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‘Bania’ India can’t attack Pakistan, says Hafiz Saeed


Feb 2, 2007
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Islamabad: Spewing his latest vitriolic anti-India remarks, Jamat-ut-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed on Monday dismissed any possibility of India attacking Pakistan.

Speaking to Pakistani news channel Express News TV, Hafiz Saeed said, “I don’t think this ‘bania’ India can attack on us”.

"India toh Pakistan par hamla kabhi nahi karega na kar sakta hai, yeh toh auraton vaali ladaai kar sakta hai.. (Neither India can and nor it will attack Pakistan… It can only fight like women),” said the JuD chief who is known for spouting anti-India stance.

Hafiz Saeed also updated his Twitter with similar tweets echoing aggressive anti-India sentiments. One of his tweets also bragged about Pakistan’s nuclear weapons: “I don't believe in the fantasy that India can ever attack Pakistan. This is not the Pakistan of 1971. Our Nukes are not for museums either.” Terming Pakistan’s policy as “restrained”, Saeed in another tweet, urged the Nawaz Sharif government to rethink its stance on India.

"Pakistan's restrained policy is being taken as weakness. Government should review its stance. War or peace is India's choice," Saeed said.

Hafiz Saeed yesterday unleashed a barrage of anti-India tweets, mentioning Kashmir and also blaming India for Pakistani floods.

“#kashmir does NOT belong to India. It is a disputed territory where millions have died for freedom. Pakistanis should never forsake them,” read another tweet.

Recently, Saeed had also challenged India to prove that he was a terrorist.

"You (India) are continuously calling me a terrorist. But I am not a terrorist, and if you are not satisfied, an independent judicial commission comprising senior lawyers and judges from India and Pakistan should investigate whether I am guilty," Saeed had told Dawn newspaper.

"You (India) look to be very eager to get me. Don't worry, I myself will visit India," Saeed said.

Hafiz Saeed, who is founder of banned organization Jamat-ud-Dawa, also had a bounty of $10 million imposed on his head by the US.

So the charity worker does it again.. What a surprise?? :disagree:

You are most welcome!! We will make a special halal food out of you oops for you!!

He is a Patriotic Pakistani national and has every right to express his thoughts...You should better worry about your warmongorer MP's who swear for 50 Pakistani heads in assembly(what a shame)..
Bania is derived from the Sanskrit word vanij', which means merchant. In western India the caste is called Vani or Vania. Although in Bengal the term is applied to all people who are involved in moneylending and similar activities, elsewhere in India it is used in the more limited sense of referring to specific castes.

The Bania (otherwise known as Baniya, Vani and Vania) is an occupational community of merchants, bankers, money-lenders, dealers in grains or in spices, and in modern times numerous commercial enterprises

@T0pic - Does the subject line make any sense?
[Bregs];4693585 said:
These sort of guys should be in jail and not spewing venom when relations between two countries are already very tense

what about your media?

Bania is derived from the Sanskrit word vanij', which means merchant. In western India the caste is called Vani or Vania. Although in Bengal the term is applied to all people who are involved in moneylending and similar activities, elsewhere in India it is used in the more limited sense of referring to specific castes.

The Bania (otherwise known as Baniya, Vani and Vania) is an occupational community of merchants, bankers, money-lenders, dealers in grains or in spices, and in modern times numerous commercial enterprises

@T0pic - Does the subject line make any sense?

i think the better question is who is the girl in your display pic?
OnTopic : Can any sensible Pakistani here tell me why wud India attack Pakistan unnecessarily in this tym of economic challenges?

This is the question you should ask your government and army. Perhaps even they do not know why they are violating cease fire line along LOC.

My guess. Its election time and every body in India needs some agenda for campaign and what better agenda then this one.

Secondly your economic situation is getting worse by the day and you need some diversion. Again what better target then Pakistan.

Third your military is not getting the equipment and funding they want so open a front with Pakistan and hope that procurement process shall be expedited and new funds made available. Its commission time.

Relax India is not going to attack its just for the reasons mentioned above. In the end I hope sense pervails.
"India toh Pakistan par hamla kabhi nahi karega na kar sakta hai, yeh toh auraton vaali ladaai kar sakta hai.. (Neither India can and nor it will attack Pakistan… It can only fight like women),” said the JuD chief who is known for spouting anti-India stance.

We got our warmongers and you guys got yours other then that these are some pretty strong words coming from a guy in a shalwar who use henna/mehndi as a fashion statement !!!
Hafiz cannot see how India through its proxies has turned Pakistan into a virtual war zone. Nobody wants to invest in Pak, Pak business are shifting to BD and some also want to invest in India.
India is killing your economy. Even without going to war India is destroying Pakistan.
Hafiz with pie sized intellect is not able to comprehend this brilliant Bania plan.
I take this in other sense..

Is he provoking India and fellow Indians for a full scale war...

What a anti-human personal with Warmongoring attitude towards India... Or is he obsessed with India???

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