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An open letter to Maulana Ilyas Qadri

the example of munafiq ubai is always quoted in the wrong context. yes Prophet Muhammad Saw' prayed his funeral, after this the following Verse was revealed. So to quote the example of Ubai's funeral for any incident after the revelation is totally irrelevant.

"And never (O Muhammad) pray (funeral prayer) for any of them (i.e. hypocrites) that dies." (9. 84)

Secondly, Hazrat Umar ra' and Ubai's own son were ready to kill the munafiq but Prophet Muhammad saw' didn't allowed them out of some reasons, the reason is explained in the Hadith below.

Volume 006, Book 060, Hadith Number 428.

Narated By Jabir bin 'Abdullah : We were in a Ghazwa (Sufyan once said, in an army) and a man from the emigrants kicked an Ansari man (on the buttocks with his foot). The Ansari man said, "O the Ansar! (Help!)" and the emigrant said. "O the emigrants! (Help!) Allah's Apostle heard that and said, "What is this call for, which is characteristic of the period of ignorance?" They said, "O Allah's Apostle! A man from the emigrants kicked one of the Ansar (on the buttocks with his foot)." Allah's Apostle said, "Leave it (that call) as is a detestable thing." 'Abdullah bin Ubai heard that and said, 'Have the (the emigrants) done so? By Allah, if we return Medina, surely, the more honourable will expel there-from the meaner." When this statement reached the Prophet. 'Umar got up an, said, "O Allah's Apostle! Let me chop off the head of this hypocrite ('Abdullah bin Ubai)!" The Prophet said "Leave him, lest the people say that Muhammad kills his companions." The Ansar were then more in number than the emigrants when the latter came to Medina, but later on the emigrant increased.
(i.e. hypocrites) is never written in the Quran, you're editing the Quran now to suit your extremist ideologies?
They dont have balls to speak for plight of Muslims in their own country. They are just playing ball with us here.

This is hypocrisy. everyone is trying to wash their hands in flowing ganga because its Pakistan.

i would appreciate them only if they show same balls in their own case.

I know you won't change jana mam. If you call my muslim brothers so bad and term them as hypocrites, than dont ever show Sympathy for them ever again. Be a women of solid character.

Now an eye opener.
Here is letter by Hindu(mentioning a religion because thats all that matters to you) Film maker to PM on Babri masjid demolation

BUDDHIST monuments V BABRI mosque: An open letter to INDIAN PM - soc.culture.indian | Google Groups.

Here is another one to PM on Gujrat riots again by a Hindu editor of outlook india magazine.

www.outlookindia.com | An Open Letter To The Prime Minister

Here is another one to PM by prominent indian professors (Hindus, Christians and Muslims) condemning gujrat riots.

An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of India - Coalition Against Genocide (CAG)

I know all this doesnt make change in you mam, but am here to make a point for genuine-right minded people.

P.S. There is no personal offence. Just My personal view as also expressed by Mam itself in her last post.
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Please recall that, in the light of Islam, the killer of prophet’s uncle, Hazrat Hamza, was forgiven by the prophet.

who ever has drafted this letter should know that, once someone embraces Islam, all his past sins are forgiven and he's just like a newborn baby free from all sins.

Secondly, in Islam, along with death penalty & blood money, forgiving is also an option which can be exercised by the deceased's family.
I see 99% signatories in this open letter are from INDIA.

Just a small question have these Indians ever written any such letter with regard to killing of thousands of Indian Muslims by hindu fanatics in Gujrat ?

2. Secondly what Ilayas Qadri has done for which he should apologise ?

3. Though content of the letter we all agree as Last Prophet of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH) had forgiven worst of the enemies despite they used to insult the prophet and throw dirt on him and many other such acts.

what is wrong if muslims from INDIA write their names? dont this muslims also have a word on islamic matter?
just because they stay in secular INDIA and not in some islamic republic takes a right of speaking on islamic matters away from them?

and about letter about killings in gujrat, they didnt had to write any such letter because common people never supported that incident like the case here. and INDIAN muslims know that this incident had mistakes from both sides so we cant just blame single party.
above all its always Pakistanis who are crying about injustice in INDIA to muslims but i never see any INDIAN muslim saying anything like that.
I know you won't change jana mam. If you call my muslim brothers so bad and term them as hypocrites, than dont ever show Sympathy for them ever again. Be a women of solid character.

Now an eye opener.
Here is letter by Hindu(mentioning a religion because thats all that matters to you) Film maker to PM on Babri masjid demolation

BUDDHIST monuments V BABRI mosque: An open letter to INDIAN PM - soc.culture.indian | Google Groups.

Here is another one to PM on Gujrat riots again by a Hindu editor of outlook india magazine.

www.outlookindia.com | An Open Letter To The Prime Minister

Here is another one to PM by prominent indian professors (Hindus, Christians and Muslims) condemning gujrat riots.

An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of India - Coalition Against Genocide (CAG)

I know all this doesnt make change in you mam, but am here to make a point for genuine-right minded people.

P.S. There is no personal offence. Just My personal view as also expressed by Mam itself in her last post.

1. keep your bharti rant to yourself. and next time dont dare to resort to personal attacks i am Much strong, solid character than your bharti women.

2. Keep aside the bharti hindus' letters. I am still questioning these Muslim names from India in this letter if they had ever shown the courage to write one single letter for seeking justice and brutality of Hindu extremists ?

3. Why a letter to Ilyas and why his organisation should apologize for the criminal act of an individual ???

4. I am a Pakistani still i dont know who Ilyas is in fact and what does his Organisation infact do here? So howcome Indians that too who dont know a fig about him and his orgs can come up with singling out ONE organisation ???????

Last but not the least when these same Muslims were criticising Babri Mosque verdict you were abusing them and now when they are poking their nose in Pakistan suddenly they become your Muslim brothers.
for Muslims the following Hadith should be sufficient:

Imam Hussain ibn ‘Ali related from his father that the Messenger of Allah said , ‘Whoever curses a Prophet, kill him. Whoever curses my Companions, beat him.’

Tabarani, Daraqutni.
for Muslims the following Hadith should be sufficient:

Imam Hussain ibn ‘Ali related from his father that the Messenger of Allah said , ‘Whoever curses a Prophet, kill him. Whoever curses my Companions, beat him.’

Tabarani, Daraqutni.

what if a muslim isult the non muslims?
what is wrong if muslims from INDIA write their names? dont this muslims also have a word on islamic matter?
just because they stay in secular INDIA and not in some islamic republic takes a right of speaking on islamic matters away from them?

Nothing wrong. i am just questioning their hypocrisy. Those who can not speak against injustice to own people in India coming up with something targeting a peaceful school of thought shows that their intentions are not at all neutral

and about letter about killings in gujrat, they didnt had to write any such letter because common people never supported that incident like the case here. and INDIAN muslims know that this incident had mistakes from both sides so we cant just blame single party.
above all its always Pakistanis who are crying about injustice in INDIA to muslims but i never see any INDIAN muslim saying anything like that.

mistake on both sides? that notion is proven wrong already.
1. keep your bharti rant to yourself. and next time dont dare to resort to personal attacks i am Much strong, solid character than your bharti women.

2. Keep aside the bharti hindus' letters. I am still questioning these Muslim names from India in this letter if they had ever shown the courage to write one single letter for seeking justice and brutality of Hindu extremists ?

3. Why a letter to Ilyas and why his organisation should apologize for the criminal act of an individual ???

4. I am a Pakistani still i dont know who Ilyas is in fact and what does his Organisation infact do here? So howcome Indians that too who dont know a fig about him and his orgs can come up with singling out ONE organisation ???????

Last but not the least when these same Muslims were criticising Babri Mosque verdict you were abusing them and now when they are poking their nose in Pakistan suddenly they become your Muslim brothers.

You again proved me right:yahoo:

The whole post is frustrated rant, so would ignore.(More of name calling, hate with less sense)

As far as personal attack is concerned, who gave you authority to call whole community of indian muslims as Hypocrites:angry::angry:

Mind you words Mam or expect reply in similar tone

Just to last part. They were always muslim brothers to all, it was just you was listening to less than1% lunatic population that is present in every nation.

From now on Ignoring as you are trying best to derail the thread.
You are most welcome to open another thread and talk.

Till than:wave::wave:
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