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Featured Army chief, Saudi envoy discuss regional security, bilateral ties

So Saudi want their pets "sharifs" back in power? that is it all about? Whatever SMQ said was planned between Government and GHQ because some corrections were needed in Pak-Saudi relations.

Some people are behaving like everything is Imran Khan's fault because he is selected by GHQ, as if governments before him were not chosen by the establishment.

They are same as ppp supporter cant see or let pakistan progress only nawaz or zardari
Can Pakistan afford to piss the Saudi's? NO
Can Pakistan assimilate the 100,000's workers back into Pakistan if thrown out by Saudi's? NO
Can Pakistan afford to call back its forces from Saudi Arabia and lose funding? NO
Can Pakistan survive without oil on deferred payments given by Saudi? NO
Can Pakistan afford to have its Haji's denied entry into Saudi Arabia on any pretext? NO

So basically Bajwa is saying to the Saudi Ambassador, sorry but our installed puppet mucked up!
Give your ears to all, voice to none....

Pak shouldn't tilt even 0.001 degree from her principled position....
Pakistan people are not getting charity from these Saudis or any other Arab states. They work very hard to earn their money. There are many qualified people who have left SA and UAE to find better jobs else where including Australia, NZ, etc. It is the Pakistan laborers who have suffered like slaves at the hands of their Saudi masters. It is time to bring them back home and give them decent jobs within the CPEC project. It is the responsibility of Pakistan Government and also the Chinese to ensure these people are treated fairly. It is time to stand up and get rid of dependency and being held hostage by the Gulf Arabs states.
So Saudi want their pets "sharifs" back in power? that is it all about? Whatever SMQ said was planned between Government and GHQ because some corrections were needed in Pak-Saudi relations.

Some people are behaving like everything is Imran Khan's fault because he is selected by GHQ, as if governments before him were not chosen by the establishment.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi is not an angry or a rude person , he has a v very calm personality , Statement by SMQ about KSA and OIC was given on 5th August 2020 i.e on completion of 1 year of Indian illegal actions in IOJ&K . SMQ remained FM of Pakistan from 2007,8-2011 as well . Public statement of SMQ was no surprise to people who know about FP . UAE , Bahrain , KSA are giving awards to PM Modi of India , signed defense cooperations with India esp by KSA and UAE , refusing to call FM Conference of OIC , Invited Indian FM to OIC Summit almost a year ago , Tried to control Pakistan FP etc etc . Pakistan is a bit slow as it gives complete time to friendly countries to clarify or correct the course . SMQ statement was no surprise and if KSA didn't call FM conference in 2 or 3 months situations will get worse . Look at Turkey FM , Iran FM , US FM , Russian FM , Bangladesh FM , Indian and many other FMs statements in last 5,6 months i.e tough , strong and blunt statements . Diplomacy techniques are changing . Pakistan waited complete 1 year for KSA and OIC meeting but it never happened .
As for as KSA ambassador meeting is concerned , he himself came to GHQ , COAS never went . Plus sources are saying COAS was invited to visit KSA to clear the dust but it seems like wedge between Pakistan and KSA will increase with Time .
Iran is not KSA neighbour ( at least no land border ) but ours , India is also not KSA neighbour . Iran and KSA never fought direct wars but Pakistan and India almost fought 5 small and Big wars , 1948 , 1965 , 1971 , 1984 , 1999 Plus small skirmishes and proxy wars . Relations with India by any country in strategic , Defense and on issues like Indian Occupied Kashmir makes Pakistan impatient and uneasy .
We also don't know many in between issues between countries . Since 5th August 2019 DG ISI , CGS , DG MO of Pakistan Army held several meeting with FM in MoFA Pakistan . So SMQ never thought it over night . Pakistan political Map , Kashmir highway to Srinagar highway , SMQ statement about KSA and OIC and some future course was decided in these meetings and PM and COAS visits to ISI headquarters as well . Pakistan federal govt and Pakistan Army was and is still under pressure from Opposition and People of Pakistan on issue of Kashmir .

DG ISI.jpg

Why do you guys think Pakistan relations with Iran got bad ???? Their Indian relations was the main reason . Iran also has no border with India but Pakistan has and i repeat KSA and Iran never fought direct wars but Pakistan and India has fought many wars .
SMQ statements last year about Iran and this year about KSA both were right as we are now trying to secure our core issue i.e Kashmir and confronting biggest enemy of Pakistan i.e India .
Pakistan is slow but we learns .
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The Saudis came

GCHQ didn't go to them

Let the message get to them, we appreciate the support but the time to push and punish hindutva extremist India is now
Don't discuss,

Do something

I'm sure this is a behind the scenes patch up of sorts but the reality remains whilst Pakistan has alot to thank the Saudis for we need to decisively hurt India

India is a hindutva extremist state with anti muslim bigotry at its core

The Muslims worlds problem are exasperated that rather then dealing with these enemies we make alliances with them to hurt each other

And if one of us rises we seek to cut them down with the help of these anti muslim states

India is divided Internally
The region is tired of their delusions of grandeur
China has stepped on them
Now is the time to make their hindutva extremism cost them
Step up to the plate OIC/Saudis
We have protected the Saudi royal family for years....hope their troops now take their heads. I have popcorn ready
Can Pakistan afford to piss the Saudi's? NO
Can Pakistan assimilate the 100,000's workers back into Pakistan if thrown out by Saudi's? NO
Can Pakistan afford to call back its forces from Saudi Arabia and lose funding? NO
Can Pakistan survive without oil on deferred payments given by Saudi? NO
Can Pakistan afford to have its Haji's denied entry into Saudi Arabia on any pretext? NO

So basically Bajwa is saying to the Saudi Ambassador, sorry but our installed puppet mucked up!
1. Yes
2. Workers: That will be quite extreme of them, if things reach such an extent we will already be in deeper sh**.
3. Will hurt them more, as someone else pointed out, this will leave only the Americans for their security. Not a very pretty sight especially considering the infighting within in their house.
4. Yes, oil prices are low in the short term.In the longer term other avenues that we have been avoiding so as to not upset them can open up.
5. Please this is not even a consideration. Do you know how many times Iranian hajis have not come on haj since the revolution there? And its not like our relation will become so bad with them as the Iranians. It will be closer to their current relation with Turkey: annoyed but still brothers, the Saudi people will atleast always be like brothers to us regardless of which x bin y bin Saud is in the seat.
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We have protected the Saudi royal family for years....hope their troops now take their heads. I have popcorn ready
They don't need our protection they have USA as their guardian. Remember what Trump said about Saudi Royal Family??
I wouldn't be surprised if COAS goes to Saudi Arabia to appease the Saudis. If this happens, it will be further humiliation of Pakistan nation. Such appeasements have to stop.
Can Pakistan afford to piss the Saudi's? NO
Can Pakistan assimilate the 100,000's workers back into Pakistan if thrown out by Saudi's? NO
Can Pakistan afford to call back its forces from Saudi Arabia and lose funding? NO
Can Pakistan survive without oil on deferred payments given by Saudi? NO
Can Pakistan afford to have its Haji's denied entry into Saudi Arabia on any pretext? NO

So basically Bajwa is saying to the Saudi Ambassador, sorry but our installed puppet mucked up!

Can Pakistan afford to piss the Saudi's? Almost No but a bit of yes. Subliminal msgs should start flowing! Come-on guys at least take a bargain of our nuclear treaty/umbrella.

Can Pakistan assimilate the 100,000's workers back into Pakistan if thrown out by Saudi's? NO

Can Pakistan afford to call back its forces from Saudi Arabia and lose funding? YES! At least we can take that on the chin. It's not that they are paying for a few dozens of F-16s.

Can Pakistan survive without oil on deferred payments given by Saudi? YES & NO - If Iran jacks up the game with the same offer. We should remember, it's not free but deferred payments :)

Can Pakistan afford to have its Haji's denied entry into Saudi Arabia on any pretext? What! Even Iranians are not barred from Hajj.
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