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Apple on lawsuit spree again-

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God speed @ Apple patent lawyers. Squash the cheaters and copycats! :sick:

Open source my hiney! Those conniving pi** @ Mountain View, make **** loads of money on everything you even touch. :angry:

You have said some pretty stupid things, but this is by far the stupidest.
How did Samsung copy apply?
Apple did not invent the mobile phone (Motorola did), apple did not make the first full touch screen phone (LG did) apple did not even make the first GUI (xerox did).
What exactly did Apple do?

They just put what was already out there into a shiny box and claimed to invent it all.

As for Open source, you clearly don't know what that means.
Open source does not mean you can't make money off it.
Hell Apple makes money off of OSX which is based on the open source Linux.

You are just coming across as a crazed fan boy right now.
Which is fine, if you want to pay exorbitant prices for last gen technology then that is your right, but don't try to pretend that it is anything more then that, and stop trying to suppress the free market.

Excellent idea. That way, finally I'll be able to convince my sis and a dozen friends to get rid of their Windozed-pc's and buy Macs :D

Android & couple dozen other G products shouldn't exist! They're all ripoffs, plain and simple. :angry:

Yeah, paying 1500 dollars for a 500 dollar computer is exactly what everyone wants to do.

Oh and Apple would NEVER copy anyone else right?
Let me remind you of a little company called xerox in the 70s who invited a guest named Steve Jobs to their HQ where they showed him the world's first GUI. Steve went home and created the Mac OS right after that.
So I guess it's okay for Apple to copy?

Finally, should I remind people what Steve Jobs said about copying in an interview in the 90s?

Hypocrisy at it's finest.
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A very good comment about the use and abuse of patent laws by a user Comment at CNET. And many comments in that article are very anti-Apple.

Comments on: Apple goes after Galaxy S3, Note in new court filing

@ Allen_Wentz
You WOULD understand if your actually had any idea about the history of technology. Patents are not meant to protect entire markets. And it is perfectly normal that several people come up with similar technologies around the same time. Patents are meant to protect SPECIFIC technologies, not general ideas. Not the concept "plane", but a specific construction. Not the concept "car", but a specific way of building one.

What Apple has been doing is the opposite: It is using the concept of software patents to massively protect IDEAS regardless of the actual software underneath. For this specific reason, it has suffered defeats in jurisdictions were software patentability is much more restrictive if not non-existant.

It is totally irrelevant how much money Apple invested - patentability is not tied to a cost factor, but to an innovation factor. An investment can also be very high due to inefficiency.

If Apple was so innovative, they could have easily kept ahead of a competitor. Even copycats need some time for copying. But the fact is that already the 4GS was tested worse than competition models and what Apple has been selling as their great new features were things they actually bought.

Yeah, paying 1500 dollars for a 500 dollar computer is exactly what everyone wants to do..

And that's part of the problem with the Apple users: Once you have invested so much into a very over-priced item you have to justify it not only to yourself but to others. And that's probably one of the main reasons Apple fanatics are out evangelizing for Apple and one of the main reasons Apple has survived and one of the main reasons Apple can become absolutely dominant.

One day I will list the cheap, powerful and efficient hardware--all Windows and one Android tablet--running in my house trouble free for almost a decade....
Google will grind them to dust.
What exactly did Apple do?

Don't buy Apple. I think courtrooms across the planet are stupid and you're the wise one on patent/copyright laws? By the way things are going, the only choice you'll be left with is a BB, as Android will be stripped of the truly important features.

It's not about stealing, everyone does that, the trick is making it better and then patenting the improvements in your own name. Now are you happy? <-- PhD, Research Papers ring a bell in your compromised head?

BTW, I know everything about Xerox; What Steve Jobs did, what Bill Gates did, and what Larry Page did. They are all bunch of thieves, the only difference is Apple is innovative beyond your lame comprehension.

Don't tell me about Linux and Open Source, I contribute to the open source world. Before OSX/Mac package, you had to sit down and spend hours compiling Linux to match your hardware configuration, as there was no other choice for stable OS, as moronic MS was the only other choice.

Want me to get into Motorola patents and cellular handovers, who the hell are you lecturing me? Dude you're certifiable!

One more thing Rusty, stay tuned to the topic you can best answer, bashing "Internet Hindus" as you call them or protecting some phantom Islamic honor / ummah. NEVER EVER get into a technological debate, watching a few YouTube videos and reading blogs don't make you an expert. I am an AWESOME engineer and have management experience of running MNC's. Stay in whatever backwater area of Canada you are stranded in. Yes, I read all of your posts, there isn't one that is praiseworthy, other than bashing, nothing is your forte!
Don't buy Apple. I think courtrooms across the planet are stupid and you're the wise one on patent/copyright laws? By the way things are going, the only choice you'll be left with is a BB, as Android will be stripped of the truly important features.

It's not about stealing, everyone does that, the trick is making it better and then patenting the improvements in your own name. Now are you happy? <-- PhD, Research Papers ring a bell in your compromised head?

BTW, I know everything about Xerox; What Steve Jobs did, what Bill Gates did, and what Larry Page did. They are all bunch of thieves, the only difference is Apple is innovative beyond your lame comprehension.

Don't tell me about Linux and Open Source, I contribute to the open source world. Before OSX/Mac package, you had to sit down and spend hours compiling Linux to match your hardware configuration, as there was no other choice for stable OS, as moronic MS was the only other choice.

Want me to get into Motorola patents and cellular handovers, who the hell are you lecturing me? Dude you're certifiable!

One more thing Rusty, stay tuned to the topic you can best answer, bashing "Internet Hindus" as you call them or protecting some phantom Islamic honor / ummah. NEVER EVER get into a technological debate, watching a few YouTube videos and reading blogs don't make you an expert. I am an AWESOME engineer and have management experience of running MNC's. Stay in whatever backwater area of Canada you are stranded in. Yes, I read all of your posts, there isn't one that is praiseworthy, other than bashing, nothing is your forte!

So you listed your "qualifications" as an engineer and threw in some adhoms. Amazing.

I asked you a simple question, what did Apple invent, and you could not even answer that. Instead you went on, what I can only describe as a tirade about your own vanity.

So lets see.
Apple winning in court rooms around the world? Wrong! they lost in just about every court room they ever entered. Heck in UK they were forced to put a note on their website saying that Samsung did not copy them.
The only court room Samsung lost in was in California and everyone is saying how suspicious that win was.
Here are the links to the UK court order, and the Tokyo court who ruled in favor of Samsung
U.K. courts order Apple to state Samsung didn't copy iPad | iMore.com
Victory for Samsung in latest court ruling over Apple technology.

Then you moved the goal post from "copying" to "copying and making better"
Well at least are not so deluded to think that Apple never copies.
Okay so lets say I agree with you, it's okay to copy as long as you make it "better"
Well, android has made every feature of the iphone better. They introduced widgets, folders, notification bars, different screen sizes, Sd cards, replaceable batteries, etc etc.
By your own logic Android is fine because they "copied and made things better"

Do you want a cookie? I don't really care if you contributed to Linux or that massive dump you took in the toilet. Fact remains that OSX is based off open source Linux. You seemed to have your panties in a knot about Google making money off of open source while at the same time pleasuring yourself to Apple making money off OSX.

I don't want you to do anything. I was just pointing out that contrary to what you believe, Apple did not invent the mobile phone.

My humble advice to you would be to keep "engineering" what ever it is you engineer because you sure as heck can't formulate a cohesive argument to save your life.
Oh and don't worry, Apple fanboys and Internet Hindus are very much alike, they are easily foiled by simple use of basic logic and actual truths.
Oh and don't worry, Apple fanboys and Internet Hindus are very much alike, they are easily foiled by simple use of basic logic and actual truths.

Dude you're incorrigible! I would have a debate with you about technology, metallurgy, manufacturing, however, if you don't know about the ABC's of it and the relevant history behind it, it would be unfair for me to reel you in.

Let's leave it, and let it be!
Dude you're incorrigible! I would have a debate with you about technology, metallurgy, manufacturing, however, if you don't know about the ABC's of it and the relevant history behind it, it would be unfair for me to reel you in.

Let's leave it, and let it be!

And I will have a debate with you about Star wars and Batman, but that's neither here nor there for this topic.
You still have not answered my question, what is it that Apple actually do? what did they invent?
You and I both know that the only thing they did was take existing products, put them in a nice box and tell everyone it was "magic"
So I fully understand why you are running away from this "debate" ;)
There is almost nothing original about iPhone. Apple borrowed generously from sony. Sony handheld PS had most of the features you see on iphone. Apple only added a phone feature to that.

The world is a better place that Job is sleeping with the fishes.

BTW Samsung makes the chips for the iphone. They can have a little problem in the production line.

I am so happy that I dumped the iphone and went with Galaxy Note.

And I will have a debate with you about Star wars and Batman, but that's neither here nor there for this topic.
You still have not answered my question, what is it that Apple actually do? what did they invent?
You and I both know that the only thing they did was take existing products, put them in a nice box and tell everyone it was "magic"
So I fully understand why you are running away from this "debate" ;)

Thats all they do, but they do make a ton of money.
I am not fan of Apple, but there is no doubt hat Samsung copied them:


On the other hand its like Westwood suing all strategy game makers for copying their ideas.
Android & couple dozen other G products shouldn't exist! They're all ripoffs, plain and simple. :angry:

How dare you! :( Careful now!

And Apple deserves to be an 'art company', designing nice visuals, and designs.... Apple reminds me of the Umbrella Corp..... so cynical! Apple's products are like North Korea compared to the freedom and flexibility of Windows and Android....
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