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Another Pakistan Waiting To Be Carved Out Of India !

Lol spot on. Good at business for sure, but right down the totem pole when it comes to looking like a man. Sikhs best by far.

Sterotypical BS there are several gujrati rajput men with great physique while several pot bellied punjabis. Point is all ethnic or racial group have people with varying degree of physical features you can't just generalize all 65 million gujaratis to be same way as what they are portrayed in stupid bollywood movies and regressive shows.
Sterotypical BS there are several gujrati rajput men with great physique while several pot bellied punjabis. Point is all ethnic or racial group have people with varying degree of physical features you can't just generalize all 65 million gujaratis to be same way as what they are portrayed in stupid bollywood movies and regressive shows.

Dude facts speak for themselves, average height for males there 5ft 4. Enough said. Rajputs in Gujarat, i've seen some with the surname but not the stature you write about.
They're business folk.
Windy, possibility of Pakistan splitting is more than India. When Khalistan in 1980's could not split, nothing can split India anymore.

1947 was a mutual agreement when there were 1000 of princely state. Now there is no British Rule to arbitrate.

Post 1947, size of India has grown ( Goa, Sikkim) while that of Pakistan got half.

As a third person, where will you put your money?

And yes, Indian Constitution will remain same. All that Alaap of RSS, NAZI, ZANOCIDE, EXTREMISM by PMIK is just scaremongering and propoganda. So lets not go there.

Don't forget to add 86000 sq km Arunachal Pradesh which India added in its territory in 1986.... I have told this many times on PDF that whatever India lost in 1962 has compensated with double the land but haters never pay any attention to it and keep yapping about 38000 sq km lost in 62.....
Yes it was all because of benazir..... Pak army yet again managed to come across like "Virgin Mary" ..... N to be clear it wasnt rag tag terrorists who split the west and east pakistan.... It was the politicians and they are currently for hire.
Are you suggesting that it was Pakistan Army that gave up the Khalistanis.... usually even when a Brahmin turns some Dalit into an inferno, the hand of ISI is never ruled out.
This time there are no Muktis to rub your backsides neither there is a thousand miles of Indian territory separating any land mass.....Red Corridor is very much flowing through India as are several dozen separatist and insurgency movements waiting for an opportunity to settle own scores.
They are selling their minority daughters for forex..... I doubt they will take a second more than giving it away for few billions in loans to chinese
It doesn't bode well for you when same Chinese openly clubbed you to submission and are now sitting on your face .
Are you suggesting that it was Pakistan Army that gave up the Khalistanis.... usually even when a Brahmin turns some Dalit into an inferno, the hand of ISI is never ruled out.
This time there are no Muktis to rub your backsides neither there is a thousand miles of Indian territory separating any land mass.....Red Corridor is very much flowing through India as are several dozen separatist and insurgency movements waiting for an opportunity to settle own scores.

It doesn't bode well for you when same Chinese openly clubbed you to submission and are now sitting on your face .
I am not suggesting anything.... But saying pak army wrap its dead weight around politician's neck to come out clean from a situation that becomes too tough to handle
It doesn't bode well for you when same Chinese openly clubbed you to submission and are now sitting on your face .
Well our guys fought ...... No matter how poorly you assume they did...... But unlike you we didnt sell daughters to maintain higher than mountain n deeper then ocean BS narrative alive
It’s very clear that Pakistan will not stop even if we give them Kashmir, they have some ulterior motives. The claim on Junagadh after 70 years proves that, also don’t forget Mumbai attack.
Hence we should not give even a inch in Kashmir and should try to take whatever territory we can from Pakistan.
Its no longer limited to Kashmir now.
Absolutely right. We will avenge the massacre of Jammu with blood. Why should your filthy Dogras be permitted to get away with war crimes against Jammu's Muslims?

Pakistanis won't rest until Hindustan has paid in full for this. No peace. No reconciliation. The window is bolted shut.

Once justice for all lingering issues related to 1947 is established, only then will there be an opportunity for hard borders and trade between our nations. I welcome that day should it arrive. But do remember it's your pathetic insecure excuse of a nation who has banned cultural, social and sporting ties with Pakistan - it is you who needs to overcome such immaturity when the day of opportunity arrives. If you don't, we don't care.
I am not suggesting anything.... But saying pak army wrap its dead weight around politician's neck to come out clean from a situation that becomes too tough to handle
I doubt Indian army would give up any Baloch separatist to Pakistan and Rajiv Gandhi certainly didn't pay a visit to Pak Army HQ.
Well our guys fought ...... No matter how poorly you assume they did...... But unlike you we didnt sell daughters to maintain higher than mountain n deeper then ocean BS narrative alive
To your exaggeration, I can give a few examples of how Mr Moscow treated the Bharti basantis....but then again isn't your army that prefer to do home runs on own daughters.....certain ladies holding placards is one prime example.
I am glad that all the double standards and land grabbing by India is now going to rebound on it.
Hyderabad state people should start the same movement.

India applied completely opposite standards on Hyderabad and Junagarh than what it applied on Kashmir.
Majority in Kashmir was ignored because the Raja signed the papers, which authenticity is not only doubt, but it is proven to be a illegally forged paper. While Junagarh and Hyderabad rulers joined Pakistan but India annexed them by power too, applying that majority is Hindu.

Even Ferozpur was declared to be part of Pakistan, which later changed by "Viceroy Mountbatten".
All these wrong should be put right, time is approaching.
your exaggeration, I can give a few examples of how Mr Moscow treated the Bharti basantis....but then again isn't your army that prefer to do home runs on own daughters.....certain ladies holding placards is one prime example.
IndEed. Iconic moments in the modern history of Hindustan.

'Indian Army, Rape Us'
The fascinating and moving story behind the unique protest in 2004 by 12 Imas in Imphal, Manipur...

What's the use of clothes? You can strip me, but how can you clothe me again? Are you a man? ~Mahasweta Devi
In Mahasweta Devi's short story 'Draupadi', an adivasi woman from Bengal refuses to put on her clothes after she is taken into custody and raped by soldiers of the Indian Army. At the end of the story the naked Draupadi confronts the army officer who sanctioned her rape and who now stands before her as 'an unarmed target', in a state of total paralysis usually associated with the victim. In January 2000 Heisnam Kanhailal adapted the story as a play. When it was first staged in Imphal, with Kanhailal's wife Heisnam Sabitri playing the lead, the play did not go all the way. The magnificent final scene in which Draupadi faces her abusers, naked and bloody but fierce, was not shown, only suggested. But the troupe realized that for the play to really work it had to startle the audience. Later that year, the play was part of a festival organized by the National School of Drama in Delhi. When the play was staged at the Shri Ram Centre Auditorium, the troupe enacted it in its truest form, including the final scene. The audience was overwhelmed.
Four years later, the play turned out to be prophetic, a premonition of a real event in the history of Manipur when twelve Imas, mothers, stood naked in public to protest the killing and possible rape of a young girl, Thangjam Manorama. Quite like Mahasweta Devi's Draupadi they gave up modesty for justice and displaced some of the shame of nakedness and violation onto the soldiers of the Assam Rifles who were accused of raping and killing Manorama. Kanhailal got many phone calls that day. The morning newspapers of 16 July 2004 called him Ching'ü, a wise man, who could foresee the future.
There was a tiny quiver in the air when the twelve Imas threw off their clothes in front of the Kangla. No one is sure who was the first to disrobe. But they had come prepared, leaving behind their petticoats, blouses and fear. They hardly exchanged a glance, they didn't wince or hide. No one spoke. But in a few moments the air was ringing with slogans, like a chant.
'Rape us, kill us! Rape us, kill us!'
First a few meek voices, and then a chorus, sharp and strong.
'Indian Army, rape us! Kill us!'
Video footage of the incident shows one of the women protestors shouting, 'We are all Manorama's mothers, come, rape us, you bastards!'
The mothers had left their hair loose, a mark of mourning. Some wore slippers. Others were barefoot. All were on a fast and had prayed in the morning before they embarked on this Nupi Lan, this women's war. Their nakedness, old, haggard, was indescribably sacred.
To find fellowship in loss is easy in a brutalized land. The odd relief here is that you don't need to make people understand grief. They know what you have suffered because chances are they have suffered the same. Laisram Gyaneshwari had seen Manorama's body. As news of the brutality of her death became public, civil society organizations had demanded to see the body. Many women who went to the hospital were horrified at the mutilation and cruelty. There were scratch marks, a deep gash on her right thigh, probably made by a knife. There were gunshot wounds on her genitals. 'I didn't know Manorama, but that such a terrible thing can happen, can be done to a girl, shocked me. There was so much cruelty...so gruesome that my heart bled. It was like vultures had preyed on her,' Gyaneshwari would tell me....
Why should we concede territory when the Chinese themselves never let go of an inch. Look at their greed in SCS.

AFAIK, China was willing to concede Arunachal Pradesh in exchange for Aksai Chin, a deal where India would've come out with the greater territorial gain.
Don't put more salt on the wounds of Kashmiris who consider themselves Pakistanis and waiting for last seven decades for Pakistan to free them from Hindu Indian clutches.
@Windjammer @Clutch @El Sidd

What this got to do with Kashmir? Heads gone?

We got many hindu temples in Pakistan, somnath within the borders of junagarh would be a welcome addition.
They may not but surely are sick and tired of India.
Not to derail too much, you are partly right about the emotion felt by many in India.
A lot of people are increasingly getting sick and tired of BJP's vision for India which is completely at oods with our constitution and the vision of our leaders from the 40s. This experiment of giving BJP's divisive vision a chance should hopefully fundamentally enshrine our secular and democratic values back into popular mindset in the fullness of time.
I am glad that all the double standards and land grabbing by India is now going to rebound on it.
Hyderabad state people should start the same movement.

India applied completely opposite standards on Hyderabad and Junagarh than what it applied on Kashmir.
Majority in Kashmir was ignored because the Raja signed the papers, which authenticity is not only doubt, but it is proven to be a illegally forged paper. While Junagarh and Hyderabad rulers joined Pakistan but India annexed them by power too, applying that majority is Hindu.

Even Ferozpur was declared to be part of Pakistan, which later changed by "Viceroy Mountbatten".
All these wrong should be put right, time is approaching.
You are stating something quite obvious. India and Pakistan showed bigotry at the moment when this 'tamasha' was going on. What would you expect from two baby countries that were desparate to come into existence and remain as sustainable nation states? The Brits played a dirty game, if that isn't clear.
If you throw bread in front of desparate hungry beggars, you are guarenteed a commotion.
The Brits hijacked our purpose of coming into existence as soon as they made religion a 'thing' defining the subcontinent's geography. Now we exist as a binary black-hole system, spiraling around each other in a strong tidal lock, sucking the precious resources of the sub-continent, accelerating towards our eventual guarenteed anhilation. The saddest story ever told.
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Change happens by using Military MIGHT. And since Pakistan is unable to use military might against india due to a number of reasons including corruption in the leadership ranks, It is JUST NOT POSSIBLE FOR THIS TO HAPPEN.
Khalistan only failed because Pakistan stopped it. AKA Benazir giving secrets to rajiv.

This time there are no sellouts which is why India is supporting PDM. Once the US leaves Afghanistan Pakistan and China will ravage through India.

Whenever Pakistan fails, the blame is on the politicians....Kargil ( Nawaj), 1971 ( Bhutto) , Khalistan ( Benazir). A country which is run by ( Foreign Affairs, Defences) its Army but somehow failures are of politicians. Its so convenient. Funny are the Pakistani that believe on this.

In the similar vein, you have Morarji Desai ( you guys gave him your highest honor) and IK Gujral that grounded Indian operatives / operations in Pakistan to zero. ...but you will not see Indians taking cover on their actions.

But more important is your acknowledgement that Khalistan movement in 1980's and even now is Pakistani funded and supported and without Pakistan , it cannot stand on its own feet.

Your army comsunes 50% of your budget. It has to therefore show that it is muscular and builds an image of giving you value for money. Dig deep and you know, its all hollow image. It has failed you guys...America used to bomb you day in day out. Iran claws you at will. Afghanistan also gives back often. India....much larger and powerful than Pakistan , has split you in two....is giving you back in Baluchistan for your action in Kashmir Valley etc etc.

What will happen after USA leave Afganistan ? What are your hopes? India may get more freedom to act things, it cannot , due to USA presence. It may get worse for you....

And China...you count on China....( China does not want to get dragged down by a conflict near its borders. It is not a kid new born country , but a Civilization as old as India and uses mind more than muscles to run its policies.
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