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Banned Words on PDF

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but no doubt word and phrases used against Arabs, Britons and Americans are perfectly halal. but bharati and bengali sensitivities must be protected since both are the bestest friend of Pakistan
Not at all. The thread is open for suggestions, I said as much in my OP didn’t I?
@AgNoStiC MuSliM I regularly make a search for keyword "Parsi" just to see if there's anything of interest I can engage on. Unfortunately in the past I pissed someone/s off bad enough to force him/her to create offensive IDs using that same term. All of them are banned, BUT the rub is that they still exist in pink and appear on the right hand column of the browzer in the results. Could you help by removing them permanently please?

Posting a screenshot below that is self explanatory:

If Indian members agree to support the right of Kashmiris to choose between India, Pakistan & Independence in a UN held plebiscite (in principle), sure.

Till then, it’s still an occupation and non-combatants are being killed, tortured & maimed for political purposes by Indian security forces. If we call militants who attack non-combatants terrorists, then why not an occupying military force?
Go ahead and call these brave men/women what you may (Just pointed out that it was a defense forum)- I cant speak for all Indians here-I do support "UN held plebiscite for Kashmir"- The whole of Kashmir and not leaving out bits and pieces and also meeting all the standards set forth within the framework, no speculation -blah blah blah- Deal!
The term Coolie is used by other races to describe all people from the sub-continent. Not used frequently anymore. Curry muncher, **** and Brownie etc have taken over. My personal preference for insulting sub-continentals is Brownie. I use that term frequently on my family members

Don’t like the word hate being called it . it’s an offence here in Jamaica .
Guyanese embrace the word lol but Guyanese are different jungle people .
Everyone is called Indian here lol wait for a taxi ..... Indian come here ..... go tax office ....how can I help you Indian lol someone comes visit you who you don’t know first word is .... hey Indian .. drives the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis mad
I don't know if following words are banned or not but i suggest kindly add them too. Maybe all are not used here but i have seen the trolls use these terms elsewhere on social media:
Camel ... drinker
Pinkie /Peerni
Patwari (or you can spare this. not too bad/offensive a word :angel:)
please do not ban

Bhootni day ae
bhosnait kay ..
wet lunghis
Like I said-its your forum do what you want
if that wer true would the likes of joe the bengali white gentleman and his new sidekick nilgiri be allowed to constantly wipe the floor with Pakistan and Pakistan-flag displayers? in one post you see them flattering/fellating some senior mod, in another you will see joe using the head of a junior as a mop, yet in another you will see him slandering Pakistan

BTW. it is also very very likely the joe inglish is gonna be made a moderator of upcoming sub-forum dedicated to durga mata i.e bharatvarsh
Appreciated. Can we also add derogatory remarks used for people who hold secular and liberal views?
if that wer true would the likes of joe the bengali white gentleman and his new sidekick nilgiri be allowed to constantly wipe the floor with Pakistan and Pakistan-flag displayers?

BTW. it is also very very likely the joe inglish is gonna be made a moderator of upcoming sub-forum dedicated to durga mata i.e baratvarsh

No he's not.

They want Indians to come back.
No he's not.

They want Indians to come back.
you mean to placate the angry Alexa? even though I have seen a senior mod make the offer to his highness, you could be right.
Gosh. You're not the only Indian Muslim member here :D

No was not referring to you

Well, I have used it on two or three occasions. Do you as a woman object to it ? If so why ?
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