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Apple on lawsuit spree again-

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I hope HTC sues APPLE BIG TIME and ends its misery!

HTC was the first to create a color touch screen smartphone, but the color touch screen technology on phones isn't patented by them as far as I know. Besides, there were other manufacturers developing touch screen phones before Apple, the difference is that Apple was the first company to design an innovative touchscreen smartphone. Lets just say that they were the first to do it right. Before then, I honestly though that previous touch screen operating systems like Windows Mobile were boring. Here is some interesting trivia, did you know that Apple developed a touch screen phone prototype in 1983? I don't know if it's true, but check out the link below.

Apple had a prototype touchscreen phone in 1983


And I hope the silly patent office opens its silly mind to allow COMPETITION instead of favouring monopoly but then again I am talking about those people who ONLY KNOW TO MONOPOLIZE! Sad cry babies!

Haha :lol:

The problem with the patent office is that they allow ideas that are supposed to be common sense to get patented. They need stricter screening procedures to determine if the idea is truly unique.
Haha :lol:

The problem with the patent office is that they allow ideas that are supposed to be common sense to get patented. They need stricter screening procedures to determine if the idea truly is unique.

Yea, that's what I meant...They allow THEIR products to obtain monopoly! I mean after patenting the "innovative touchscreen smartphone" - which other company would be able to work on it to make it better or produce cheaper such phones?!

I hate patents esp when it comes to medicines! But now am hating them when they come to IT products! :(

The problem with the patent office is that they allow ideas that are supposed to be common sense to get patented. They need stricter screening procedures to determine if the idea truly is unique.

The problem with the patent office is they are capitalists and hate such people! All they care about is money in their pockets not if the poor can afford the product- something like a dictatorship + a Mafia monopoly!
The problem with Apple is that they don't even invent anything. They take what already exists, put it in a nice looking box and then tell the world they invited the product.

Here is a good video of what apple has invented in the last 25 years

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Yea, that's what I meant...They allow THEIR products to obtain monopoly! I mean after patenting the "innovative touchscreen smartphone" - which other company would be able to work on it to make it better or produce cheaper such phones?!

I really hope the judge's ruling is based on the "Apple vs Microsoft" case for the graphical user interface at least. I don't care too much about the Samsung Galaxy S III, but I like what Google is doing to Android, & I don't want anyone to stifle the competition at the moment.

Apple's products are some of the best though, OS X has been my favorite operating system for a long time.

I hate patents esp when it comes to medicines! But now am hating them when they come to IT products! :(

Patents in medicines can lead to monopolization as well, but I feel that they are a necessity. The amount of research & effort required to come up with cures to diseases is a lot more than thinking of "slide to unlock". The company that makes the medicine does deserve to be the 1st to profit from it, but I do understand what you implied. I think a better solution would be for the government to intervene & control prices or at least reduce the number of years a patent is valid.

The problem with the patent office is they are capitalists and hate such people! All they care about is money in their pockets not if the poor can afford the product- something like a dictatorship + a Mafia monopoly!

Haha :lol:

I wouldn't say the patent office is a monopoly sister. :) Think of it as a necessary evil, patents do encourage creativity, it's just that the system needs to be revised to prevent misuse & abuse. Besides, their jurisdiction only extends to the limits of the USA as far as I know. I think the European Union has a stricter stance against patents.
Patents in medicines can lead to monopolization as well, but I feel that they are a necessity. The amount of research & effort required to come up with cures to diseases is a lot more than thinking of "slide to unlock". The company that makes the medicine does deserve to be the 1st to profit from it, but I do understand what you implied. I think a better solution would be for the government to intervene & control prices or at least reduce the number of years a patent is valid.

True, the costs of the medicine are sky high because of all the research but patents to me are what we Pakistanis call "gunda tax"...I mean I clearly understand the need for patents but I thought OBVIOUS things were not allowed patents (maybe I am talking about EU patent laws)...I mean I know in my BSc I had to work with really simple stuff due to all the patent crap maybe that's why I am sooo anti-patent :P

Haha :lol:

I wouldn't say the patent office is a monopoly sister. :) Think of it as a necessary evil, patents do encourage creativity, it's just that the system needs to be revised to prevent misuse & abuse. Besides, their jurisdiction only extends to the limits of the USA as far as I know. I think the European Union has a stricter stance against patents.

Yup, EU has a better patent system....USA patent is all about capitalizing and controlling the world market.
God speed @ Apple patent lawyers. Squash the cheaters and copycats! :sick:

I want Google to sue them, but there is one problem, they offer free things like Android it is opened source. :argh:
Open source my hiney! Those conniving pi** @ Mountain View, make **** loads of money on everything you even touch. :angry:
True, the costs of the medicine are sky high because of all the research but patents to me are what we Pakistanis call "gunda tax"...I mean I clearly understand the need for patents but I thought OBVIOUS things were not allowed patents (maybe I am talking about EU patent laws)...I mean I know in my BSc I had to work with really simple stuff due to all the patent crap maybe that's why I am sooo anti-patent :P

That is exactly what the problem is, "obvious" things end up getting patented. This was one of the reasons Apple lost against Microsoft, even though Microsoft was clearly the copy cat in that scenario. Why doesn't the US government make the patent screening procedure more strict?

I know how to get you to become fond of patents. Once you invent something useful after years of research & hard work, I am going to copy your research & profit from it before you even get the chance HAHAHA! :D ;) :devil: (I am joking)

Yup, EU has a better patent system....USA patent is all about capitalizing and controlling the world market.

The European market should remain safe then, I doubt the rest of the world will be affected either. Apple might want to get Samsung phones off the market before the Christmas holidays to increase revenue. :P

I know how to get you to become fond of patents. Once you invent something useful after years of research & hard work, I am going to copy your research & profit from it before you even get the chance HAHAHA! :D ;) :devil: (I am joking)

Lolzz...Well, You should be able to copy as long as they are not "NEW DISCOVERY" stuff!! "COMMON" stuff like PCR, GELS are used by everyone ;)
Lolzz...Well, You should be able to copy as long as they are not "NEW DISCOVERY" stuff!! "COMMON" stuff like PCR, GELS are used by everyone ;)

"PCR" is a polymerase chain reaction right? What is "GELS"?

Don't worry, I don't like to copy others, & I hate it when others copy me. Although, I don't think there is anything wrong with learning, benefiting, & taking inspiration from the research conducted by others. I doubt anyone would have a problem with that, seeing as that is exactly how progress has been made throughout centuries. All civilizations benefited from the efforts of those civilization that came & went before them. :)

I pride myself on being creative & having the ability to come up with great ideas on my own, thank God. :D
Microsoft needs to take this in their own hands now. Disable iTunes from working on Windows :rofl: That will teach them.
Ḥashshāshīn;3365319 said:
Microsoft needs to take this in their own hands now. Disable iTunes from working on Windows :rofl: That will teach them.
Excellent idea. That way, finally I'll be able to convince my sis and a dozen friends to get rid of their Windozed-pc's and buy Macs :D

textually.org: Apple, Samsung & Nokia

the real battle is against android.....apple is playing their hand real good
Android & couple dozen other G products shouldn't exist! They're all ripoffs, plain and simple. :angry:
textually.org: Apple, Samsung & Nokia

the real battle is against android.....apple is playing their hand real good

Have you considered the implications of Apple's total dominance? Have you considered Apple's cultish following, its 'friends in media' and their impact? Of the journalists who get left out of events' invitations if they cross Apple? Of the stash of cash which can buy virtually ANYTHING? Of the basic controlling and closed nature of Apple? Of the power to dictate which way technology get adopted or not (rejection of Flash, for example)? Have you stopped and thought what motivates fanatics to line up at 3 am in freezing cold to buy over-priced items? Of the 'Digital Apartheid' Apple is creating based on the price-point?

ALL of the above coming from the board-rooms of Apple in secrecy, designed to make profit for Apple's investors.

Today mp3 players = iPod, tablets = ipad, phones = iPhone (not entirely but may get there), ultrabooks = MacAir.
Tomorrow: computer = Macs.
Day after tomorrow: Cars = iCar; toasters = iToaster...

If you carefully consider the implications of Apple's total dominance and Apple's corporate exclusionary greedy culture then you MUST start to aggressively boycott Apple as a quasi-religious organization which is only good for the 'APPL' stockholders and bad for technology.

I don't even use any of the Samsung Android Phones--I like the Windows Phone environment better. But I am and will continue to root for Samsung, for Android, and for anything Non-Apple!
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