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Apple on lawsuit spree again-

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Get Samsung to ban SoC sales to apple and Google ban google products on iproducts. Let's see how they manage to get latest electronics circuits for iphone and ipad. Bing on iOS should be a hit with google gone :P

Besides iphones are for sissies who just buy a phone and live with what apple gives you. With android and even with the like of the old symbian you get the option to mode it into a true monster. Anyone who has used a custom rom on Android devices would know what I am talking about. Even a jailbroken iphone is no match for the customization levels available even in the stock Android.
^^ Haha ya! Thats what I meant by Apple=North Korea.

You can totally transform an Android phone tailored to your needs. I have converted my Android into a basic phone with which has the same functions of a very low end multimedia phone, and thus my phone is ultra-fast while texting or doesn't hang when playing music, browsing net, and replying to a message pop-up, all simultaneously!
New Apple ad


New Apple product

Lets all pdfers unite and boycot iphone and ipad.

Yes, brothers! Let's do this before Apple manages to dominate even the desktop and laptop markets. If that happens--and Apple is gaining even there--then, truly, the world of technology will be a dark place.

I am lucky enough to have registered a good domain name some months ago: CrappyApple.com: Expose Apple Inc and Start a Boycott of Apple !! I have been collecting material, thinking hard about how to go about launching the attack against the Apple Nazis! My attack is going to be philosophical: About idol-worshiping of Steve Jobs and the rotten-apple logo. The attack will be against worshiping of technology as a semi-God. About attacking Apple for its deceptive marketing. About Apple's misuse of the US Patent Laws. About the journalistic-bias shown by sites like EWeek etc for Apple. Exposing Apple's lies about how much faster Macs are--there are benchmarks out there for that. About price gouging. About creating a Digital Apartheid....

If any of you HATE Apple as much as I do then come and join me! I may add you to the editorial board to post articles. Of course there is potential for revenue as well but that is not my main objective. But no half-hearts are welcome. I already have a 'gora' friend whose mastery of language is more than mine but he doesn't hate Apple enough; I have declined his offer of help.

Send me PM if you are interested?! Or email directly to meengla yip at gmail *** com .
Wow.. I guess, majority membership of PDF, are Apple haters. :blink:

Not sure 'majority' is or not. But a growing number, I think.

I had seen the dangers of Apple years ago. At least since early 2006 I have been vocally opposing Apple. I saw/ still see Apple as a deceptive quasi-religious cult. More people are joining the anti-Apple bandwagon now--partly out of jealousy/envy but also partly out of an innate fear that giving even more power the control-freaks in Cupertino is going to hurt our 'choices', the price-point, the innovation...

Nothing is more dangerous in this world than blind fellowship. The Nazis. The religious fundamentalists like Jim Jones' followers. In terms of technology, Apple is the clearest quasi-religious organization which tells people to 'think different' and yet its followers spew the same old, tired rants spoon-fed by Jobs and his minions, while APPL stockholders laugh their way to the bank.

You and I get along fine in this forum. I have alienated some real friends in real life because of confrontations over Apple over last few years--I just got tired of their coming to MY HOUSE and telling me how my perfectly-fine Windows computers sucked and telling me 'Get a Mac'. But I don't want to annoy you. Peace.
You and I get along fine in this forum. I have alienated some real friends in real life because of confrontations over Apple over last few years--I just got tired of their coming to MY HOUSE and telling me how my perfectly-fine Windows computers sucked and telling me 'Get a Mac'. But I don't want to annoy you. Peace.

Peace dude! :tup:
It's amazing how many people besides a few unjustly despise Apple over here. Personally, I love most of Apple's products, especially the operating system OS X. However, I dislike that Apple keeps filing lawsuits continuously, even though I do understand their point of view. These trials are a result of the US Patent Office's stupidity, they shouldn't have granted Apple patents for features that were too obvious. Once a patent has been granted to a company though, they have every right to enforce their patent. There is no blame on Apple for that. The only reason I want Apple to lose, settle, or withdraw from these lawsuits is because as a consumer, I appreciate the variety of choices available to me when deciding to purchase a new smartphone. It is necessary to repeat that Samsung shouldn't have ripped off so many ideas from iOS for the TouchWiz UI either.

Moving on to Apple's business tactics, every company desires to attain a large market share, increase revenue, profits, & gain a loyal customer base. Apple attempts at eliminating competition isn't something unique to them, there are accusations against Microsoft of intentionally eliminating competition as well. There is a rumor that when Microsoft originally released Internet Explorer, they made use of messed up tactics to gain a majority market share. Some people may remember that at that time, the most popular Internet browser was Netscape. Netscape used to cost money, Microsoft included their own browser in Windows for free to intentionally kill off competition. Besides that, some people even claim that programmers at Microsoft intentionally programmed Windows to not work well with Netscape. This led to Internet Explorer becoming a dominant web browser, & every website developer had to conform to IE standards while developing websites. This clearly shows that most companies tend to look after their own interests, in the end it's all about making a profit.

Let me clarify a few other things, OS X is based on freeBSD Unix, not on Linux. Linux is another Unix-like operating system that was essentially meant to be a free clone of Unix. The GNU & BSD licenses are kind off different. The Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) license basically allows people to do whatever the hell they want with program's code as long as they receive some credit for the original code it self. Besides, OS X is a Unix certified operating system, some purists may not consider OS X true Unix, but the fact remains that OS X is the easiest to use Unix certified OS. Moving on to the GUI, Apple purchased the GUI from Xerox, they did not steal it or copy it the way Microsoft did. Although, it's a good thing that Apple lost the case against Microsoft or they would have had complete control over the GUI. Unfortunately, Microsoft had its own dreams of monopolization & they made loads of deals with PC manufacturers to bundle Windows on computers alone. Xerox never understood how useful the GUI that they themselves had created was. Besides, the original GUI created by Xerox was incomplete & flawed, it was Apple's efforts that made it useful. For example, features like the recycle bin & productive window management was originally thought off by Apple as far as I know. There are many more examples of Apple innovating.

Lastly, I just want to add that Apple makes some amazing products. OS X as an operating system is extremely stable & reliable, many professionals trust their careers & personal information to their Macintosh & OS X. Apple focuses on every little detail when it comes to software & hardware design, that is why they have managed to build an amazing ecosystem around their products. People that consistently complain about how Apple limits freedom should simply not use their products instead of complaining. It's true that Apple regulates, controls, & monitors their products' & software's ecosystem, but the purpose of this is to ensure a good experience for their consumers. Microsoft is attempting to do the same thing now with Windows 8 & Windows Phone 8. Technology is improved & developed to make the lives of consumers easier, it doesn't matter if a person can't install some buggy custom ROM on the iPhone. Apple isn't even a monopoly, neither do they have a dominant market share in the desktop market, those who don't like Apple's products are free to use others. When it comes to the desktop market though, there is only one company that is responsible for destroying competition, & that happens to be Microsoft.

A person should simply use whatever works best for him or her. Anyway, these were my views on the subject.
I am just grinning with joy, reading this Guardian article--mind you, Guardian has been accused of being an Apple promoter, despite the so-called 'leftist' leaning.

Apple's rot starts with its Samsung lawsuit win | Michael Wolff | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

The first justifiable conclusion might be that big companies get their way. The second might reasonably be that Apple doesn't change much: its business model remains aggressive self-righteousness. The third is what everybody knows: patent rules and philosophy are all screwed up.

As for the first point, Apple is not just a big company, but the biggest. And it is not just the biggest American company, but the most American company. It has entered a rarefied brand status in which it is now almost synonymous with American virtue: American as Apple. Its good design sense has become a major point of American pride, if not nationalism. The brand is a national asset. Apple is AT&T in its pre-break-up from; it's GM, in its what's-good-for-General-Motors-is-good-for-the-country stage; it's United Fruit when it made US foreign policy; it's Microsoft when desktop computing was transforming the world.

This is about as close to commercial omnipotence as it gets. Its unassailability, its right to be preternaturally aggressive, is built into its share price. We believe in Apple. So let us briefly consider the chance for a Korean company defending itself against (or, perish the thought, challenging) the greatest American company of the age in the eyes of an American jury.
Well I have gotten my HP touch pad for 99 dollars,, and hey more up gradable than the Ipad ;)

Jobs will come back as Zombie to hunt you down.
Which company first mass produced cars? i think Ford, so they should sue all other manufacturers as all of them copied the model of ford (a body with seating on 4 wheels)
Honestly, I dont know what the fuss is all about. Apple's products were always shitty and sub-par. How the hell did they get popular? One example is the iPhone's auto-correct.... it has a limited dicitionary, and cant even learn new words! How shitty is that! Even a Nokia 1100 can learn new words! I think the iPhone lovers have never used an Android..... Samsung Galaxy series blows the iPhone out of the water....
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