 3 year boys and girls. Only evil can do that even when he is out of his mind.

I condemn the killing in Mumbai too, but like Pakistani govt asked Indian govt give us the proof of any Pakistani involved in it and once Indian govt does that I will condemn that group too. I agree with you on Kashmiri militants and TTP but Kashmir is disputed area.
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Whenever after such tragic events, we start categorizing the wrong doers based on their nationality, race or religion, we automatically provide them with safe havens and a breeding ground for their twisted ideology.
A soul lost in a terrorist attack in Mumbai or Karachi or Paris or anywhere else is loss to humanity.
Let us have a common bar for judging these barbarity.
Let us have zero tolerance to this kind of violence.
& above all let us not be blinded with justification of agenda of these fanatics. they are doing nobody any good.
You can say whatever you want but the fact is that ALL Non Muslim countries
are Wary of Islamic terrorism ; not just India

It is a Global challenge and a problem for all Non Muslim countries
Every Non Muslim country is Vulnerable to Islamic terrorism
The discussion is nonsense here. They blame raw,CIA, mossad for global terrorism. If it is then why only Muslims are involved in global terrorism? You can't turn a human into suicide bomber just through money. There must be needed a strong religious ideology to make them suicide bomber and to kill innocent people with AK47 but the problem is here on PDF that you can't discuss this ideology ( the real topic of discussion )

No religion or prophet supported terrorism. If you think that terrorism is the religious issue you are ignorant.
Right. Its not a religious issue, its Shia and sunni issue. Then why the hell they are killing Kafir or those Muslims who doesn't support sharia law?? Or
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you think it was US sponsored Attack on Paris last night?
I condemn the killing in Mumbai too, but like Pakistani govt asked Indian govt give us the proof of any Pakistani involved in it and once Indian govt does that I will condemn that group too. I agree with you on Kashmiri militants and TTP but Kashmir is disputed area.

That is the crux of the argument.

To snatch the kashmir from India, Your army is fomenting terrorism In India.

And regarding proofs, any papers or documents even we have one living proof Ajmal Kasab given to pakistan would be trashed as NOT ENOUGH. and you know why.
The discussion is nonsense here. They blame raw,CIA, mossad for global terrorism. If it is then why only Muslims are involved in global terrorism? You can't turn a human into suicide bomber just through money. There must be needed a strong religious ideology to make them suicide bomber and to kill innocent people with AK47 but the problem is here on PDF that you can't discuss this ideology ( the real topic of discussion )

now this is the one hell of a post

@Neutron your take on this?
What many of my Indian friends seem to be missing is not every muslim is terrorist nor every terrorist is muslim . They will spew their hate on this forum today and tomorrow they will be having beers or working with their Muslim friends .

What many Pakistanis seem to be missing is THIS is an RELIGIOUS PROBLEM . Where are Viet terrorist or Japanese terrorists after vietnam war and bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki .

There is no peaceful religion . If religion was peaceful that religious extremists would be extremist peaceful which is not the case, at least on this planet .

First step towards solving any problem is recognizing there is a problem . Noe of the armchair generals here are doing it .
The recent outrages in Paris have caused the more discerning political leadership and commentariat in many countries to recognize that the Israelis are just a pretextual grievance, because they are in territory the Arabs claim as their own. (This is bunk, as the territory of Israel was always inhabited by some Jews and was previously governed by the British, Turks, Crusaders, Byzantines, Romans, and Jews, and never by Arabs, but that is almost beside the point.)

This is factually incorrect, Byzantines lost Jerusalem to the Arabs in 637. The first crusade ended with its capture in 1100 and after the third crusade, Jerusalem continued to be ruled by the Arabs and then ottomans. From 637 to 1917 apart from the 60+ years as a crusader state, Jerusalem was ruled and largely inhabited by Muslims. Thats 1200 years under the Arabs and Turks. Then in 1917 with the help of the British Empire, a whole nation was hijacked, millions of foreign European Jews settlers, who apart from their religion had no other association with the culture of the land, forced their way inside the country. What started as a small community, illegally expanded to an entire country. Arab jews have all the reason to live there , but the foreigner settlers must at least allow Muslims to live in their homeland. What if the Muslims suddenly laid claim to Spain and started to immigrating to spain and then expelled the Caucasian spaniards just because they ruled Spain for over hundreds of years a long time ago.

The underlying problem has almost nothing to do directly with the West: Muslim countries have failed at self-government almost everywhere, and have had very little success in developing civic values. This is one of the many reasons why both George W. Bush’s crusade for democracy and Barack Obama’s Cairo speech exalting Arab history were nonsense. The democratic choice of Muslim Arab electors is apt to be the anti-democratic, Islamist party, as with Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and, until the army intervened in its constitutional role as conservator of democracy, Algeria. (The Algerian army stopped the free election of an anti-democratic party to preserve democracy, in 1992.) The comparative success of the West gnaws at Muslim sensibilities, and the poor living conditions of many Muslim immigrants in the West aggravate their unhappiness.

Again their argument is invalid. The west has everything to do with the failure of Arab Republics. Although, US has always claimed to be the light bearer and the champion of democracy, history disagrees. US has always preferred and even supported oppressive authoritarian regimes. Iraqi Saddam Hussein, Shah Pahlavi, Husni Mubarak, Zia ul Haq and Suharto, all of whom rose to power as a result of Coup, all of whom were supported by the US. All in the name of anti-communism. Add to that the Monarchs of the GCC, one could say that the US has been more anti-democracy than any other nation on the planet. Now with the Arab spring, these so called Arab republics are failing one after another. These fallen republics soon divulge into civil war and that creates space for fundamentalists.

West has also played its part in the ascension of Islamic fundamentalism. What was then a part of the "Reagan Doctrine", was to fund, equip and use Islamic militants against the Soviets. Salafi Madrassas that were previously isolated and seen as outcasts in the islamic world , started to get huge amounts of funds. Which they used to further their extremist ideology and increase their influence. Islam is 1400 years old and this twisted form of Salafist fundamentalism is just 3 decades old.
Wipe out the taliban and the rest will crumble down..It started with the mujji which led to the taliban which led to AQ which led to what's metamorphosed into multiple jihadi groups all over the world.

The core of the world's jihadi problem started from the afg pak region and will end from decimation of the taliban first.

The decimation of the Taliban will hardly resolve the different issues plaguing the Middle East. ISIS as an organization was created because the old Republican Guards of Saddam Hussein had grievances against the State of Iraq and its international coalition backers, who failed to deliver on their promises. The entire infrastructure of the Intelligence services and the military of the Baath Party was disbanded by the Americans on the 23rd of May 2003, because a consensus of dialogue took place on planned monthly pension pay packages to solders and their eventual reinstatement to the New Iraqi Army. However since America supported sectarian politics in Iraq, by giving the state machinery power to the Shia sect community, the new commanders rejected these solders into the new Iraqi Army. They became disillusioned with the State of Iraq and joined and developed their own organization, thus its not surprising to hear that the vast majority of ISIS top leadership is from the old Baath Party. Therefore, the Afghan problem has nothing to do with Iraq and the entire blame belongs to the successive American Government's and the Iraqi State. The Afghan Taliban are a political reality and all the major powers are going to the direction of negotiations where power would be shared between different factions.
Mushraff has openly blatently confirmed the isi and pak military use terror groups to fight proxy wars with india.

Osma bin laden was hiding in pakistan ..... please dont try and tell us that pakistani govt did not know ..


THESE AGENCIES protect their citizens and their national interests.

THE TERROR GROUPS KILL INNOCENT CIVILLIANS be it in paris new york or london or mumbai
That is the crux of the argument.

To snatch the kashmir from India, Your army is fomenting terrorism In India.

And regarding proofs, any papers or documents even we have one living proof Ajmal Kasab given to pakistan would be trashed as NOT ENOUGH. and you know why.

Pakistan was not given access to Kasab. show me a court of law where only defense lawyers are allowed and no prosecution is
OFFICIALLY Saudi Arabia is an ALLY of the US
Committed to Peace in the world
OFFICIALLY Saudi Arabia is an ALLY of the US


Committed to Peace in the world

Pakistan was not given access to Kasab. show me a court of law where only defense lawyers are allowed and no prosecution is


The Defence Lawyer of Kasab-

Abbas Kazmi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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