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Before You Condemn The Paris Attack

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The people in the countries created ISIS, always looking for fucking excuses. If your people are so weak that a foreign power creates a group YET all of your people join it, its somehow not your fault, haha. Lets guess, by that logic there was no real nazis, just Hitler so all the other people who gassed jews etc can blame someone else.

Just because someone is an instigator, thats only the spark, you lot do the rest in between, Islams downfall is its lack of acceptance in reality and weakness in the modern world.
This is bull crap ( dont want to be rude)

You let western outsiders create ISIS or ISIL or Lakshar Tiba ...... WHY ???????

why has nobody from outside created ISIL or ISIS in Europe or in China or Veitnam or JAPAN.

why is it always the ISLAMIC countries.

AND WHY WHY WHY are they killing civillians be it NEW YORK LONDON PARIS MUMBAI

WHY are YOUNG moslems born and bred in Europe joining ISIL IR ISIS why why why ????
This is bull crap ( dont want to be rude)

You let western outsiders create ISIS or ISIL or Lakshar Tiba ...... WHY ???????

why has nobody from outside created ISIL or ISIS in Europe or in China or Veitnam or JAPAN.

why is it always the ISLAMIC countries.

AND WHY WHY WHY are they killing civillians be it NEW YORK LONDON PARIS MUMBAI

WHY are YOUNG moslems born and bred in Europe joining ISIL IR ISIS why why why ????

Because no one from outside invaded US....... destabilised present system....... and left in power vaccum .....then started funding and organising terrorist groups to furthur his agenda. NO ONE DID THAT in US. But someone did this in Iraq. Someone supporting someone for regime change in Syria.
You cannot solve the problem without Recognizing it.
Stop funding them. Stop arming them with weapons. And stop using these Terrorists proxies as foreign policy tools all over the world.
Always look at the bigger picture and the flow of events from a historical perspective. .I have been following AQ's policies since the time Osama was killed. Osama concentrated on enmity with the US, while zawahiri preached about global jihad and places of implementation. You are pointing out symptoms and a particular local cause that a global jihad network has utilised depending on local trouble. Another set of local factors create atmosphere for jihad in another country..

Clearly your knowledge on Afghanistan needs to be brushed up, because the Haqqani Network runs the show in the country and the Taliban under Mullah Mansoor is just the spiritual head. This is one of the principle reasons why the Kabul Government often cries about Pakistan, because effectively the ISI controls the Haqqani Network and operation Kunduz is an obvious example. Osama's doctrine came from Zawahiri, because he was his personal Sheikh who influenced him to join the cause of Jihad and leave his life of luxury in Saudi Arabia, thus the implementation of their preaching was the same and to be frankly honest with you his name means nothings in the present scenario of either the Haqqani Network, Taliban or even the ISIS branch of Afghanistan.

The vast majority of intellectual academics agree with the points I mentioned in my previous message, where the disbandment of the Baath Party and its entire infrastructure was one of the core reasons why the insurgency occurred in the country. When hundreds of thousands of trained solders were not given the promised pension pay packages and were not reinstated into the Armed Forces of Iraq, then it was only natural that the ideology of extremism would flourish. Mosul did not fall because the Jihadi Network of foreign fighters took over the city, in fact these lunatics are the same group which controlled Fallujah back in 2007 under Zarqawi, but they have just re-branded themselves into a new organization. Iraq would never have fallen into disarray, if the Americans did not support sectarian politics and fulfilled the promises to the Old Republican Guard. Furthermore, lets also not forget how Camp Bucca was another reason why we are under this mess, when 30,000 normal criminals who were convicted of petty crimes were allowed to mingle with crackpot jihadists that were captured in Fallujah.
Because no one from outside invaded US....... destabilised present system....... and left in power vaccum .....then started funding and organising terrorist groups to furthur his agenda. NO ONE DID THAT in US. But someone did this in Iraq. Someone supporting someone for regime change in Syria.
You cannot solve the problem without Recognizing it.
Stop funding them. Stop arming them with weapons. And stop using these Terrorists proxies as foreign policy tools all over the world.

Sir I agree with you but why someone will change their foreign policy if it suites there interests (how stupid they may be)...why can't once and for all WE (Muslims) rectify or start looking to rectify the weaknesses among ourselves which is helping the external agents to destabilize the Muslim Countries...?
A very simple question..
What does a British born Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Somalian, Algerian have in common or cause with the issues of the Baath Party or Assad's policies in Iraq or syria?.

In Islam the concept of brotherhood is extremely strong and its our duty to help the destitute poor on fighting against tyrants who deliver injustice. You can never understand this idea because your theological knowledge of Islam is comparatively weak and you are not a Muslim. Nonetheless there was an organization in Great Britain who did a survey of interviews with candidates who participated in traveling to Syria. Originally their real aim was to help the people of Syria, because they thought that Assad was a tyrant who had to be stopped at all costs since innocent Sunni's were getting massacred and tortured. When these same candidates were interviewed by phone again their perception was totally changed and they became radicalized since they intermingled with known Jihadi groups over a gradual period of time.
In Islam the concept of brotherhood is extremely strong and its our duty to help the destitute poor on fighting against tyrants who deliver injustice. You can never understand this idea because your theological knowledge of Islam is comparatively weak and you are not a Muslim. Nonetheless there was an organization in Great Britain who did a survey of interviews with candidates who participated in traveling to Syria. Originally their real aim was to help the people of Syria, because they thought that Assad was a tyrant who had to be stopped at all costs since innocent Sunni's were getting massacred and tortured. When these same candidates were interviewed by phone again their perception was totally changed and they became radicalized since they intermingled with known Jihadi groups over a gradual period of time.

No, not really, you are still stuck with the symptoms.

Every religion, theology or ideological movement has a core structure, even the most extreme violent ones. The core structure keeps it together, provides it ideology and purpose and provides necessary tools.

Also, often times, controlled chaos is used for multiple purposes like increase influence, implement strategy...even to keep trouble at bay.

AQ wanted a multi hydra monster - global jihad, how did one go about doing that?.
We all talk about terror and terrorists and terrorism, yet no one speaks who creates and support these terrorists. CIA, MI6, MOSAD, ISI, RAW....these are the real terrorists, hold them accountable. How come one official of a country one day accepts they created ISIS, few weeks later some one else will come out and say they are attacking ISIS. Why people dont hold those official responsible. You know why, people around the world have no interest in these issues anymore, they forget what was their govt's policy on this last month.
That's a pitfall of the combination Uber-Capitalism / unfinished Democracy and both humanity's propensity to laziness and its limited average intellectual means. Fine for a treatise, not for a thread.
I hope we get to discuss it some more.

but the problem is here on PDF that you can't discuss this ideology

I think you can. Hoping Waz won't cut you short, let me try :

First, not "only Muslims are involded in terrorism" as you said.
Second, in the West, the terrorism is not exported, probably simply because being rich we need not flee anywhere,
but when the movie The Last Temptation of Christ came out depicting Issa married and having forgotten humanity
as doom approached, this sacrilege prompted strict ( read soulless ) Christians to bomb cinemas showing the film.
Third, even if Muslims were more prone to extremism in religion than the rest, you'd have to consider that it's the
youngest / most recent of the major ones and that most of its believers live in so-so conditions of dominance, pover
-ty or war! Do check how Christianity was doing in 650 just for fun; what it did since, etc.
I have known fine Muslims all my life. The inferiority complex washes off as soon as they feel secure,
be it at home or in exile. In fact, in my 50 apartments tower, my best neighbours are a Sunni family from Morocco.

See mate? I just discussed it without fear of reprimand to answer you. Maybe it's the tone?

I am really speechless when i see people all over the internet trying to justify this attack or even trying to justify any terrorist attack in the world,yeah it's literally "It's your fault because......" AND,don't forget those that will say,it's an inside job.......

Me too but rule of thumb, mon frère :
Consider 25% idiots in any societies ( Trump's numbers in the prez race, Marine, etc. ).
Then consider 1.6 Billion Muslims. 25% of which comes to 400, 000 000 people.
Even if only (sic) 25% of them ( 100 million ) have internet,
that still makes for a lot of ridiculous statements.

Whilst the vast majority of human beings let alone Muslims would never pick up a weapon and harm a fellow human being, intellectually justifying it is part of the mechanism that DOES create these monsters. Not everyone is a soldier.

Yes! Very right! We should act and talk accordingly, but then, anger, jealousy, cupidity,
thirst for power set in and ... it's major jihad path for you.
Best solution? Never follow naming anything immoral by - ... but ... and shun those that do.

I hope the french don't get involved in local quagmire and miss out on seeing where the snake head lies..
Actually we will get involved, I can even predict that after the CDG CG departing Wednesday gets near the M-E,
we'll see The Night The Lights Went Out In ISILia.
And while in some agreement to your second point, that's even more unlikely! IMHoO of course.

You can never understand this idea because your theological knowledge of Islam is comparatively weak and you are not a Muslim.
Well, though not a Muslim, I'd like the Fiqh to have a better role in state affairs in most lands.
I'd like the penchant for harsh rulers to stop giving way to dictatorships, for less Muslim on
Muslim violence and so on. Maybe, you need to make your point without referring to theology?
The average forum dweller is not gonna follow you on that. Or open a specific thread if allowed?

All the best to all and all of yours, Tay.
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Check the mike identifier : INFOWARS !
The guy running that is the epitome of classless moron and utterly disrespectful of anything but his own opinion.
No bright American believes this sad joker. Alex Jones (radio host) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fox News shines intellectualism by comparison. Using him as a source may be worst than quoting Sputnik,
I hope that gives you an idea?

Good convo, Tay.
Before you condemn the attacks in Beirut, Syria, Iraq and Paris... Let me tell you what I CONDEMN.... I condemn the damn countries who created ISIS, and Al-Qaeda and other organizations with their foreign policy support...I condemn the countries and the Intelligence Agencies of the WEST and The EAST who funded these organizations so they can create HAVOC in our lives and they sit PRETTY in their Suburban homes in some town in.... I condemn the Monarchies who buy weapons from the west and use it on fellow Muslim countries, I condemn the Kings who form Alliances with Israel and Fund Terrorists in Pakistan... I condemn the RELIGIOUS SCHOLARS who gave birth to the IDEOLOGY of a Divided Islam based on Sects... I condemn the people of this world who create HASHTAGS for the Western lives and dont even pay attention to the 68,000 DEAD BODY TAGS that our mortuaries are full of since the past 12 years in Pakistan, victims of terrorism. I condemn the EXPLOSIVE MANUFACTURING companies who supply to the terrorists only for the want of money.. I Condemn the Weapon manufacturers who operate out of the WEST to provide ammunition to the terrorists in exchange of funds.. I condemn the LOGISTICAL companies and the CUSTOM AGENTS who facilitate the shipment of these weapons from the West to all the other countries.... I Condemn all the financial institutions who facilitate the transfer of funds between people and countries because without their assistance terrorists can not operate. I conndemn..I Condemn..I CONDEMN....And NOW after condemning the DISEASE... I condemn the SYMPTOMS... The attacks in Beirut, In Iraq, In Syria, In NYC, In Paris, In Pakistan, In Libya, In Egypt, In Tunisia, In Nigeria, and in every country or city where innocent human lives were lost because WE are busy condemning the DAMN TERRORISTS ONLY and not the AIDING, ABETTING & the FINANCING Minds behind these Terrorists.

Mir Muhammad Ali khan

I have but one question: What good does all the condemning actually achieve?
I have but one question: What good does all the condemning actually achieve?
Intellectual lollipop. Notice he condemned just about everything and anything that can be associated with the tragedy to dilute the moral blame that is leveled at a particular group.

How about this: I condemn the Chinese for inventing gunpowder that led up to the terrorism in Paris.

Perfectly in line with what Mr. Mir Muhammad Ali khan done.
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