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BBC-Miss India contest: Why do all the finalists 'look the same'?

Miss India contest: Why do all the finalists 'look the same'?
By Geeta PandeyBBC News, Delhi
  • 30 May 2019
Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionCritics say many participants in this year's beauty pageant look similar
It is the contest that kick-started Bollywood superstar Priyanka Chopra's career, so it is unsurprising that this year's Miss India finalists have such wide smiles in their publicity shots.

After all, this is a competition with the power to change lives.

But instead of being able to enjoy their success, they have found themselves at the centre of a storm over a photo collage which, critics say, suggests the organisers are obsessed with fair skin.

The collage published in the Times of India newspaper - which belongs to the group that organises the annual beauty pageant - depicts 30 headshots of beautiful women.

But when a Twitter user shared it and posed a question: "What is wrong with this picture?" it began to gain traction.

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What is wrong with this picture?


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With their tame, glossy, shoulder-length hair and a skin tone that is virtually identical, some quipped that they all looked the same. Others wondered out loud - albeit as a joke - if in fact they were all the same person.

As the picture gained traction on Twitter, critics made the point that while there was nothing wrong with the image of the women themselves, the lack of diversity in skin colour has once again highlighted India's obsession with being fair and lovely.

As social media chatter grew, we tried to get in touch with the organisers but there has been no response so far.

Beauty pageants have been serious business in India since the mid-1990s. The country has produced several famous Miss Indias, like Aishwarya Rai, Sushmita Sen and Ms Chopra, who also won global titles. Many pageant winners have also gone on to have lucrative Bollywood careers.

Over the years, institutions that train young women aspiring to participate in beauty pageants have mushroomed across the country.

But again, many of their biggest successes have been women who are light-skinned.

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionAishwarya Rai soon after she was crowned Miss World 1994

This is hardly surprising.

India's obsession with fairness, especially when it comes to women, is well known and many regard fair skin as being superior to darker tones.

It has always been accepted for instance, that fairer is better in the marriage market.

And ever since the 1970s, when Fair and Lovely - India's first fairness cream - was introduced, skin whitening cosmetics have been among the highest selling in the country and, over the years, top Bollywood actors and actresses have appeared in advertisements to endorse them.

Commercials for such creams and gels promised not just fair skin but also peddled them as means to get a glamorous job, find love, or get married.

And pageants like this, which favour a particular type of skin tone, only serve to perpetuate that stereotype.

Media caption#unfairandlovely: Women speak out against skin lightening
In 2005, some bright spark decided that it was not just women who needed fairer skin, so along came India's first fairness cream for men - Fair and Handsome.

Endorsed by Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan no less, it soon became a huge success.

In recent years, there have been campaigns such as Dark is Beautiful and #unfairandlovely, questioning "colourism" and calling on people to celebrate dark skin. And last year, I wrote about a new campaign that re-imagined popular Hindu gods and goddesses with a darker skin.

But this has not stopped the flood of new creams and gels that claim to lighten everything from armpit hair to - hold your breath - female genitalia.

Their popularity in India can be gauged from the fact that fairness creams and bleaches sell for hundreds of millions of dollars every year and, according to one estimate, the market for women's fairness products is expected to be 50bn rupees ($716m; £566m) by 2023.

The defenders of skin whitening products say it's a matter of personal choice, that if women can use lipstick to make their lips redder, then what's the big deal about using creams or gels to appear fairer?

It may sound logical, but campaigners point out that this obsession with fair skin is grossly unfair - the "superiority" of light skin is subtly, but constantly, reinforced and that perpetuates societal prejudice and hurts people with darker complexions who grow up with low self-confidence. It also impacts their personal and professional success, they say.

We've heard models with darker skin colours say how they were overlooked for assignments and I can remember only a few darker-skinned Bollywood actresses in leading roles.

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionBeauty pageants have been accused of favouring a particular skin tone
In 2014, the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), a self-regulatory body of advertisers, issued a set of guidelines barring commercials from depicting people with darker skin colour as "unattractive, unhappy, depressed or concerned" and said that they should not be shown as being at a disadvantage when it came to "prospects of matrimony, jobs or promotions".

The ads, however, continue to be made, even though they are a bit more discreet now compared to the earlier in-your-face sort of campaigns. Popular film actors and actresses also continue to endorse them.

But as I write this piece, a heart-warming piece of news is just being reported: South Indian actress Sai Pallavi has confirmed that she rejected a 20m rupee deal to appear in a fairness cream advertisement earlier this year.

"What am I going to do with the money I get from such an ad? I don't have... big needs.

"I can say that the standards we have are wrong. This is the Indian colour. We can't go to foreigners and ask them why they're white.

"That's their skin colour and this is ours," she was quoted as saying.

Pallavi's comments are being hailed as a breath of fresh air by commentators, especially as they are seen in context to the Miss India collage where all contestants look the same - whitewashed.

WHAT AN IDIOTIC TITLE? No they do not look same. They are from one nation so naturally there will not be the diversities like Miss universe where the participants from mongolian race, Indian subcontinent girls, caucasians , European etc participates. If they look different, there can be a title that why do they look different? When you try to create controversy out of nothing you look stupid.
WHAT AN IDIOTIC TITLE? No they do not look same. They are from one nation so naturally there will not be the diversities like Miss universe where the participants from mongolian race, Indian subcontinent girls, caucasians , European etc participates. If they look different, there can be a title that why do they look different? When you try to create controversy out of nothing you look stupid.
If you take similar photos of all of them with similar attire, poses, lighting, etc. and zoom out, obviously they will look similar. However, anyone who says Ms. Arunachal looks anything like Ms. Haryana needs to get their eyes checked.
The look all the same because they are from the 1% caste.

I wonder what caste are they all from??? I don't see must caste diversity here?

Maybe next time the pageant organizers will embrace some diversity to reflect the other underrepresented 99% caste members.
That statement reflects your ignorance. Those women represent each state of India, places as diverse as South India to Punjab to Bengal to Arunachal near Tibet. They could not possibly belong to the "1% caste."

Anyway, I don't know why Pakistanis are so obsessed over a beauty pageant, of all things. Maybe they are just jealous we have better looking women than them;)
yes i know but look at those women pics they looks like a 50 plus anties
Beauty does not become apparent in a photo or two - it become apparent in direct interactions. Personality and the tone of voice are also a factor.
These ladies represent 1st India, and have nothing to do with 2nd India.
Anyway, I don't know why Pakistanis are so obsessed over a beauty pageant, of all things. Maybe they are just jealous we have better looking women than them;)

Lol.... The "elite" Indian women look Pakistani... While the remaining other caste 99% of the population look Indian.
Neither country can achieve what Vietnam has achieved.
They all look Aryans to me. What happened to India being a racially diverse country? where are the girls of south indian aborigines or those form northeast? imagine what CNN would say if “Miss America” has all white girls participating.:rofl:

if I want to check out some aryan beauty I'd go watch some Iranian beauty pageants...they are purer than north Indians anyway
Yeah, well, the organiser tend to pick the hotter ones.

Everyone looks like crap in that group photo, though.
+who serves organisers well.

And some people has obsession with Indians as well. They keep indian's pictures as their Avatar. They find their heros in Indians.
And people living between Bias and Brahmaputra have got very strange obsession with a Pakistani River,they even have named their country India(Indus) after it.
+who serves organisers well.

And people living between Bias and Brahmaputra have got very strange obsession with a Pakistani River,they even have named their country India(Indus) after it.

Obsession is because on envy. We really envy Pakistan. In seven decades, the progress made by pakistan naturally makes us obsessed. Infact, all the neighbors of Pakistan and whole world is obsessed.
People who said they are ugly, let's see ms.pakistan beauty pageant contestants. Otherwise it just butt hurt jealousy crises.
Normal girls in Pakistan are ten times prettier than these injuns.

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