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Assailants hack to death writer Avijit Roy, wife injured

Saw one of the gory poctures in twitter, his wife, herself bloodied with multiple long gashes on her head, trying to revive her dead husband while the silent majority onlooker passively looks on!

Its so heartbreaking but perfectly portrays the problem with Bangladesh and in effect the whole Muslim world now.

If vouching for Mukto Mon(bengali for Free thinking) makes him fair game for getting hacked to death then I guess majority of us also deserve the same.

But isnt that the what ISIS says and closet sympathizers like you secretly wish for?

Abhijit Roy was married to a Muslim and majority of his friends were Bangladeshi Muslims it one goes by his facebook profile, but for people like you voice of reason is anti Islam.

And here you are no different than Sanghis who try to justify one crime by showing crimes committed by others.
Your justifications for crime committed by your state sponsors least bothers me. I just want BD members to see your double standards. And my post was for them, not you or your gang.
Your justifications for crime committed by your state sponsors least bothers me. I just want BD members to see your double standards. And my post was for them, not you or your gang.
I do not see myself justifying the murder of Pune techie rather I see myself multiple times in loggerhead with those Indians who do justify it.

Its a public forum so if you want to address specifically your pals then use private messages, else you will come off as another closet sympathizer.
Very sad and shameful for us indeed - call this BD version of Gujarat riot.

However you seem to be an autistic Bong. Just because you know him as an eminent atheist blogger doesn't mean everyone knows who he is. I never knew he even existed.

So your argument, that people didn't rescue him because he's an atheist does not hold. I believe people where afraid to approach the crime scene, like Indians never help gang rape victims, whether its on the bus or somewhere else.

I guess you had trouble comprehending my post. I am not wondering why people did not rescue him, I know its natural tendency of people to stay away from machate wielding thugs. Read my post again, ask me politely if you need help comprehending.

Also lets not insult those who suffered from autism, many of them achieved so much more than me or you can dream of.
I do not see myself justifying the murder of Pune techie rather I see myself multiple times in loggerhead with those Indians who do justify it.

Its a public forum so if you want to address specifically your pals then use private messages, else you will come off as another closet sympathizer.
If you do condemn such crimes without wearing the glasses of religion or ethnicity, then i appreciate it. I posted the link because on that thread, some of your countrymen justified the boy's killing by saying that he deserves to die becoz he committed blasphemy. Go and check the same persons haa-hooo on Charlie Habdo killings.
I just wanted to highlight double standards.
I guess you had trouble comprehending my post. I am not wondering why people did not rescue him, I know its natural tendency of people to stay away from machate wielding thugs. Read my post again, ask me politely if you need help comprehending.

Also lets not insult those who suffered from autism, many of them achieved so much more than me or you can dream of.

Again, symptoms of autism. How am I supposed to comprehend "your way" if you put these two statements back to back and refer to "the problem".
LaBong said:
Saw one of the gory poctures in twitter, his wife, herself bloodied with multiple long gashes on her head, trying to revive her dead husband while the silent majority onlooker passively looks on!
Its so heartbreaking but perfectly portrays the problem with Bangladesh and in effect the whole Muslim world now.

Nothing wrong with autism in itself - autistic people can be wonderful individuals if they get professional help at the right time. =)
Even if he is an atheist, so what? Should be hacked to death? Jamati logic?
I seriously doubt if you're from the sub-continent living in the sub-continent. The motto of the religious fanatics is "If you can't beat 'em kill 'em"
Even if he is an atheist, so what? Should be hacked to death? Jamati logic?

No, it is not jamaati logic, matter of fact it is the indian and BAL logic. According to these thugs if somebody is a member of jamaat then he can beaten to death in broad day light. I guess others have learned this from these BAL thugs.
And then you get pissed with the Hindus get angry and attack any Muslim who offends them. :woot:

Since when did atheists attack you?

Anti-Islamist means those who are against radicals, which even the common Bangladeshis are (the non-Jamaati types).
Hypocrites of highest order are found in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Both want fully Muslims country and want to give no right to minorities and at the same time talk about minority rights in other countries.
Islamists are wonderful at proving again and again that islam is nothing but a ideology of murder,war,genocide,killing of kafirs ,other sects .
The first one is against Hefajat-e-Islami's stupid 13-point and the second one is about a stupid omni-faith unity council. Where's Avijit and his "ATHEIST" blog? @asad71

I agree with you 100% but you should also tell this to the BAL regime which is in the habit of abducting and killing those who dissent, this BAL regime has also shut down talk shows for suppressing the opinions of people.
I agree with you 100% but you should also tell this to the BNP which is in the habit of torching and killing those who want to live a life and who did the same thing during their regime. At least now Bangladesh is run by RAW but if BNP comes to power it'll sell the whole nation to Amit Shah and BJP

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