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Ahmedi community linked literature seized, printing press sealed

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No it's not and it shouldn't be ..

Plz continue with your alcohol ..
I can't waste my sleep 4 u ..

Good bye ,.
Of course it is. Have you ever chatted with christian, hindu, sikh etc?
we the Muslims with all our hearts believe that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Allah and there will be no changes in Islam by anyone, Islam is the only true religion so how can expect us to let someone preach lies and maybe you don't realize it but you just called your self non Muslim and competition of islam ...
there are no double standards but only one standard i.e islam which was taught by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)......
Ahmedis also believe the same that Muhammad is the last and seal of prophets. So what is the problem? What I meant with double standard was you wanting to preach your religion to Ahmedis but not the other way around.

@Well.wisher don't bother replying to him
its a never ending loop with him
You believe Islam is the right religion. But so does others who do not believe in Islam.

All fatwas are from 1974 onwards.

They should go to india if they feel unsafe here .
No we aren't going to accept their religion and literature .
180 million Indian Muslims should go to Pakistan since they dont feel safe in Hindu India.
Again, give me the names.

Are you stupid?

Salat is one of the five pillars of islam

lowering your gaze, and avoiding music is something that Muslims have to avoid too. So why are you commiting sin, and at the same time preaching?

What is your intention? to allow Allah to deliver judgement, or see yourself superior that you can give out punishment on his behalf?

So who are you to give out religious advice when you don't even follow the religion yourself?

And yes, these staements were made at a time when religion = citizenship.

The Roman Empire, Sassanid Empire, and China, also had similair such laws at the time, since leaving the religion meant that you were commiting treason.

Now, people are born into the religion, they have access to all the information they need, and being Muslim is not a part of being a member of the state, therefore it is no longer applicable.

Since you people cant get it through your thick skulls:

There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

— Quran 2:256

And if your Lord had pleased, surely all those who are in the earth would have believed, all of them; will you then force men till they become believers?

— Quran 10:99

Therefore do remind, for you are only a reminder. You are not a watcher over them;

— Quran 88:21-22

This is the word of Allah through the Holy Quran itself. Are you saying that Allah is wrong, and that it is mankinds responsibility to give out judgement on his behalf?

Just answer me this , did Hazrat Abu bakar R.A were ignoring the Quran when he fought Muslims who weren't ready to pay Zakat , DID the spread of islam through roman empire was an unholy deed because they conquered it through sword but preached through words ...
the first ayat you quote where does it say that implementing islam in a Muslim society is wrong , it only says you can't make someone Muslim through force... And the second and third are directly addressed to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

and who here has said anything about force conversion????????
Why not teach them instead ?
You know Shariah is to be imposed when all sections of state agree with this.
Our coas commander , president , law , pm .. If they agree then you can impose Shariah .
You're obliged to obey 'ulil amr ' , the one in authority , it's ordered by quran. Hence , they ahmadis are not to be killed .
Imposed? Choose your words carefully
we are following it
we are defending against apostates known as ahmedis
If you think islam needs defending then you must think that the promise of Allah to protect the faith is not correct. Allah doesn't need you to defend islam. Learn the first lesson. Iqra. Then after you have truly understood that then move to the next. You didn't even understand what I wrote..FOLLOW PROPHET MUHAMMED. WHO DID HE PERSECUTE.
Ahmedis also believe the same that Muhammad is the last and seal of prophets. So what is the problem? What I meant with double standard was you wanting to preach your religion to Ahmedis but not the other way around.

You believe Islam is the right religion. But so does others who do not believe in Islam.

All fatwas are from 1974 onwards.

180 million Indian Muslims should go to Pakistan since they dont feel safe in Hindu India.

Qadianis believe that the SEAL is a literal SEAL and it is transferable to anyone chosen and that's what makes them non Muslims.......
If you think islam needs defending then you must think that the promise of Allah to protect the faith is not correct. Allah doesn't need you to defend islam. Learn the first lesson. Iqra. Then after you have truly understood that then move to the next. You didn't even understand what I wrote..FOLLOW PROPHET MUHAMMED. WHO DID HE PERSECUTE.
we are defending it in debates
nothing wrong with that
otherwise as you have seen,the members go too far away from religion,being influenced by it and all
Qadianis believe that the SEAL is a literal SEAL and it is transferable to anyone chosen and that's what makes them non Muslims.......
It is a matter of interpretation. Shias also believe in lots of things that contradict Sunni Islamic beliefs, it doesnt however make them Non-Muslims.
We are the majority why should we not determine what or who we want in Pakistan

You must be 15 yrs old. Then when Muslims are oppressed in India why do you complain for hindus are a majority. When they destroyed 300 yr old Babri musjids why do you moan as the hindus are a majority. BRAIN BEFORE TYPE
i know that
by making them miserable i mean that shun then everywhere
do not buy from them,do not employ them and do not sell to them and make no contact with them whatsoever

all scholars agree that apostasy is punishable by death

Yes that's how they will embrace islam. Prophet Muhammed never spoke to the kuffar. Your great great grat grandfather was a Hindu before they embraced islam. Who spoke to him I wonder. Is there a brain in there?

Your scholars are quick to condemn but also like taking selfish with qandeel baloch
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