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Another Pakistan Waiting To Be Carved Out Of India !

And don't forget the thousands of girls who are embracing Islam as part of Love Jihad.

Hindus will become a minority in India in another 10-15 years.

And once that happens, India will become an Islamic republic.

There are approximately 1 crore Hindu girls of marriable age at any time in India. How is a thousand girls embracing Islam going to make a difference. And as Muslim boys wed Hindu girls, what happens to the Muslim girls who no longer have Muslim boys to wed to.
There are approximately 1 crore Hindu girls of marriable age at any time in India. How is a thousand girls embracing Islam going to make a difference. And as Muslim boys wed Hindu girls, what happens to the Muslim girls who no longer have Muslim boys to wed to.


It is not thousand but thousands

A Muslim can marry one Muslim girl and three Hindu girls.

There are 100 Million Muslim boys/men. So technically they can marry 300 Millions Hindu girls.
How is it an Indian territory if people habiting it aren't Indians?

So how will you realize a East Pakistan-like exclave scenario ?

And even if it was true I really don't see why do they think Indian Muslim will choose Pakistan? Look at Kashmir a Muslim majority Indian state which Pakistan couldn't seperate from us despite 2 wars and decades long insurgency because of several brave Muslim officers of JK Police and counter terrorist force have fought the terrorist and insurgents and laid down their life to protect the integrity of India. My salute to all of them.

Well, I see that there are progressives / socialists in Pakistan too and I wish I could collaborate with them.

I being an Indian Muslim don't think I should have automatic hate for Pakistan so that I can be accepted as a patriotic Indian. My patriotism is defined by concern and empathy for the various injustices and oppressions within India but this is a different topic for another thread.

I wish India and Pakistan could become partners and the issue of Kashmir gets resolved. I have created a solution thread for that topic here whose opening lines are thus :
India and Pakistan need to settle the long, sad but frankly immature dispute over Kashmir once and for all. Peacefully and politically. Both have similar social, economic and political problems so any nuanced and generic solution for one country can also be used by the other country.
I ask you to read that thread.

And don't forget the thousands of girls who are embracing Islam as part of Love Jihad.

Hindus will become a minority in India in another 10-15 years.

And once that happens, India will become an Islamic republic.

Hi, how much does the BJP IT Cell pay you per post of disinfo, or do you do this as a "desh bhakt" ?


That halfmoon guy is Indian..???? LOL..!!!

He is and please read just above.

It is not thousand but thousands

A Muslim can marry one Muslim girl and three Hindu girls.

There are 100 Million Muslim boys/men. So technically they can marry 300 Millions Hindu girls.
Only if the first wife allows. You seem to be counting kids and old men.
Only if the first wife allows. You seem to be counting kids and old men.

First wife will agree because the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Hindu wives will bring dowry which will support the first wife and her kids.

Many people over 50 years have married. There is no law preventing that.
Hi, how much does the BJP IT Cell pay you per post of disinfo, or do you do this as a "desh bhakt" ?


What do you think Halfmoon is a bhagwa nut or a green nut.
First wife will agree because the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Hindu wives will bring dowry which will support the first wife and her kids.

Many people over 50 years have married. There is no law preventing that.

Dowry comes from the parent and they are not agreeing to the marriage. She will come with just the clothes she is wearing.

The 'love jihad' has love as the first word. Now you want 50 year old to start wooing young Hindu girls.
What do you think Halfmoon is a bhagwa nut

He is on this international forum to create the impression that anonymous Indian Muslims on the internet are irrational extremists.

You should ask him his opinion on progressive Indian Muslims like Shehla Rashid and Umar Khalid. Will those two activists support HalfMoon's Ghazwa-e-Hind sentiments ?

Now you want 50 year old to start wooing young Hindu girls.

He is on this international forum to create the impression that anonymous Indian Muslims on the internet are irrational extremists.

You should ask him his opinion on progressive Indian Muslims like Shehla Rashid and Umar Khalid. Will those two activists support HalfMoon's Ghazwa-e-Hind sentiments ?


For an Indian he is very badly informed as to how dowry works.

Age does not matter when you are President of Russia.
For an Indian he is very badly informed as to how dowry works.

It seems the forum admins have confirmed he is from India though his claims of being from Hyderabad have been denied by @T90TankGuy who lives there ( T90 has ways ).

HalfMoon is pretending to be badly informed about dowry and things. To seem a legit, young Muslim.

Is there one post by HalfMoon that is not about separatism ? Something that does not mirror that motormouth Akbaruddin Owaisi ? Or a milder version of that foul Abu Faisal ? Everything from HalfMoon is about Muslim conquest of India. I suspect him.

Age does not matter when you are President of Russia.

What about Medvedev when he was prez ? What about Yeltsin ?
State of Junagarh is seceding and Indians are objectifying women and trivializing women rights.
You have a pretty high opinion about his ability to think.

I don't actually. He is a bhagwa bot and pretender, not very sophisticated.

You need to have the inclination too.

Yes, inclination but also the charm and appeal.

State of Junagarh is seceding and Indians are objectifying women and trivializing women rights.

Chacha Sidd, the nawab sitting in Pakistan and talking of secession is not going to practically effect anything unless he gets the UNO to at least recognize Junagadh as a Pakistani exclave.

And how exactly are certain Indians on this thread trivializing women's rights ?
the nawab sitting in Pakistan and talking of secession is not going to practically effect anything unless he gets the UNO to at least recognize Junagadh as a Pakistani exclave.
Legal struggle paves the way for struggle of other means.

I am sure the people of Junagarh are aware of the timeline.

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