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An open letter to Maulana Ilyas Qadri

I would like to mention here to all of my friends specially to Asim that please lets not generalize the whole Dawat-e-Islami for this terrible action because it could be an individual decision of Mr Mumtaz Qadri too. We cannot blame the organization rightly until we have proof or testimony of Mr Mumtaz having direct orders from the leadership of Dawat e Islami

We all know they have been a peaceful , non violent and non political organization and most of their work is for Dawa-e-tableegh-0-tasheeh.

We need them to keep this image by denouncing the Killer and proving him not having his roots in the organization itself and not having any orders from any leader of this Organization.


That is what i am questioning why so many Indians are trying to drag one school of thought which is generally a peaceful one unlike Indian deobandis.

why one particular organisation is being targeted here?

what these Indians know about a Pakistani based organisation that is not much known to the outside world??

it seems some people from different quarters are trying to create a big rift between different school of thoughts.

The Indian deobandis are famous for spreading fitnas in Pakistan while lacks courage to speak against atrocities against Muslims in India.
if you can bring any Verse from Quran which clearly says that no death penalty for blasphemer or forgive the blasphemer than we can have some very interesting discussion.

Your question might lead some people to believe that na'audubillah Prophet Muhammad Saw' wasn't aware of Quran and from his own desire he said "kill those who curse Prophets".

Please dont twist the words and facts.

We have many incidents from life of Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wherein he forgiven many even that woman who used to throw dirt on him.
assalam alaikum

Quran that we have in our hands didnot come down as a whole book it came to us in the form of hadeeth

if you can bring any Verse from Quran which clearly says that no death penalty for blasphemer or forgive the blasphemer than we can have some very interesting discussion.

Your question might lead some people to believe that na'audubillah Prophet Muhammad Saw' wasn't aware of Quran and from his own desire he said "kill those who curse Prophets".

Quran is word of Allah.
Allah himself has taken responsibly for the Quran, so nothing can be changes in it.

Hadiths are the words of Prophet Muhammad.

The problem with later is, we can never be sure if the Hadith is authentic or not.

So if a confusion over a issue like this ever arises, it is better for all of us to revert back to Quran, The message of Allah to seek guidance.
Is Hadith more authentic or The Quran ??

Does Hadith overrules whatever The Quran says ?? Do remember Quran is the word of Allah.

Please Don't take a position which is not the position of Ummah. A sahih hadith is the right interpretation of Quran. You can argue on the authenticity of Hadith.

The meaning of the Quran will be what Prophet told what sahaba understood from him not what we think is the meaning. If only text would have been the law there was no need to send a prophet.
Ahmed doesnt Quran say that dont insult the gods of unbelievers because they will insult your true God in response.

So i think Islam is very clear about respect for all

but there is no punishment like death if anybody curse the other religion, we have even destroyed their worship places with joy and pride.
but there is no punishment like death if anybody curse the other religion, we have even destroyed their worship places with joy and pride.

There is non in Islam either for such acts against us.
but there is no punishment like death if anybody curse the other religion, we have even destroyed their worship places with joy and pride.

Cursing other religion is forbidden. There is sound hadith for this and a law can be made. I dont know if there is some law for it in pakistan. I am not sure about the death palenty.
assalam alaikum

Quran that we have in our hands didnot come down as a whole book it came to us in the form of hadeeth


assalam alaikum

And as soon as the ayah or surah was revealed it was written.
Cant say that about hadiths which were documented few hundred years later.

every religion talks about peace... and where can u get peace if any of those glorifies a killer... isnt murder one of the biggest sins...
Islam is about following Quran, Hadith, ijma of Sahabas & the ijtehad of pious Imams~ i can understand that we also have Hadith rejectors in our society.

and thankx for quoting the A'yat, "except by the way of justice and law", the words of Prophet Muhammad Saw' is law for us. The Hadith clearly said what liberals/seculars don't wanna hear.

by the consensus of Sahabas & Pious Imams backed by Quran & Hadith, the Ummah is unanimous on death penalty for the blasphemer.
Who says, Islam is about following all those things? Islam is about believing in the one true god and that Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of Allah. The last one too, as per the common beliefs. The messenger's message is the Quran.

I personally treat the Hadith only as academic value as there is always chance of incorrect narrations in MAN MADE writings as compared to what is GOD made.

The difference of time is also huge, with the Hadiths being compiled 200 years after the Prophet's death, and the Quran (in book form) a mere 2 years.

The point is this is not the world of 1400 years old, the Quran has been promised to us to be protected for all times, not anything else:

We have sent down the Reminder, and We will preserve it. (Al-Hijr 15: 9)

Allah clearly takes responsibility to explain the Quran himself to those he wishes to bestow this explanation to.

Do not move your tongue trying to hasten it. Its collection and recitation are Our affair. So when We recite it, follow its recitation. Then its explanation is Our concern. (Al-Qiyamah 75: 16-19)

You don't need Mullahs and Qazi to understand the message of Allah if you opened yourself to it. Quran is divine and has been laid down for you clearly in it.

[Will they not ponder the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah, they would have found many inconsistencies in it.] (An-Nisaa’ 4: 82)
Please dont twist the words and facts.

We have many incidents from life of Last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) wherein he forgiven many even that woman who used to throw dirt on him.

excuse me,
didn't you accused me of posting Hadith without proofs and didn't i gave you the Hadith book references???

How many incidents you want where the blasphemer were executed?

if you don't believe in Hadiths just simply reject the one i posted without blaming me for twisting facts.

if the liberals can ask for the basis of death penalty from Quran than i'm also justified in asking as to where it says no death penalty.
Quran is word of Allah.
Allah himself has taken responsibly for the Quran, so nothing can be changes in it.

Hadiths are the words of Prophet Muhammad.

The problem with later is, we can never be sure if the Hadith is authentic or not.

So if a confusion over a issue like this ever arises, it is better for all of us to revert back to Quran, The message of Allah to seek guidance.

even in these circumstances, one has to refer such matters to qualified Scholars who you guyz call extremist mullahs. obviously we can't give such matters in the hands of the likes of Maulana Salman Taseer.....
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