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Backtracking: India says no helicopters used in 'surgical strikes'

How innocent of you and your army, my my. By the way, how did they cross the LoC, no one seems to have an answer perhaps you could shed some of your intellect on the issue?

I dont need to know operational details.
I dont need to know operational details.

you anyway cannot know that which never quite happened [ as intended ]

but at least provide some pearls why modi haramzada is not bragging about it or providing operations details and gloating over it
you anyway cannot know that which never quite happened [ as intended ]

As I said, we both have different expectation from our armed forces.You expect army to lie about losses. I expect army to be forthright.Its perfectly natural for a Pakistani to be cynical about claims of Generals.

In our case however, DGMOs do not lie.
A populist humiliated numerous times trying to placate a jingoistic public....not a good combination. It makes sense why any country is worried about this situation.
Assume whatever you want to. :rolleyes:

and what exactly is it that they have achieved ? achieved becoming the butt of jokes I suppose
They are now part of a red letter day.

Dazzler said:
How innocent of you and your army, my my. By the way, how did they cross the LoC, no one seems to have an answer perhaps you could shed some of your intellect on the issue?
That's easy.
The TPS77 radars were hacked into well in advance.
Again posting this:

From a very close relative in Air Defense.

He said that Indian army came very close to the front posts yesterday but fortunately for us and unfortunately for them, prior intelligence reports were received about the possible incursion.

He told me that they probably wanted to kill some PA soldiers so that they can have some face saving. But due to the element of surprise, all parties were fired upon from multiple unexpected locations. They couldn't cross the first 50 meters and tried to retreat and while doing so, PA captured one of their men.

As your source mentioned, he also said that it is usual to cross the border once in a while, but it was very unusual movement day before yesterday. They left behind several bodies on both sides of LoC within 25-50 meters at every location. In the fire fight though, 2 PA soldiers embraced martyrdom and several others have been injured. He confirmed that Indians may have footage but to release it they will have to edit it heavily. :-)

When Indian DGMO called for the presser, he did have an idea that several of the men had not returned and he made a statement that "we do not have plans for further continuation" in order to satisfy PA DGMO in other words that we are retreating, please stop. He also made a foolish statement that there was no casualty on Indian side, and PA officers (my source's companions) laughed at this statement as everybody knew that they can hide the killing of soldiers, how will they hide the captured soldier? He said there is a mechanism to hide deaths in these skirmishes. They will now blame PA every couple of days of cease fire violations and announce killing of one or two soldiers every now and then. But for that to happen, they have to take the bodies and put them in cold storage, which PA is not letting them do (I am against it by the way).

Till yesterday morning when I spoke to him, he said that they are not allowed to pick the bodies. Whenever they try come close, they are fired upon. There are high level talks happening between Indian DGMO and Pakistan DGMO on this issue but there is tactical silence and delay on Pakistani side.
You can assume whatever you want to.

Our forces achieved what they had to.


What your forces have achieved? Except 24 hour continuous bisti which will become more intense once ''proof'' will be shared in media? :lol:

winters will be peaceful this time.

125 dead Kashmiris disagree with you.

That's easy.
The TPS77 radars were hacked into well in advance.

ini meme12.png
And to Indian members, again, this is how much Pakistanis giving attention to all this drama. Yesterday's screenshot of a popular Pakistani forum:

Siasat PK Page.JPG
On the other hand, Indian newspapers, Indian media, social media users are all over the place thumping their breasts with joy on an event that never occurred. :-) Irony is, they are calling we Pakistanis are defending our ISPRs statement everywhere and loosing patience.

Pakistanis don't care two hoots if Indians are being satisfied by what has been fed to them in the past couple of days. We know that Kashmiri mujahidin attacked a base and killed many soldiers (only 18 deaths accepted) and India took the revenge on media. :rofl:

Good for all Indians if this satisfies their ego. We are happy. Lets talk about Kashmir now!

Does anyone remember this?

Myanmar denies Indian Army forces killed militants inside its territory

As I said, we both have different expectation from our armed forces.You expect army to lie about losses. I expect army to be forthright.Its perfectly natural for a Pakistani to be cynical about claims of Generals.

In our case however, DGMOs do not lie.
Proof is all we need. We have proof to back our claims.
What your forces have achieved? Except 24 hour continuous bisti which will become more intense once ''proof'' will be shared in media? :lol:
Have a good laugh while you can. :)

You people are well known to deny everything

Osama bin Laden
Now surgical strikes

The world is aware of your reputation

You where hit and bit hard

This is a face saving scenario from you lpeople

Too bad fella, your list is pretty wrong Unlike Pakistan, Bharti nation and media stand on foundation of lies. Here, quick look

Siachin fake killings
Kargil fake killings
Fake Let Encounter
False flag Samjhota express bombing
''Spy'' balloon shot down
Pigeon captured
False flag boat incident
Fake news of Russia-Pak drills cancellation

A lot can be added, these are just surface things ........... :tsk:

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