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Apple on lawsuit spree again-

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Which company first mass produced cars? i think Ford, so they should sue all other manufacturers as all of them copied the model of ford (a body with seating on 4 wheels)

Well, had they gone for a patent, the stupid patent office might have accepted that as well and we would be lying about with Ford cars everywhere!!!
Major customers

Samsung's largest clients (Q1 2010)[85]
Rank/company Part description Buying (trillion KRW) Percent of total sales

2 Apple Inc. AP (mobile processor), DRAM, NAND flash, etc... 0.9 2.6

Samsung is manufacturing processors and providing apples DRAM , NAND flash using in their devices and Apple is the second biggest buyer of Samsung components after SONY ..
Jobs will come back as Zombie to hunt you down.

Jobs and (Apple) Zombies should be used in the same breath more often :)

As far as I am concerned: Bring it on, Apple!
Jobs and (Apple) Zombies should be used in the same breath more often :)

As far as I am concerned: Bring it on, Apple!
Yara, do take into consideration my sentiments, just couple of times at-least! :blink:
Yara, do take into consideration my sentiments, just couple of times at-least! :blink:

Okay, let me say that my anti-Apple rants were/are not directed against you as a person. That's the most I can concede. The verbal assault will continue with venom--now that I am finding more and more 'material' to support me.

Aap sey ma'azerat, janab!
Okay, let me say that my anti-Apple rants were/are not directed against you as a person. That's the most I can concede. The verbal assault will continue with venom--now that I am finding more and more 'material' to support me.

Aap sey ma'azerat, janab!
Dude, you're very funny! (giggles) :D
And I am EXTREMELY PROUD to proclaim that yesterday a friend (a 'gora' IT guy) send me an email, asking me about any non-Apple tablets for his mother who is quite an intelligent, educated, prominent and charismatic lady. I suggested to wait for something like Microsoft Surface or many of the Windows based tablets coming up.
My first significant personal dent against the mightiest corporation reigning the world these days.

PDF needs to start a 'Sticky' thread about boycotting Apple? We have probably tens of thousands of users every week and the 'message' should go to the world out there. NO to Apple.
The judges and jury are often the dumbest people in such trials - rendering out useless legislation.
As far as US patent office is concerned - one can patent farts as long a someone else has not done it before already.

Dude the judge in this case is a experienced IP judege. The jury foreman is techie with multiple patents and about 40 years experience in the silicon valley. No bias on silicon valley location becos , samsung's buddy google is also in the valley

"Samesung" got busted by their own internal documents and communications with google.

Previously, in the "Apple vs Microsoft" case, the ruling was in Microsoft's favor to prevent Apple from monopolizing the desktop market..

No it wasn't. it was becos IP law pertaining to computers and software was still in its infancy and apple didn't have the experience of how to protect their work. Besides they took on HP also who was behemoth in those days. Its the HP legal department which crippled apple last time not microsoft. This time apple made sure that they protected their work.

I hope HTC sues APPLE BIG TIME and ends its misery!

And I hope the silly patent office opens its silly mind to allow COMPETITION instead of favouring monopoly but then again I am talking about those people who ONLY KNOW TO MONOPOLIZE! Sad cry babies!

competition? compete by developing your own products like RIM, Palm Web os and WP by MS. Samesung is a theiving bastard and have pretty much admitted as much

Yea, that's what I meant...They allow THEIR products to obtain monopoly! I mean after patenting the "innovative touchscreen smartphone" - which other company would be able to work on it to make it better or produce cheaper such phones?!

I hate patents esp when it comes to medicines! But now am hating them when they come to IT products! :(

The problem with the patent office is they are capitalists and hate such people! All they care about is money in their pockets not if the poor can afford the product- something like a dictatorship + a Mafia monopoly!

Oh look, someone with zero creativity wants the right rip of other peoples creative work. what a surprise.

True, the costs of the medicine are sky high because of all the research but patents to me are what we Pakistanis call "gunda tax"...I mean I clearly understand the need for patents but I thought OBVIOUS things were not allowed patents (maybe I am talking about EU patent laws)...I mean I know in my BSc I had to work with really simple stuff due to all the patent crap maybe that's why I am sooo anti-patent :P

Yup, EU has a better patent system....USA patent is all about capitalizing and controlling the world market.

EU has a better patent system? ou have no clue. The inventor rules in EU are utter crap. Any one can get their name put on a patent. not just the inventor. thats the reason you have no innovative products coming out of europe.

Ask google if they will give their search algorithm (which patented BTW) for free to other search engines?

God speed @ Apple patent lawyers. Squash the cheaters and copycats! :sick:

Open source my hiney! Those conniving pi** @ Mountain View, make **** loads of money on everything you even touch. :angry:

Right on. Eric Schimdt (then google CEO) was on the board of apple during iphone devlopment and essentially leaked confidential iphone information. The bastard got kicked out and even got kicked out google eventually.

Have you considered the implications of Apple's total dominance? Have you considered Apple's cultish following, its 'friends in media' and their impact? Of the journalists who get left out of events' invitations if they cross Apple? Of the stash of cash which can buy virtually ANYTHING? Of the basic controlling and closed nature of Apple? Of the power to dictate which way technology get adopted or not (rejection of Flash, for example)? Have you stopped and thought what motivates fanatics to line up at 3 am in freezing cold to buy over-priced items? Of the 'Digital Apartheid' Apple is creating based on the price-point?

ALL of the above coming from the board-rooms of Apple in secrecy, designed to make profit for Apple's investors.

Today mp3 players = iPod, tablets = ipad, phones = iPhone (not entirely but may get there), ultrabooks = MacAir.
Tomorrow: computer = Macs.
Day after tomorrow: Cars = iCar; toasters = iToaster...

If you carefully consider the implications of Apple's total dominance and Apple's corporate exclusionary greedy culture then you MUST start to aggressively boycott Apple as a quasi-religious organization which is only good for the 'APPL' stockholders and bad for technology.

I don't even use any of the Samsung Android Phones--I like the Windows Phone environment better. But I am and will continue to root for Samsung, for Android, and for anything Non-Apple!

So bloody. Create a vaibel alternative rather than steal enmasse. Apple is not using the windows phone makers or webos phone makers know why? Becos they created heir own stuff.
You have said some pretty stupid things, but this is by far the stupidest.
How did Samsung copy apply?

Samesung's internal documents say otherwise. get a ******* clue and read the trial evidence

Apple did not invent the mobile phone (Motorola did),

they get paid for it thro FRAND agreements know what FRAND is?

apple did not make the first full touch screen phone (LG did)

Apple is not suing MS or RIM or Palm (for webos) are they?

apple did not even make the first GUI (xerox did).

Which apple paid for
What exactly did Apple do?

They just put what was already out there into a shiny box and claimed to invent it all.

As for Open source, you clearly don't know what that means.
Open source does not mean you can't make money off it.
Hell Apple makes money off of OSX which is based on the open source Linux.

Garbage, OSX is based on BSD UNIX and the BSD license allows them to use it

You are just coming across as a crazed fan boy right now.

you are coming across as a thieving bastard who doesn't value creativity

Which is fine, if you want to pay exorbitant prices for last gen technology then that is your right, but don't try to pretend that it is anything more then that, and stop trying to suppress the free market.

Like I said before, create your own stuff no one will stop you. rip off other and get caught, you wil pay a heavy price.

Yeah, paying 1500 dollars for a 500 dollar computer is exactly what everyone wants to do.

Oh and Apple would NEVER copy anyone else right?
Let me remind you of a little company called xerox in the 70s who invited a guest named Steve Jobs to their HQ where they showed him the world's first GUI. Steve went home and created the Mac OS right after that.
So I guess it's okay for Apple to copy?

Mr clueless strikes again. Apple paid and bought the technology from XEROX. Read up a bit before you spout the same nonsense repeatedly
Finally, should I remind people what Steve Jobs said about copying in an interview in the 90s?

so what. there is protectable and not protectable. Ideas are not, specific implementations are

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

encouraging thievery at it finest

Google will grind them to dust.

Blah. Google is asking for peace already. They bought motorola thinking that it had tons of patents. Too bad they are all SEP and need license it according to FRAND terms
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Get Samsung to ban SoC sales to apple and Google ban google products on iproducts. Let's see how they manage to get latest electronics circuits for iphone and ipad. Bing on iOS should be a hit with google gone :P

Guessing you havre no clue on contract law. ? The supplier relationship is also the reason why samesung was able to ripoff apple better than anyone else?

Besides iphones are for sissies who just buy a phone and live with what apple gives you. With android and even with the like of the old symbian you get the option to mode it into a true monster. Anyone who has used a custom rom on Android devices would know what I am talking about. Even a jailbroken iphone is no match for the customization levels available even in the stock Android.

Yup, I'm convinced by you calling iphone users a sissy. Let me dump my iphone. Moron.
And I am EXTREMELY PROUD to proclaim that yesterday a friend (a 'gora' IT guy) send me an email, asking me about any non-Apple tablets for his mother who is quite an intelligent, educated, prominent and charismatic lady. I suggested to wait for something like Microsoft Surface or many of the Windows based tablets coming up.
My first significant personal dent against the mightiest corporation reigning the world these days.

PDF needs to start a 'Sticky' thread about boycotting Apple? We have probably tens of thousands of users every week and the 'message' should go to the world out there. NO to Apple.

Surface??? LMFAO. you mean that POS which failed during fricking first public demo? Many windows tablets? name one OEM which is going planning to make one. even Surface is like vaporware until i see it in the shelves. Good luck trying sell that for $500 (arm) and $1000+ for Intel version.

Keep ranting. LOL

I don`t believe in Patents

It is not a matter of belief.
No it wasn't. it was becos IP law pertaining to computers and software was still in its infancy and apple didn't have the experience of how to protect their work. Besides they took on HP also who was behemoth in those days. Its the HP legal department which crippled apple last time not microsoft. This time apple made sure that they protected their work.

Intellectual property laws are going to keep on evolving just like any other law. Laws generally come in to existence out of necessity, different kinds of cases result in the formation of new laws, & the evolution or demise of old ones. The intellectual property laws at that time were in a stage of infancy, but there was a lot of debate sparked by the Apple vs Microsoft case. Microsoft was licensed certain aspects of the GUI by Apple, over time; Microsoft began to copy more elements of the Mac OS resulting in Windows imitating the "look & feel" of Mac OS. Once the lawsuit began, the courts ruling was something around the lines of Mac OS & Windows not being "virtually identical" so there was practically no copyright infringement. Secondly, the courts also accused Apple of lacking originality in the user interface design in spite of the fact that many early advancements of the GUI resulted from Apple's innovation. However, Apple's interface design & its "look & feel" felt too obvious to the courts. Overlapping windows in the GUI for instance were deemed common sense. These factors contributed to Apple's loss.

Preventing Apple from monopolizing or dominating the desktop or GUI market was undoubtedly one of the factors contributing to their loss of the trial. If Apple had won that trial, if it had turned out that the "look & feel" of the OS was indeed copyrightable even if for a limited amount of time; it would mean that during the period Apple retained exclusive rights to the GUI, they would be virtually unopposed by competition. This could quite possibly have led to Apple dominating the market. The "Apple vs Samsung" case seems very similar in my opinion. Android or the TouchWiz UI may have imitated the look & feel of iOS, but there are still some obvious & notable differences between the two mobile operating system platforms.

Anyway, here is an interesting documentary for everyone to watch. It discusses how Microsoft Windows obtained a dominant market share.

Dude the judge in this case is a experienced IP judege. The jury foreman is techie with multiple patents and about 40 years experience in the silicon valley. No bias on silicon valley location becos , samsung's buddy google is also in the valley

"Samesung" got busted by their own internal documents and communications with google.

No it wasn't. it was becos IP law pertaining to computers and software was still in its infancy and apple didn't have the experience of how to protect their work. Besides they took on HP also who was behemoth in those days. Its the HP legal department which crippled apple last time not microsoft. This time apple made sure that they protected their work.

competition? compete by developing your own products like RIM, Palm Web os and WP by MS. Samesung is a theiving bastard and have pretty much admitted as much

Oh look, someone with zero creativity wants the right rip of other peoples creative work. what a surprise.

EU has a better patent system? ou have no clue. The inventor rules in EU are utter crap. Any one can get their name put on a patent. not just the inventor. thats the reason you have no innovative products coming out of europe.

Ask google if they will give their search algorithm (which patented BTW) for free to other search engines?

Right on. Eric Schimdt (then google CEO) was on the board of apple during iphone devlopment and essentially leaked confidential iphone information. The bastard got kicked out and even got kicked out google eventually.

So bloody. Create a vaibel alternative rather than steal enmasse. Apple is not using the windows phone makers or webos phone makers know why? Becos they created heir own stuff.

lol and apple is buying major of its iphone's components from the thieve hmmm interesting :D the main thing processing A5 processing chips are made by Samsung for Iphones :D and 25% of iphone's components are made by Samsung and one thing more Future is of Asia :D


i dont know anything is made by apple on its own :lol:
Monopoly aspect had nothing to do with it. you can read the basis of the ruling here

Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It clearly points out HP's involvement and the nature of the stuff apple wanted to protect as not legally protectable. The law suit was filed in 1988 and didn't get a verdict till 1992. Most of the delay was caused by HP lawyers. I personally know the know the paralegals who worked on this case on behalf of HP.

the windows market share came about becos of commodity hardware. The rest of the hardware makers no longer has that advantage beocs Apple locks up supply for 3-4 years ahead of time and get a great price on it. the quintessential example of this is the "ultra books". do you know why windows based aluminum body ultra books are 3 years late to the party?

lol and apple is buying major of its iphone's components from the thieve hmmm interesting :D the main thing processing A5 processing chips are made by Samsung for Iphones :D and 25% of iphone's components are made by Samsung and one thing more Future is of Asia :D


i dont know anything is made by apple on its own :lol:

Thanks for the comedic input. I guess you don't what it is to be the brains behind an effort ......
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