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An open letter to Maulana Ilyas Qadri

for Muslims the following Hadith should be sufficient:

Imam Hussain ibn ‘Ali related from his father that the Messenger of Allah said , ‘Whoever curses a Prophet, kill him. Whoever curses my Companions, beat him.’

Tabarani, Daraqutni.

:blink::blink: .

The Prophet of ALLAH has always forgiven his enemies for even cursing.

dont quote hadith without any proof
for Muslims the following Hadith should be sufficient:

Imam Hussain ibn ‘Ali related from his father that the Messenger of Allah said , ‘Whoever curses a Prophet, kill him. Whoever curses my Companions, beat him.’

Tabarani, Daraqutni.
Whoever following Quran, the following should be sufficient:

Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that ye may learn wisdom. (Al-An`am 6: 151)

There is also something as logic. Can you be killed by a Hindu for cursing at their bhagwans?
Whoever following Quran, the following should be sufficient:

Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that ye may learn wisdom. (Al-An`am 6: 151)

There is also something as logic. Can you be killed by a Hindu for cursing at their bhagwans?

Those who read Quran carefully there are many verses addressing the Prophet (PBUH), say that unbelievers (kuffar) will make fun of you again and again, they will not refrain but there is no mention of death for that.
:blink::blink: .

The Prophet of ALLAH has always forgiven his enemies for even cursing.

dont quote hadith without any proof

i have quoted Hadith not my personal views.

without poof?
didn't you see the references i.e darqutni & tabarani.

or you can just call any Islamic institute or Madrassah and confirm the Hadith from any Sheikh'ul Hadith.
Ahmed doesnt Quran say that dont insult the gods of unbelievers because they will insult your true God in response.

So i think Islam is very clear about respect for all
Still, if you want to, you can go ahead with it.

The Prophet himself destroyed the idols in the Kaabah! Religious opposition at times demands direct confrontational action. By the Mullah logic the Prophet should have been killed then and there...

In fact they did try to kill him on many occassions, when he destroyed the idols. So in essence we are now at the same level as the Quraysh? Kya baat hai, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would be so proud of us.
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Nothing wrong. i am just questioning their hypocrisy. Those who can not speak against injustice to own people in India coming up with something targeting a peaceful school of thought shows that their intentions are not at all neutral

mistake on both sides? that notion is proven wrong already.

having seen your posts i wont bother justifying anything to you.
i will just say one thing may allah be with pakistan to save it from extremists.
I would like to mention here to all of my friends specially to Asim that please lets not generalize the whole Dawat-e-Islami for this terrible action because it could be an individual decision of Mr Mumtaz Qadri too. We cannot blame the organization rightly until we have proof or testimony of Mr Mumtaz having direct orders from the leadership of Dawat e Islami

We all know they have been a peaceful , non violent and non political organization and most of their work is for Dawa-e-tableegh-0-tasheeh.

We need them to keep this image by denouncing the Killer and proving him not having his roots in the organization itself and not having any orders from any leader of this Organization.

I do not think we need open letters, we need open debates on islam so that true islam may be uncovered by us all.

I see people do not really want to know the truth about islam and pakistan they just want to be part of one group or the other regardless it is based on the right ideology or not.


Please learn yourselves and help others learn it and see for yourselves what it is all about. Do not listen to ignorant mullahs and stupid politicians or thing are only goinmg to get worst.
i have quoted Hadith not my personal views.

without poof?
didn't you see the references i.e darqutni & tabarani.

or you can just call any Islamic institute or Madrassah and confirm the Hadith from any Sheikh'ul Hadith.

Is Hadith more authentic or The Quran ??

Does Hadith overrules whatever The Quran says ?? Do remember Quran is the word of Allah.
Whoever following Quran, the following should be sufficient:

Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that ye may learn wisdom. (Al-An`am 6: 151)

There is also something as logic. Can you be killed by a Hindu for cursing at their bhagwans?

Islam is about following Quran, Hadith, ijma of Sahabas & the ijtehad of pious Imams~ i can understand that we also have Hadith rejectors in our society.

and thankx for quoting the A'yat, "except by the way of justice and law", the words of Prophet Muhammad Saw' is law for us. The Hadith clearly said what liberals/seculars don't wanna hear.

by the consensus of Sahabas & Pious Imams backed by Quran & Hadith, the Ummah is unanimous on death penalty for the blasphemer.
Still, if you want to, you can go ahead with it.

The Prophet himself destroyed the idols in the Kaabah! Religious opposition at times demands direct confrontational action. By the Mullah logic the Prophet should have been killed then and there...

In fact they did try to kill him on many occassions, when he destroyed the idols, I think Hazarat Hamza protected him. So in essence we are now at the same level as the Quraysh? Kya baat hai, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would be so proud of us.

The main thing is after fatah e Makkah, Our prophet destroyed the idols inside the Kabah, but spared every thing, every one outside the Haram. He could have killed them all but didn't. Thats the Sunah i think we should follow.
by the consensus of Sahabas & Pious Imams backed by Quran & Hadith, the Ummah is unanimous on death penalty for the blasphemer.

Islam does not start or ends at Pakistani mullah's and their interpret ions, which Ummah are you talking about?
Is Hadith more authentic or The Quran ??

Does Hadith overrules whatever The Quran says ?? Do remember Quran is the word of Allah.

if you can bring any Verse from Quran which clearly says that no death penalty for blasphemer or forgive the blasphemer than we can have some very interesting discussion.

Your question might lead some people to believe that na'audubillah Prophet Muhammad Saw' wasn't aware of Quran and from his own desire he said "kill those who curse Prophets".
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