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Banned Words on PDF

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i don't agree with ban on word Jihadi. I don't have issue if someone call me Jihadi.
No issue with Pakistanis or Muslims calling each other Jihadi, much like there is no issue with Pakistanis calling each other Pakis. The problem is when non-Muslims use it for Muslims - then the usage is almost always meant as a slur, implying we're all terrorists.
I never thought gangu as a slur but a term for people of the Ganges .
never used it once myself

Coolie is another derogatory word, a English name for a servant/slave
I would support an infraction against any religious slur. Of particular concern to me personally is the use of the word "love Jihad" by certain members here and particularly Indian members including Muslim Indian members
Dear Members,

After some discussion and review, PDF staff has unanimously decided to ban the use of the following words on the forum:

Gangu and it's derivatives like 'Gangustan':

Reason: A native or inhabitant of Gangetic plains (River Ganges in India).
Often used by Pakistanis as a racial slur. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Madrassa Chaap:

Reason: Derogatory reference for Muslims/Pakistanis.


Reason: A slang / racial slur for a smelly dirty curry drinking hairy Indian that poos in the loo. (Per Urban Dictionary)


Reason: A derogatory term used to describe people of the maharashtrian descent or maharashtra region in India. (Per Urban Dictionary)

Jihadi (by non-Muslims):

Reason: The word Jihad in Islam means 'to struggle' whereas Jihadi used as a derogatory reference to Muslims, conflated in contemporary culture with terrorists.

If ANY of our members come across any other words that have a derogatory meaning, please let the forum staff know so we can review. We have members from around the world here, reflecting different cultures, so we need your assistance in identifying, understanding and banning derogatory words.


Moral policing is getting out of control. This is probably the only safe place where we can keep bharti garbage away and call them out on their shit.

Good bye PDF ... You are soon going to turn into Quora / Reddit / FB , that is infested by bhartis..( I wanted to use G word but can't)
I never thought gangu as a slur but a term for people of the Ganges .
never used it once myself

Coolie is another derogatory word, a English name for a servant/slave

The term Coolie is used by other races to describe all people from the sub-continent. Not used frequently anymore. Curry muncher, **** and Brownie etc have taken over. My personal preference for insulting sub-continentals is Brownie. I use that term frequently on my family members
Moral policing is getting out of control. This is probably the only safe place where we can keep bharti garbage away and call them out on their shit.

Good bye PDF ... You are soon going to turn into Quora / Reddit / FB , that is infested by bhartis..( I wanted to use G word but can't)
You can still call them out on their shit, we're just asking that certain words that have acquired derogatory racial connotations not be used while calling them out on their shit.

Do yo really think that it is words like gangu that keep the Bharatis away from this forum?
Or any other Bengali members
Is that correct?

I use Barman "savages" as it is pertinent as regards their treatment of Rohingya and defending those actions.
Defending mass rape, killings and ethnic cleasing makes you a "savage" in my opinion
Any Barmans that are against the oppression of Rohingyas of course should not be called savages but yet to see any on this forum to my knowledge.

I have not heard anyone call Barmans "monkeys" in a long time on this forum.
You can still call them out on their shit, we're just asking that certain words that have acquired derogatory racial connotations not be used while calling them out on their shit.

Do yo really think that it is words like gangu that keep the Bharatis away from this forum?

Bhartis will never go away.... You ban 10 today and next day 20 will show up..

You shouldn't have taken away our right to use all "words" ... Check out Indian defense forums... It is riddled with all kinds of slurs because it is their safe space...

There are no bengalis / Pakistanis or other nationals over there... Bare dil hone ki wajah se this forum has become gangu infested and with the ban on certain words , expect more floods.
I would support an infraction against any religious slur. Of particular concern to me personally is the use of the word "love Jihad" by certain members here and particularly Indian members including Muslim Indian members
It would depend on context. If the term is being used to reference the Hindutva propaganda & hate-mongering campaign against Muslims (where they accuse Muslims of engaging in Love Jihad) it's acceptable.

Were a non-Muslim to use it for a Muslim or to describe Muslims, it is unacceptable.
Feels like there is a bit of bias here. Don't think any Pakistani was really offended by Jihadi or madrassa chap. G and P words are such powerful words compared to Jihadi or Madrassa chap. I protest against this decision, it's an un-even trade.

@El Sidd @Areesh Heads up
Feels like there is a bit of bias here. Don't think any Pakistani was really offended by Jihadi or madrassa chap. G and P words are such powerful words compared to Jihadi or Madrassa chap. I protest against this decision, it's an un-even trade.

@El Sidd @Areesh Heads up
Not looking forward to their arrival in this thread ... :D:partay:
It would depend on context. If the term is being used to reference the Hindutva propaganda & hate-mongering campaign against Muslims (where they accuse Muslims of engaging in Love Jihad) it's acceptable.

Were a non-Muslim to use it for a Muslim or to describe Muslims, it is unacceptable.

Unfortunately it is used as a joke on this forum, especially by certain Indian members. To me Jihad is extremely personal and using the term to mock or demonize (even by a Muslim) is simply unacceptable
Bhartis will never go away.... You ban 10 today and next day 20 will show up..

You shouldn't have taken away our right to use all "words" ... Check out Indian defense forums... It is riddled with all kinds of slurs because it is their safe space...

There are no bengalis / Pakistanis or other nationals over there... Bare dil hone ki wajah se this forum has become gangu infested and with the ban on certain words , expect more floods.

It hasn't become very infested as you claim though. If some Radical Indian tries to step out of line too much, often time there are enough opposing members to put them in their place. Call them out all you want, but i must admit that the use of derogatory racial insults should be kept at bay.
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